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Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool Liverpool Mental Health and Emotional Well being partnership Lisa Nolan Children's Integrated Commissioning,

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Presentation on theme: "Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool Liverpool Mental Health and Emotional Well being partnership Lisa Nolan Children's Integrated Commissioning,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool Liverpool Mental Health and Emotional Well being partnership Lisa Nolan Children's Integrated Commissioning, NHS Merseyside Damian Hart Voluntary Sector Practitioner, MYA and ADHD Foundation

2 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool Liverpool’s Journey: The need Where it all began - New Money, New agenda &The Phoenix Report Where we are now Where we are heading

3 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool Liverpool: Liverpool is 1 of the most deprived cities in UK 900 LAC 1614 in YOS Approx 1000 refugee and asylum seeking c&yp High population from BME communities Approx 2000 Young carers in Liverpool 1158 NEET population C&yp with disabilities Liverpool as a city would be expected to have a high prevalence of mh difficulties

4 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool Liverpool: Population -100,000 C&YP Estimated need: -Tier 1 = 63% -Tier 2 = 29% -Tier 3 = 8%

5 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool The Beginning: New national agenda – ECM, NSF New Money – CAMHS grant A recognition that children and young peoples mental health and well-being should be ‘Every bodies business’

6 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool The Beginning: The Phoenix Report – - focused on services that were: For young people Age appropriate Non-stigmatising Easy to access Result – Commissioning of YPAS

7 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool YPAS (Young Persons Advisory Service): Pre-CAMHS commissioning: Person centred counselling service Drop-in Ages 16-25 years Very little work with specialist CAMHS or AMHS

8 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool YPAS – post CAMHS commissioning: Multi-model counselling and therapeutic service Drop-in and support service Age 10-25 years Strong partnership working with specialist CAMHS and AMHS – specifically 16-18 team (clinical governance) Good outcomes

9 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool Where we are now: Increased number of VCS organisations delivering MHEWB services - PSS (refugee and asylum seekers) -ADHD Foundation -Merseyside Youth Association -Barnardos Young Carers in partnership with........

10 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool Statutory Children's NHS Trust – Alder Hey -Specialist CAMHS -Targeted CAMHS (LAC, 16-18, BME, LD, YOS) -Early Intervention CAMHS -Single point of access

11 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool Developments: Equality agenda Participation framework – developed, implemented and led by c&yp, families, commissioners & providers Robust performance monitoring process – activity and outcomes (CORC) Needs assessment tool

12 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool PBR developments Liverpool MHEWB VCS alliance: - IMG - quality assurance - clinical and structural governance

13 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool Outcomes: For C&yp and their families: Strong partnership working Improved access and engagement of c&yp Less stigmatising provision Improved MHEWB of c&yp (CORC measures) Think family approach Increased range of servcies, therapeutic interventions & locations - choice

14 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool Outcomes: For Providers: More robust structures in VCS organisations Increased range of therapeutic interventions – Evidence based and practice based evidence Reduction in professional hierarchy Shared learning and skills Excellent relationships between providers and commissioners

15 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool Outcomes: For commissioners; Community and universal based work Developed workforce Shared learning and skills Better value for money Good relationships with Providers Improved reporting with good dataset and outcomes

16 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool Challenges: Hierarchy of professions Stat v voluntary Capabilities questioned Cheap option not quality Impressions of the vcs Joint commissioning – Health v LA

17 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool Where are we going? Outcomes based care pathway approach Increased focus on early intervention and prevention – schools and primary care Build on work of VCS Increased joint working between VCS and statutory sector – secondments, single point of access IAPT – Stat and VCS together

18 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool Participation – FYI now peer mentors, supporting other projects and delivering training, – development Mental health promotion PBR developments CAMHS IMT support and database CORC reporting Improved access

19 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool Develop equalities agenda Care Aims framework

20 Improved mental health of Children & Young People [& their Families] Reduction in Mild to Moderate Distress CAMHS Partnership, CAMHS ODG, FYI, Parent/Carer Advisory board Outcomes Improvement Drivers Stakeholders Housing, education and training Qualified and skilled mental health workforce Safeguarding Strategy MHEWB strategy Improvement Opportunity Reduction in the development of Moderate To Serve distress Increased Identification of C&YP with early indicators of distress and risks Improved Environments so that Children, Young People & families can Thrive Governance Participation/needs led provision Think Family Liverpool CAMHS Outcomes Strategic Map Liverpool PCT HOU © Reduction in life long distress Self Help, Management and education re: mh difficulty/illness Maternal mental health Awareness and support re: transitions in c&yp’s life Robust reporting and reviewing of activity and outcomes Understanding cultural diversity and disability/equalities through CAMHS Early intervention teams (vol and stat. partnership) Tier 3 teamsTier 4 Targeted support – ADHD, Young Carers, LAC

21 C&YP MHEWB Governance structures C&yp Trust board MHEWB Partnership Board MHEWB ODG Service development groups Be Healthy Group MHEWB Commissioning group FYI and parent/carer boards ICE

22 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool Top Tips: Understand need of population and providers Involve all stakeholders inc. c&yp and families Understand the market, workforce and skills Jointly commission (if can!!)

23 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool Relationship build – stat and VCS spend time together – safe space Governance structures – make sure in place – if not support the development of them Share learning – safe space to do this Involve and Communicate!!

24 Commissioning VCS Organisations In Liverpool Contacts: or Thank you

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