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Building the case for change Workforce Academy. Building blocks of change establishing the case for change assessing readiness for change building sponsorship.

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Presentation on theme: "Building the case for change Workforce Academy. Building blocks of change establishing the case for change assessing readiness for change building sponsorship."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building the case for change Workforce Academy

2 Building blocks of change establishing the case for change assessing readiness for change building sponsorship & commitment gaining participation & involvement embedding long-term change aligning HR developing client/consultant relationship communicating working with resistance First step Early action Making the change happen Ongoing over project life

3 The case for change is the first step of the change process Undertake change initiatives which are business driven Communicate Repeat and cater for personal issues and concerns which always accompany real change Identify and pursue opportunities for quick wins Balance empowerment with the need to integrate and give focus Develop a change plan which is consistent, stretching and achievable Create ownership of the way forward from all the key stakeholder groups Develop pull by passing responsibility out and down as fast as possible Align the top team around the need, the approach and style of change Make sure there is enough resource (time, energy, skill and money) to embark on the journey Ensure the business case for change is clear and compelling Blue print ImplementationSolution Design

4 Building a case for change - the process Gather data on case for change Assess data on case for change Develop case for change statement Develop benefits of change statement Communicate findings

5 The need to change should arise from a business requirement Change planning must cover all three aspects Pre- Project launch The case for change A new organisational vision Focusing the project Design for change Implementation planning Key decision points Deliverables Activity Wk 2 Wk 1 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 Wk 7 Wk 8 Wk 9 Wk 10 Wk 11 Wk 12 Wk 13 Wk 14 Wk 15 Wk 16 12 Business Case Business Case “What” Change management framework Savings Programme “How” “Why” Implementation

6 The case for change should answer... Why should we change? What is the change? What will happen if we don’t? How much change is involved? Investment required: time, technology, money What benefit will the change deliver and when?

7 Organisations need to be clear about: Objective-what they are here to do Drivers-why they are doing it Vision-an image of the desired future Values-the way in which they expect to get there Goals-milestones they expect to reach before too long Just saying “because we have to” is not enough – people won’t dedicate time and resource to something so unclear

8 The end point may be a document, but the process of establishing the case for change is just as important Opportunity for involvement – and not just the top team Surface issues and actual or potential resistance Identify and address any differences in opinion in the top team – start the alignment Plan carefully for communicating the agreed case for change

9 Example of a case for change statement We have been manufacturing widgets since 1944 and were long known as the provider of the best quality. Our prices were higher than others’, but our customers bought from us because we provided the best and gave them the best service. We need to recognise that the world has changed. Our widgets still rank among the best but... Company X now has higher quality standards and considerably less rework, which allows them to sell to our customers at a lower cost than we can offer. The world-wide market for widgets is shrinking 5% annually because of changes in our customers’ technology. Customer service is becoming increasingly important Background External changes

10 Example of a Case for Change Statement (cont’d) We have carefully reviewed our widget strategy and our objective is to continue to be the service leader in this market. We aim to achieve this by: - building customer loyalty through account management; - introducing quality systems over the next 18 months; - providing a training and development programme on customer service - providing enabling IT technologies to support the customer interface Therefore we have set up a project team to take a radical look at all of our processes, both for manufacture and order fulfilment, in order to become the top competitor in the widgets business world-wide. We anticipate the following changes. - a shift in mindset from order taking to account management - a “right first time” mentality - customer relationships focused on building loyalty and commitment - etc. We don’t know yet how hard or easy all of this will be for any of us. As your leadership team, we will be in there with you, taking stock of the hard facts, making the difficult decisions, and learning how we too must change. Internal changes Statement of commitment Vision & objective Actions

11 FinancialNon-financial Quantifiable Benefit clearly identifiable and measurable Benefit is measurable Non- quantifiable Clearly identifiable difficult to measure Difficult to measure but delivers behavioural change Developing the business case involves identifying the type of benefits to be obtained

12 Using this grid helps to identify where early efforts should be made and provides valuable input to phasing decision Without carrying out this analysis valuable support could be lost as attainable benefits are delayed Early successes Strategic benefits Avoid Complexity/risk/timing Size of benefit Hi Lo HiLo Therapeutic wins

13 To make them real, benefits need to be SMART S pecific - clear and understandable M easurable - quantity; quality, money and time A greed - speaks for itself R ealistic - controllable, within experience and capability T imebound - assessable within current reporting cycle

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