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Arrangements for GEO-4 and Earth Observation Summit II.

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Presentation on theme: "Arrangements for GEO-4 and Earth Observation Summit II."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arrangements for GEO-4 and Earth Observation Summit II

2 Earth Observation Summit II When: April 25 (Sun.), 2004 (9:00-17:30) Where: Hotel Okura (Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo) Agenda (Tentative) - Adoption of the Framework and Communiqué. - GEO Subgroup Reports - Addresses from each representative - Others Venue of the Earth Observation Summit II Hotel Okura (Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo)

3 Earth Observation Summit II Status of Arrangement Sending the invitation letters from Minister Kawamura (for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) Planning to establish the web-page especially for the EOS- II logistical information. (After details are fixed, we will immediately inform) The e-mail address for query about local logistics is

4 GEO-4 (The fourth Plenary meeting of the Group on Earth Observation) When: April 22 (Thu.)-23 (Fri.), 2004 Where: Tokyo International Exchange Center (Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo) Meeting Rooms: One Main Hall with 400 persons (for GEO plenary session) One Sub-Hall with 40 persons Two large meeting rooms with 50 persons Two middle meeting rooms with 30 persons One small meeting rooms with 10 persons These rooms are available for GEO from April 21 to 24. Venue of GEO-4 (Tokyo International Exchange Center)

5 GEO-4 Status of Arrangement Invitation will be sent from GEOSEC in near future Side-events such as exhibitions and lecture meetings 1) Panel exhibitions will be available in the GEO-4 building during plenary session. 2) Another contiguous building can accommodate Lecture meetings on some conditions. FYI, National Institute for Environmental Studies Japan NIES intends to hold a global environmental monitoring symposium on April 24. 3) Someone who wants to prepare side-events should contact us at before April 1 st. 4) We can not conduct side-events on April 25 (the day of the summit).

6 Narita : New Tokyo International Airport Greater Tokyo Locations of EOS-II & GEO-4 GEO-4 Tokyo Tower Summit-II (Hotel Okura) Tokyo Station Distance between Summit-II and GEO-4 is 12km in a crow line, corresponds to 50 minutes ride by subway and new transit YURIKAMOME or 25 minutes ride by car except for severe traffic congestion time. (Tokyo International Exchange Center) LANDSAT-7 Oct. 7 2000. Data Provided by JAXA

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