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Communication, Collaboration, Consensus August 2, 2005.

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1 Communication, Collaboration, Consensus August 2, 2005

2 Connected Vehicle Trade Association™2 2005 © North American Telematics Landscape Broadband Internet (WiFi/WLAN) Hot Spot Internet Satellite, Cellular (WAN) DSRC Peer-to-Peer Service Provider Infrastructure Data System DSRC Roadside Vehicle and Road Data Applications Road Data ETC DSRC ETC Backhaul

3 Connected Vehicle Trade Association™3 2005 © Current Situation The three major US DOT initiatives have focused their attention on limited set of direct participants  Vehicle Infrastructure Integration  Integrated Vehicle Based Safety Systems  Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems) All of these initiatives will ultimately depend on the support and involvement of a wide cross-section of stakeholders There is a need to engage and properly focus these other stakeholders in a productive and manageable way Europe and Asia have similar initiatives, and this organization should evolve to support their needs as:  Automakers, Telecoms, infrastructure communications and computation interests are global  Common solutions reduce development and deployment costs  Leveraging resources, harmonizing standards, and communicating equally will advance the solutions in an efficient and productive manner.

4 Connected Vehicle Trade Association™4 2005 © Need Assessment  Car makers and Governments are well organized Federal government has the FHWA, US DOT and JPO. Soon it will form the Research & Innovative Technology Administration (RITA), reorganizing several functions into one cohesive agency State Governments have the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Automakers have formed the VII Consortium to begin consensing on architectures, standards and common concerns.  To date, all other stakeholders have no organization to legitimize their participation, validate other’s assumptions about them, and advance their positions Need a way to assure this large community is engaged in the process without creating chaos Satellite, cellular and other wireless technologies (WiFi/WiMax) should be considered in this environment for the commercial implementations beyond DSRC the efforts

5 Vehicle Communication Stakeholders Map Copyright 2004 Connected Vehicle Trade Association Infrastructure Vehicle Comm CVTA Communications Infra-Comm In-Vehicle Systems Servers & Backhaul Applications All these companies need a common place to work effectively and efficiently with auto makers and public entities

6 Connected Vehicle Trade Association™6 2005 © Major Stakeholder Groups Telematics companies Telecommunications Automotive suppliers (Tier 1, 2 and 3) Computer Infrastructure companies  Software  Hardware Communication Infrastructure Companies  Equipment/Component Manufacturers  Network Services Information Service Companies  Application Service providers  Content providers Physical Services Companies (Roadside Responders & Operators) System Integrators Infrastructure A&E firms Collateral Stakeholders  Legal firms  Financial institutions  Insurance companies

7 Connected Vehicle Trade Association™7 2005 © Connected Vehicle Trade Association An international, non-profit trade association has been formed to advocate and advance the interests of the non-automaker, non-government stakeholders Shared Vision MOUs are being developed with the automakers, standards bodies and other organizations globally An board has been established with primary stakeholders and industry leaders from each domain Member companies are now collaborating on task orders for the VII Consortium, DOT, DHS, DOD and state DOTs The Trade Association has independent governance with responsibility for administering the operations as a non-profit business league

8 Connected Vehicle Trade Association™8 2005 © Leadership Board of Directors represent each of the major stakeholder groups  Delphi □ NAVTEQ□ Dykema Gossett DelphiNAVTEQDykema Gossett  Intel □ Skyway Systems□ MTS Technologies IntelSkyway Systems MTS Technologies  Cisco Systems □ Motorola□ Booz Allen Cisco SystemsMotorolaBooz Allen  Sun Microsystems □ Telcordia □ Road America Sun Microsystems TelcordiaRoad America Board and Officers  Chairman: Harry Voccola (NAVTEQ)  Vice Chairmen: Jack Brennan (Skyway Systems) Rick Noens (Motorola)  President: Scott McCormick

9 Connected Vehicle Trade Association™9 2005 © CVTA Functions Provide direct access to information about the design, development and deployment plans Develop demonstration and validation efforts as appropriate, as well as templates for pre-deployment tests Identify state, federal and commercial programs and engage members as stakeholders and funded participants Provide a forum for standards and specifying organizations to consense with industry and endorse new standards activities Provide collaborative online tools to advance both the development of the architecture and members business Establish a joint patent pool, if desired, to manage Intellectual Property

10 Connected Vehicle Trade Association™10 2005 © Benefits of Participation Stay closely aligned with automakers plans – both common and unique Increase business contacts and opportunities across the vehicle and infrastructure communications landscape Influence the connected vehicle domain to align the architecture with company products, services and vision Understand the connected vehicle domain to optimize business plans Enhance the connected vehicle domain by achieving broad ownership in the solution Become involved and engaged in a structured and productive manner with reduced cost and overhead Help streamline the standards development, adoption and endorsement process Engage with others via meetings and through access to the secured, online collaborative workspace (eRoom)

11 Connected Vehicle Trade Association™11 2005 © Recent and Upcoming Events April 27-28: VII Architecture/Technology Working Group I  Workshop on Proxy Server and provisioning elements  Location: Livonia, MI July 12-13: VII Architecture/Technology Working Group II  Workshop on security elements  Location: Livonia, MI August: VII Architecture/Technology Working Group III  FMEA workshop – risks and threats of entire architecture  Location: San Francisco, CA September: General supplier briefing  Location: Detroit, Mi October: Industry Awareness Briefing  Members presentation to selected State DOTs November: Board of Director’s meeting  Location: ITS World Congress, San Francisco, CA December: Member Conference  Location: Motorola Customer Center, Schaumburg, Ill

12 Connected Vehicle Trade Association™12 2005 © Scott McCormick President Connected Vehicle Trade Association 51037 Weston Drive Plymouth, Michigan 48170 BUS: +1-734-354-0546 FAX: +1-734-446-0326 Cell: +1-734-730-8665

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