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Inclusive practices (Unit 303: supporting learning)

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1 Inclusive practices (Unit 303: supporting learning)


3 Mental Deficiency Act 1913 Idiots Imbeciles Feeble-minded Moral defectiveness Blind Deaf Epileptic Physical defective Inclusion was...

4 What is inclusion? What is support? What are the barriers to learning? What resources do we need?


6 Inclusion is…. SEN, inc. physical disabilities and emotional, social and / or behavioural difficulties EAL (Pupils with English as an Additional Language) LAC (Children who are Looked After) G & T (Gifted and Talented) Pastoral (bereavement, transition, behaviour, self-esteem, attendance etc.) Gender MEG (Minority Ethnic Groups), inc. travellers, asylum seekers and refugees other children, such as sick children; young carers; children from families under stress; children who are at risk of disaffection and exclusion from school; children from families of extreme poverty

7 Key Legislation RE:SEN Special Education Needs Code of Practice for Wales 2002 ( Graduated Response) Education Act 1996 (legal entitlement for parents to express wish) Warnock Report 1978 (suggested getting rid of labels-Handicapped, towards individualised learning) Education Act 1870 (ed for all) Education Act 1944 (compulsory) Education Act 1981 (advocated integration and greater collaboration) Education Reform Act 1988 (entitlement for all children – broad balanced curriculum-NC) Children Act 1989 (children with disabilities are children first) Education Act 1993 CoP 1994 (staged referral – to statementing) DDA 1995 Green Paper 1997 (increase inclusion – contribution LSAs) Shaping the Future for Special Education An Action Programme for Wales 1999 The Learning Country A Paving Documents 2001 SENDA 2001 (DDA 1995 Part 4)

8 The Disability Discrimination Act 2002 ‘ This DDA Act requires settings/schools not to treat a disabled child ‘less favourably’ and to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ In practice this means to: Eliminate discrimination and promote positive attitudes Promote equal opportunities Improve access to the curriculum Make physical improvements Provide information in a range of formats Take specific action for children whose first language is not English Ensure that children are provided with material that is appropriate to their ability

9 Disability Discrimination ‘It is unlawful for schools to discriminate against disabled pupils for a reason relating to their disability, without justification’. Disability Discrimination Act 1995

10 Feelings associated with: Inclusion valued at ease content happy useful Exclusion rejected upset angry frustrated unhappy hard done by useless

11 Producing inclusive policies Developing the school for all Organising support for diversity Evolving inclusive practices: Orchestrating learning Mobilising learning Creating inclusive cultures: Building an inclusive community Establishing inclusive values Developing inclusive practices

12 barriers opportunities

13 strengthsweaknesses opportunitiesthreats ‘SWOT’ analysis

14 I use evidence to evaluate and develop the quality of provisions. I monitor and evaluate impact; analysing data. I assess and track my learners continuously. I identify the right provision for all learners. I proactively develop my practice. I know the vulnerabilities of all learners I work with. Igniting possibility in all of our learners. Inclusive teaching: provision mapping

15 Personalised Learning & Inclusion Assessment Teaching & Behaviour Management Learning Opportunity Observation / Monitoring / Marking Enjoyment Broad and balanced curriculum, inc. intervention strategies Differentiation Classroom Organisation Target Setting Liaison with family Use expertise through liaison with outside agencies and experts in school

16 Differentiation by… Differentiated and/or different objectives Content / task Interest Pace Level Access / resources Response Depth / sequence Structure Support Teaching style Grouping Which of these do you overuse? Underuse? Can you give an example where you differentiated well? How did you know?

17 Pre-requisite cognitive skills for success in core curriculum areas Complex shape discrimination Shape location within close parameters Minimal Difference Visual Discrimination Auditory Discrimination Auditory Sequential Memory

18 Left to right visual pattern sequencing Fine motor skills for pencil writing or keyboard Translating 3D to 2D, 2D to 3D Short term memory Time sequencing Sentence/ auditory comprehension of 1+ Information Carrying Words

19 IEPS should … only record that which is “additional to” or “different from” the educational provision made generally for children of their age in schools maintained by the LA, other than special schools, in their area not be “more literacy” or “more maths” but be interventions which address the underlying learning needs of the pupil in order to improve his or her access to the curriculum. state what the learner is going to learn – not what the teacher is going to teach (ie state the outcome – be clear about what the pupil should be able to do at the end of the given period).

20 be accessible to all those involved in their implementation – pupils should have an understanding and “ownership of the targets” be seen as working documents be manageable and easily monitored be based on informed assessment Be time-limited – there should be an agreed “where to next …” – not necessarily another IEP

21 Being specific (eg): To behave more appropriately in class To be able to sit at his table without interrupting the teacher during group sessions on at least 3 days of the week To be able to play with others appropriately To consistently be able to take his turn when playing a board game with 1 or 2 of his peers To improve her self-esteem To be able to choose a piece of work she has done during the week that she is proud of and tell a friend the reasons for choosing it.

22 Where do IEP targets come from? Discussion between teacher and teaching assistants Discussion with pupil Discussion with another professional Discussion with parents

23 Other General Strategies Support with spelling / writing independently (Makaton/ Colourful Semantics) Support with reading (Makaton, Jolly Phonics) Peer support Practical experiences Alternative forms of recording, including ICT Worksheets Appropriate forms of assessment Modes of communication Age-appropriate resources Use of games Using TAs effectively Effectively using IEPs Which of these strategies do you already use to support pupils with SEN?

24 What factors influence learning? Learning Environment Teacher/ Assistant Task Child Think of what you think would be an ideal learning environment – blue skies thinking! Role of support assistant/ teacher What about the actual task? How should it be presented? What about the child ? They must be ready to learn, feeling valued and confident in themselves and in the support they will get

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