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Cellular Structure. Nucleus  The control center of the cell (metabolism, protein synthesis)

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Presentation on theme: "Cellular Structure. Nucleus  The control center of the cell (metabolism, protein synthesis)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cellular Structure

2 Nucleus  The control center of the cell (metabolism, protein synthesis)

3 Nucleus: FYI  Most cells contain only one nuclei;  Skeletal muscle = many  Mature RBCs = none

4 Nucleolus  Dense region that contains DNA/RNA  Synthesizes RNA and ribosomes

5 Cytoplasm  The watery fluid which contains the materials which enter the cell.  Dissolves things, supports cell structure.

6 Cytoplasm  Three parts:  1. Cytosol (liquid)  2. Organelles (little organs)  3. Inclusions (insoluble particles)

7 Organelles  Intracellular structure that performs a specific function or group of functions. (cellular respiration, releasing energy)

8 Mitochondria  The “powerhouse” of the cell.  They create food to obtain energy for cell activities.  Produces 95% of ATP

9 Mitochondria  # of mitochondria = energy level needed

10 Matrix

11 Cristae  Lots of folds in mitochondria

12  The cristae greatly increase the inner membrane's surface area. It is on these cristae that food (sugar) is combined with oxygen to produce ATP - the primary energy source for the cell.

13 Ribosomes  Makes proteins in the cell. “Protein factories”- aka. protein synthesis  Contains RNA

14 Ribosomes  Free- floating: Proteins are made and enter in the cytosolProteins are made and enter in the cytosol  Fixed Proteins enter ER where they are modified and packaged for export.

15 Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) 1. Synthesis 2. Storage 3. Transport

16 Synthesis  ER makes CarbohydratesCarbohydrates LipidsLipids

17 Storage  Storage of molecules that are absorbed from the cytosol.

18 Transport  Network of membranes. (Travel anywhere)

19 Smooth (SER)  Lack ribosomes (smooth)  Focus on making carbohydrates and lipids

20 Rough (RER)  Contain ribosomes (hence rough)  Focus on making proteins

21 Golgi Apparatus  Package proteins for storage and secretion from the cell.  Exocytosis, package particles (forms lysosomes)

22 Golgi Apparatus  Page 55 of text.  Example of exocytosis and membrane reconstruction.

23 Lysosomes  Digest worn out or unneeded cells and cell parts.

24 Lysosomes  Packages of digestive enzymes.  Fight pathogens  Why?????

25 Specialized Structures  Organelles that are not common to all cells, therefore they are not necessary for the cell to operate.

26 Microtubules  Hollow tubes that give support and strength

27 Centrosome  The centrosome, also called the "microtubule organizing center", is an area in the cell where microtubles are produced.

28 Cilia  Hair-like microtubules attached to the plasma membrane that often help in movement

29 Flagella  A tail like structure used for movement

30 Microvilli  Extension/folding of membrane to help increase surface area.  Found in kidney and intestinal cells.

31  ni/flashanimat/cellstructures/endome mbrane%20protein%20synthesis.swf ni/flashanimat/cellstructures/endome mbrane%20protein%20synthesis.swf ni/flashanimat/cellstructures/endome mbrane%20protein%20synthesis.swf  http://www.wisc- D=AP11403 http://www.wisc- D=AP11403 http://www.wisc- D=AP11403

32 P Q S T U O N M L K

33 AKA: cell membrane

34 COLOR CODE (Page 52 new)  Glycoproteins: (Globular) G  Channel: H  Phospholipids Heads: A  Fatty acid tails: S  Carbohydrate (sugar)

35 1. Hydrophobic  “Dislike Water”  Two fatty acid tails

36 2. Hydrophilic  “Likes Water”  Non-lipid head

37  ni/flashanimat/lipids/membrane%20f luidity.swf ni/flashanimat/lipids/membrane%20f luidity.swf ni/flashanimat/lipids/membrane%20f luidity.swf

38  The lipid tails will not associate with water molecules, and this allows the cell membrane to act as a physical barrier. The phospholipid bilayer also contains cholesterol, which makes the bilayer stronger, more flexible and permeable.

39 3. Glycoprotein (Channel & Carrier)  Globular proteins: have a structural role as well as a role in transporting ions in and out the cell- they are rounded and compact.

40 4. Receptor Proteins  Receptor Proteins: are found on the bilayer, deal with communication, recognition and transport.  Ex: Binding of insulin: Tell cell to increase intake of glucose.


42 5. Carbohydrates & Lipids Are found on the outer surface of the cell and have 3 major roles: 1. important cell lubricants and adhesives 2. act as receptors for exracellular compounds 3. part of a recognition system that keeps the immune system from attacking its own tissues.

43 Plasma Membrane (review) Plasma Membrane (review)  Controls what enters and leaves the cell. It contains the cell contents and protects the cell.  composed of lipids  hydrophobic lipid ends facing inward and the hydrophilic phosphate ends facing outward. Also called lipid bilayer.

44 Functions of cell membrane  The cell membrane or plasma membrane has four basic functions.

45 Functions of cell membrane 1. Boundary between cell fluids Cytoplasm vs. extracellular fluid.

46  2. Regulation of exchange Selects what goes in and what goes out (ions, waste, etc…)Selects what goes in and what goes out (ions, waste, etc…)

47  3. Communication: Senses environment and adjusts.Senses environment and adjusts.

48  4. Structural Support: Gives cell support and shape.Gives cell support and shape.

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