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Presentation on theme: "Membership Net+1 DISTRICT 12 LEADERSHIP TRAINING."— Presentation transcript:


2 OBJECTIVES  Objective 1: To communicate District Goal of Net + 1 per Club  Objective 2: To provide current Club statistics compared to goal  Objective 3: To identify strengths in District on Membership  Objective 4: To provide retention strategies  Objective 5: To identify your District 12 Membership Liaisons

3 Membership Goal: Net + 1  What is Net + 1?  Each Club has a goal to increase its membership by Net + 1 per year  Equates to Net + 2 over Biennium  Starting point – Club membership numbers as of June 1, 2012 (Beginning of the Biennium)  Monthly membership numbers against goal communicated.  Case Study - Goal of Net + 1  Club has 39 members as of June 12, 2012  First year goal (2012-2013) = 40  Second year goal (2013-2014) = 41  First Year (2012 – 2013)  Adds 2 members  Loses 9 members (did not renew)  Did the Club meet it’s objective?  39 + 2 – 9 = 32 - No

4 Current Club Goals and Progress (as of Feb. 18, 2014)  Area 1 Goal Actual  Billings4642  Black Hills6782  Glendive1514  Pierre Ft. Pierre2224  So. Black Hills2016  Spearfish4443  Sturgis2120  Area 4 Goal Actual  Royal Gorge2421  Pikes Peak3024  Prowers Cty2329  Area 2 Goal Actual  Cheyenne2638  Converse Cty1919  Fort Collins1526  Greeley2221  Laramie5259  Area 3 Goal Actual  Boulder Cty2017  Denver4133  Denver II2625  Douglas Cty1924  Foothills-Bldr3028  Lakewood-Gldn 14 9

5 Retention  Did you know?  It is cheaper to retain a member than to recruit a new one?  When a Member is lost, two must be recruited to grow?  When a Member is retained, new growth occurs with every new recruit?  Warning Signs: decline in attendance / committee involvement  Why members choose to not renew  Don’t see value  Club assumes member will renew (renewal efforts might be focused to specific groups.)  Not having good member activities – service projects  Economics  Loss of Interest  Personal Circumstances  New Members haven’t been involved early

6 Strategies  Strategies  Personal Follow-up  Value Members  Find out skills and ask them to take a task that they can do.  Get to know your members individually  Smile and say hi!  Say “Thank You”  Show you care - 50/50 to raise $ for member care  Recognize  Honor for years of involvement / service  Certificate of appreciation for a job well done.  Recognize for accomplishments outside club.  Support from family – family night

7 Strategies  Retention:  Successful membership is every member’s role!  This is an IMPORTANT time – dues renewal in April/May  Don’t wait to find out if a Member is going to renew or not!  What can I do?  Membership Committee – divide up retention and recruiting  Ask members to participate  Calling members not attending  Recognition event  Use training - mentor program / new member orientation – to retain your new members!  Learn from each other  What are your best practices?  Black Hills – Expo event; well known & reputable in community  Cheyenne – Ladies Night Out; planned membership event as part of Ladies Night Out event.  Douglas County – Trivia Night; personal touch – meet for coffee with potential members  Prowers County – International Women’s Day Roses

8 Resources  Membership Training:  Mentor Program  D12 Training was held July, 2013  Materials available on D12 website:  New Member Orientation  D12 Training was held January, 2014  Included a PowerPoint AND New Member Manual (that Clubs can customize).  Materials available on D12 website:  “Is there a Hole in your Bucket?” Presentation  Given at 2013 Area Meetings  Materials available on D12 website:  Clubs – Best Practices  Get to know other club membership chairs across the District!  Ask them for ideas / best practices

9 District 12 Membership Team  Membership Chair: Marcy O’Toole  Email:  Area 1: Theresa Forbes  Email:  Area 2: Michelle Ammerman  Email:  Area 3: Ann Hodgson  Email:  Area 4: Linda Hawkins  Email:

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