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Terrain Mapping DEMs Contours Slope Aspect Hillshades.

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Presentation on theme: "Terrain Mapping DEMs Contours Slope Aspect Hillshades."— Presentation transcript:

1 Terrain Mapping DEMs Contours Slope Aspect Hillshades

2 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Mt. Hood

3 Counters Generates a polyline Shapefile

4 Contours DEM Cross Section 2000m 1900m 2100m 2200m

5 200 Meter Countours

6 Calculating Slope DEM Cross Section

7 Slope Calculation Fits a plane through 3x3 pixels around the pixel of interest What effect does this have on the uncertainty of the resulting raster? 108109113 112123128 125127130

8 Slope Calculation Angle Rise Run Slope = (Rise/Run) * 100% Can be: -Degrees -Percent 3 x 3 Cell Angle

9 Z-Factor Converts the elevations in the DEM to the same units as the x,y dimensions Easiest approach is to: –Project the DEM to a spatial reference that is in meters (i.e. UTM) –Scale the elevation values the meters if not already in meters

10 Slope

11 Aspect – Direction of the slope Slope Aspect (Direction) Angle Rise Run Slope = (Rise/Run) * 100%

12 Aspect

13 Hillshade Creates a raster that appears to be a photo from above the area, shaded by the sun. Frequently used as a background, rarely for analysis Z-factor can be used to make the hillshade more dramatic

14 Hill-shade

15 Hillshade: Z-Factor=1

16 Hill-shade: Z-Factor=10

17 Color Hillshade Transparent DEM with Color Ramp

18 Hillshade: RMNP

19 Resample Can Remove Artifacts

20 Resolution*2, Bicubic

21 Create Your Own Backgrounds!

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