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 Splitting of a nucleus into smaller fragments  Happens when they are bombarded with neutrons  Releases ENORMOUS amts of energy!  Only U-235 & Pu-239.

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2  Splitting of a nucleus into smaller fragments  Happens when they are bombarded with neutrons  Releases ENORMOUS amts of energy!  Only U-235 & Pu-239 do this!

3  1 kg of U-235 can release the same energy as 20,000 tons of dynamite exploding  Atomic Bombs start an uncontrolled nuclear chain rxn!

4  Make useful energy by controlling fission  Major form of energy is heat  Water or coolant must be used to cool the reactor  Heat generates steam, which drives a turbine…that creates electricity

5  Fuel rods with radioactive isotopes that no longer give enough energy  Placed in “swimming pools” that keep them cool & acts as a radiation shield

6  Happens when nuclei combine to produce a nucleus with a greater mass  Smaller nuclei fusion creates more energy than fission reactions  Solar energy is the result of nuclear fusion

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