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(with silver threads) opportunity to find a niche in the global market 세계 시장에서 틈새 시장을 찾을 수있는 기회 (5 th largest producer and 2 nd largest exporter.

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Presentation on theme: "(with silver threads) opportunity to find a niche in the global market 세계 시장에서 틈새 시장을 찾을 수있는 기회 (5 th largest producer and 2 nd largest exporter."— Presentation transcript:



3 (with silver threads)





8 opportunity to find a niche in the global market 세계 시장에서 틈새 시장을 찾을 수있는 기회 (5 th largest producer and 2 nd largest exporter of cotton in the world) first steps toward a radical industrialization 급진적인 산업화 향해 첫 걸음

9 Social value 사회적 가치

10 Korea: Daewoo Intl. Korea: ShinDong Singapore: Indorama Swiss: Rieter Turkey: Tekfen Japan: Toyota Germany: Oerlikon and others.

11  Saurer (Switzerland) ( 스위스 )  Zinser (Germany) ( 독일 )  Schlafhorst (Germany) ( 독일 )  Trutschler (Germany) ( 독일 )  Rieter (Switzerland) ( 스위스 )  BRI (USA) ( 미국 )  Termah Sewing Machine (Malaysia) ( 말레이시아 )

12  Korea  Japan  Turkey  India  Germany  Swiss

13 1. Existence of own raw materials (cotton, silk, karakul, etc.) 2. Cheaper comparative prices for gas, diesel fuel, and industrial water. 3. Developed network of railway system 4. Cheap labor force 싼 노동력

14  The number of potential consumers (total population) is the highest among the Central Asian countries.  중앙아시아의 나라들 중에서 잠재 고객 ( 인구 ) 이 제일 많다. * Annual population growth – 1.5~1.7% 연 인구 증가율 – 1.5~1.7%

15 Cheap Comparative Price for Industrial Water 공업용수의 싼 비교비용


17  No access to the sea (Uzbekistan is a double-locked country)  Lack of an effective management  a certain quantity of the production must be sold inside the republic for domestic prices.


19 Departments ( 대학 ) Fine Arts Arts and Crafts Fashion Design Arts study Departments ( 대학 ) Fine Arts Arts and Crafts Fashion Design Arts study

20 The faculty of Fashion Design


22 Study process. Project. Work with fabrics on the mannequin. (search for new forms and types of clothes) Work with shirts on the mannequins.

23 Summary exhibition of students’ works per semester

24 Participation of students and graduates of the Department "Fashion Design" at festivals and fashion shows, such as Style.Uz

25 International Cooperation 전에 BEFORE Our university had connections with universities from 이집트 Egypt 일본 Japan 한국 Korea 독일 Germany 이란 Iran 이탈리아 등.Italy etc. 전에 BEFORE Our university had connections with universities from 이집트 Egypt 일본 Japan 한국 Korea 독일 Germany 이란 Iran 이탈리아 등.Italy etc. 지금 NOW 우리 대학교에서 교환학생 프로그램이 하나도 없다. There is no any exchange programs. 야유 REASON: 탤런트가 있고 외국에 가서 다시 들어오지 않은 학생들은 많았다. 그래서 디자인 학생들을 일부러 외국으로 공부하러 더 이상 보내지 않다. They don’t want to lose our talented designers, because many of them don’t come back to Uzbekistan. 지금 NOW 우리 대학교에서 교환학생 프로그램이 하나도 없다. There is no any exchange programs. 야유 REASON: 탤런트가 있고 외국에 가서 다시 들어오지 않은 학생들은 많았다. 그래서 디자인 학생들을 일부러 외국으로 공부하러 더 이상 보내지 않다. They don’t want to lose our talented designers, because many of them don’t come back to Uzbekistan.



28 purpose and activities: association of the leading experts in the fashion industry in Uzbekistan : designers, stylists, craftsmen, and masters of tailor business; expanding the boundaries of national podium; introduction of foreign visitors with the traditional approach and innovation of leading and emerging designers.

29 Every year: National Dress Festival Youth show “Underground” General Show from “Dom Stilya” Style Uz fashion show etc. Activities and achievements

30 In StyleUz Fashion Show - 2008 organized by “Dom Stilya” more than 100 famous designers and brands such as: DSQUARED2 brand ( 이탈리아 ) Italy Wolford ( 오스트리아 ) Austria Revillon ( 프랑스 ) France Guy Laroche ( 프랑스 ) France Sisi Wasabi ( 독일 ) Germany and many others joined the Show. Activities and achievements




34  I was impressed by the work of the Uzbek designers and how they used national fabric.  Young fashion designers of Uzbekistan really skillfully combine emotional, traditional and modern. Advisor of strategies development for the Fashion House Sisi Wasabi (Germany) says :

35  Fashion and Design Industry of Uzbekistan has a great future, because the national costume art of Uzbekistan has a rich history and tradition. Alena Akhmadullina (Russian Designer) says:

36 Worldwide interest in the past and present of the Uzbek people is constantly growing. The Uzbek national fabrics are distinguished by their originality. Presidential Adviser at College of Fashion and Design in Japan Doreme-Gakuin, a professor at Tokyo University, Oda A. says: Presidential Adviser at College of Fashion and Design in Japan Doreme-Gakuin, a professor at Tokyo University, Oda A. says: French Designer, Frankie Meyer says: … Uzbek fashion can compete with any country in the world.















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