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2012 Chanhassen Baseball & Softball Parent Information Meetings March 5 th - YOUTH IN-HOUSE, TOURNAMENT 9s-12s, and METRO/13s- 15s BASEBALL.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 Chanhassen Baseball & Softball Parent Information Meetings March 5 th - YOUTH IN-HOUSE, TOURNAMENT 9s-12s, and METRO/13s- 15s BASEBALL."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 Chanhassen Baseball & Softball Parent Information Meetings March 5 th - YOUTH IN-HOUSE, TOURNAMENT 9s-12s, and METRO/13s- 15s BASEBALL

2 Presentation Outline 1.Program Update/Opening Remarks/2011 Highlights 2.Meet the Board 3.2012 Program Overviews (in-house, tournament,and metro) Tryout/Evaluation Process : in-house/tournament 4.Key Dates 5.Concussion Training 6.Volunteering 7.CAA Baseball and Softball Apparel 8.Sponsorships 9.Dugout Club 10.Question and Answer

3 Program Update/Overview  Welcome to the 2012 CAA Baseball and Softball Season  Significant growth over 5 past years  In-house program changes for 2012 (youth baseball)  Improved program- more volunteer opportunities, sponsorship program, and formation of Dugout Club  Key Updates  Record Number of Players Registered - 1,197  Expanded Field Space by working with Victoria/Carver County

4 Board Members  Larry Lovig, President  SOFTBALL  Ted Ellefson- VP, Softball  Jack Downey- Director, In-house Softball  Eric Raymond, Director, Travel Softball  BASEBALL  Chad Hake, VP Baseball  Dave Windschitl, Director 5s-8s In-house baseball  Brian Benkstein, Director, 9s-12s In-house baseball  Mike Larson, Director, Tournament Baseball  Bob Schaefer, Director, Hosted Baseball Touraments  Todd Neils, Director, 13+ In-house/Metro Baseball

5 Board Members  Angel Whiteside, Volunteers  Tom Lindquist, Player Agent  Joe Witterschein, Director, Safety Office  John Pitz, Treasurer  Tondi Schoepp, Secretary  Craig Stacey, League Information Officer  Advisor Baseball: Cullen Bahn, Chan High School Varsity Baseball Coach

6 Key Dates  YOUTH BASEBALL:  Opening Day/Pictures Day: Saturday, May 5 th  Coaches Meeting: April 15 th  Machine Pitch: April 16 th  Practices Open (Weather dependent): April 23rd  Baseball 7s-12s In-house Playoffs:  July 16-19  July 23-26

7 CONCUSSION SAFETY  Minnesota Legislature Concussion Law Passed September 1 st, 2011  Mandates:  All coaches and officials receive concussion training and education (3-year intervals)  Coaches MUST remove athlete from activity if they exhibit signs or behaviors or are suspected of sustaining a concusion  Law requires health care professional signature to return to play if athlete is removed  CAA has already instituted training- available on our Website for anyone- provided by Centers for Disease Control  All aspects of the law will be STRICTLY Upheld by CAA baseball and softball

8 BASEBALL 5s-8s  Coach Pitch (12 – 14 Teams)  Philosophy-Introduction to Baseball  Schedule  2 days a week-Expected to be Mondays & Wednesdays  60-75 minutes  Season will conclude prior to July 4th holiday.  Uniforms & Equipment  Needed: glove, helmet, shoes, Bat (optional)  Coaches

9 BASEBALL 5s-8s  Machine Pitch (18 teams)  Philosophy  Continuation of the development of fundamentals.  Schedule  2x per week-Expected to be M, W, F  90 minutes in duration  Playoffs will wrap up at the end of July  Uniforms & Equipment  Needed: Glove, helmet, cup, bat (optional)  Coaches

10 VOLUNTEERING  Volunteer Board Member  League Volunteer Director  Angel Whiteside  Fee  $150 volunteer fee will be destroyed at the end of the season upon completion of the required 5 hours of service. Hours will be updated monthly on the CAA Website. Final hours need to be completed by 8/1/12.  Fee raised due to limited volunteer participation in 2011 season

11 VOLUNTEERING  How Do I Volunteer  Volunteerspot link on CAA website  Volunteer expectations  Spontaneous help is always welcome, but does not qualify as volunteer hours  Volunteer hours are recruited by Division Volunteer Coordinator or via Volunteerspot  When you apply to become a volunteer, you give the our League organization the right to conduct necessary background checks.

12 VOLUNTEERING  Volunteer Coordinator for Division –need 3  One Child Registration fee covered  Volunteer Hours covered  Concession Committee –need 3  One Child Registration fee covered  Volunteer Hours covered  Manager, Assistant Coach  - Volunteer Hours covered  Safety Officer  - Volunteer Hours covered  Evaluation Day  Openings available on Volunteerspot  Opening Day/Picture Day  Openings available on Volunteerspot  Tournaments (In-house, tournament, and travel)  Softball District & State Tournaments

13 VOLUNTEERING  What doesn’t count  Assisting with practices  Team photographer  Pitch count or stat keeper  Snack coordinator For teams to be successful, parent involvement is needed at many levels. To qualify for volunteer hours, the job(s) must be posted on Volunteerspot. If it is not in volunteer spot, than it does not qualify.

14 HOSTED TOURNAMENTS  2 weekends: June 1-3 and June 15-17  Key Volunteer Positions Needed This Year  Concessions Manager (need 2)  Field Manager (need 2)  Plenty of volunteer opportunities posted  Event brings in $2500 to $4000 to the program used to buy equipment, field improvements, and supplies for the entire league  Promotes Chanhassen as a diamond sports community

15 CHANHASSEN APPAREL  Provided from Lakeside promotions  Available at all evaluation days  Friday March 16 th, Saturday March 17 th, Saturday March 24 th, Sunday March 25th  15% of proceeds directly refunded back to baseball and softball programs

16 SPONSORSHIPS  TEAM BASEBALL/SOFTBALL SPONSORSHIP COORDINATOR:  Jon Hokanson: 952-239-9913 or  Corporate Sponsors Receive:  Name recognition on website (over 130,000 visitors in past year)  Company info and link on BB/SB website  Name/Logo placement on player’s sleeve for each team sponsored  Ability to provide additional branded material (water bottles, etc.)  A team plaque at year’s end commemorating your support  We are seeking 85+ team sponsors  We will work with you if you have a favorite team you want to sponsor (can’t guarantee but will make every effort)  Onboard for this year: Pitch2Pitch, Linhoff Photo, Tradition Capital Bank, Lakewinds Co-op, Lakeside Promotions, Kidz Klipz, Baden Sports, Dick’s Sporting Goods





21 Dugout Club The Dugout Club is a booster club created to support diamond sports within the Chanhassen High School boundaries. It’s primary objectives include maintenance and improvement of the stadium complex at Chanhassen High School as well as additional community development projects to provide safe, playable fields and practice facilities and equipment for the baseball and softball teams within our member communities Stadium Walk – The Dugout Club will be selling a limited number of bricks to build the 2012 10’ x 10’ sidewalk panel for The Stadium Walk at the Chanhassen diamond sport complex. LEAVE YOUR MARK ON HISTORY – Help sponsor ongoing improvements to the Storm diamond sport facilities by purchasing an engraved brick. Personalized bricks will be placed at the entrance to the stadium complex as each 10’ x 10’ sidewalk panel is sold out. Your brick will provide ongoing financial resources to support ongoing and future facility improvements Buy your brick today and support the Storm legacy.

22 DUGOUT CLUB  We make a difference. 1.) The work is hard, but rewarding. 2.) Working together as partners, we can do more. 3.) It is no coincidence that communities with strong, successful diamond sport programs also have strong, organized support from community businesses and supporters.  We have fun.  (link also on CAA site


24 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Before you leave please pay your volunteer fee at the tables in the atrium. THANK YOU

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