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BUILDING BOCKS INITIATIVE A program for infants from birth to 12 months Zena Tarasena (Director) 213 East Ave, San Bruno CA 94066 Phone: (415) 680 5182.

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Presentation on theme: "BUILDING BOCKS INITIATIVE A program for infants from birth to 12 months Zena Tarasena (Director) 213 East Ave, San Bruno CA 94066 Phone: (415) 680 5182."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUILDING BOCKS INITIATIVE A program for infants from birth to 12 months Zena Tarasena (Director) 213 East Ave, San Bruno CA 94066 Phone: (415) 680 5182 E-mail: Website: California Community Care Licensing # 49758621

2 Our Program  Serves 11 infants from birth to 12 months  Monday – Friday 7:30am – 12:00pm  Play based, Pickler inspired program  Inclusion –premature infants & infants at high risk for autism  Ratios – 1:3

3 Licencing  State of California Department of Human Services  Titles 5 & 22, Division 12  Local Community Care Licensing Division  Accredited through the NAEYC

4 We Are Unique  Dr. Emmi Pikler inspired program inspired program (Pikler & Pap 2006).  Strong emphasis on motor development and stress reduction  Creating optimal complexity of movements  Muscles strength enhances cognition

5 Motor Research  Research is focusing on early identification of a typical motor behavior.  Postural control differs between typical and Atypical development  Postural control is the basis for development  Early identification and intervention (Dusing, et al. 2013).

6 Philosophy  We believe that early motor development is the basis for all developmental domains and fully aim to support each infant.  We believe in developing strong attachments with young children through positive interaction to increase pro-social behavior and foster self-esteem.  All infants deserves the freedom to explore in a safe, nurturing, and developmentally appropriate setting.

7 Daily Schedule  07:30–08:30Arrival/welcome – free play  08:30-09:00Free play – indoors or outdoors  09:00-09:30Small group activities – motor dev.  09:30-09:45Transition – diapering/ wash hands  09:45-10:15Snack  10:15-10:45Free play – indoors or outdoors  10:45-11:15Small group activities – motor dev.  11:15-11:30Transition – diapering/ wash hands  11:30-12:00Lunch  12:00-01:00Free play and pickup/goodbye

8 Infant Room

9 Outside Plan

10 Curriculum  Develop strong attachments.  Respond to ALL children’s attempts to communicate.  Read, sing songs, do finger plays, and/or chant nursery rhymes.  Take turns making sounds with infants.  Massage and rocking.  Free movement mat time and tummy time  Encourage infants to reach  Sensory stimulation

11 Staff Qualifications  Director – BA in Child and adolescent development  Assistant Teacher – Associates in Early Childhood Education  Teachers Aide – 12 units in Early Child Development  All Staff – criminal background clearance  All staff – First Aid and Pediatric CPR Certified and Mandated Reporters  Flexibility to build and maintain a cohesive working team

12 Health and Safety Policy  Building Blocks maintains a clean and sanitized environment.  Environment and equipment safety checks made daily.  Infant health monitored daily.  Health records must comply with state and local requirements.  Immunization records must be up to date.  Sick children may not attend until symptom free for 24 hours.  Each child must have a medical release form on file.  Each child must to be signed in and out in the presence of a staff member.  Disaster plan is posted on site and training implemented.

13 Nutrition  Nutrition is vital for a child’s mental functioning and physical well-being.  We provide organic, and low sodium breakfast, snack and lunch.  We are a NO NUT program  Teachers will participate in family style meal times. Teachers will encourage new foods, & self-feeding.  Teacher will not eat foods that are not served to children.  Follow the USDA’s child nutrition guidelines

14 Parent Participation  Parents and families are valuable resources and collaborators.  Communication – email, phone, newsletter, drop off and pick up.  Open door policy.  We offer parenting workshops and motor development training  Parents will participate in a quarterly program clean-up and repair events.  A bi-annual program evaluation will be completed by parents and translated versions will be available in other languages.

15 Budget  Total Start-Up Expenses$110,984.00  Requested SBA$ 50,000.00  (Small Business Administration Loan)  Total Monthly Income$ 16,350.00  Total Monthly Expenses $ 12,900.00  Total Annual Revenue$ 41,400.00  Total Monthly Revenue$ 3,450.00  Pay Off SBA $3,450 x 15 mo. = $ 51,700.00  Pay Off Start-Up $3,450 x 33mo. $ 113,850.00

16 Holidays  Closed for all major holidays.  Closed for Spring Break.  Closed for Thanks Giving  Closed last week of December and first week of January.

17 References Dusing, S., Thacker, L., Stergiou, N., & Galloway, J., (2013). Early complexity supports development of motor behaviors in the first months of life. Developmental Psychology, 55(4), 404-414. Kallo, E & Balog, G, 2005. The Origins of Free Play. Trans. M. Holm. Budapest: Pikler-Loczy Tarsasag. Pikler, E & Pap, K. 2006. Unfolding of Infants’ Gross Motor Development. Los Angeles, CA: Resources for Infant Educators (RIE).

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