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EAMNet: Europe Africa Marine-EO Network: involvement with GEO and suggestions for the 2012-15 workplan Steve Groom, PML EAMNet partner New GNC system.

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Presentation on theme: "EAMNet: Europe Africa Marine-EO Network: involvement with GEO and suggestions for the 2012-15 workplan Steve Groom, PML EAMNet partner New GNC system."— Presentation transcript:

1 EAMNet: Europe Africa Marine-EO Network: involvement with GEO and suggestions for the 2012-15 workplan Steve Groom, PML EAMNet partner New GNC system

2 GEPW-5, London, UK, 8-9 Feb 2011 Aims of EAMNet To construct a network linking EO information providers, user networks and centres of excellence in Africa and Europe towards sustainable development in Africa. Support capacity maintenance and development in Africa Improve use of EO data for coastal and oceanic monitoring towards an Africa-wide observation system (GOOS-Africa). Provide an interface between European GMES-related services and R&D projects and African initiatives with the emerging GMES-Africa initiative. Contribute to the implementation of the Action Plan for GMES and Africa Partnership Support GEO EC-09-01: Ecosystem Observation and Monitoring Network (GEO EcoNet)

3 GEPW-5, London, UK, 8-9 Feb 2011 Earth observation data production and distribution EAMNet is providing EO data to cover the entire coast of Africa and AMESD areas in the Indian Ocean EO data are provided via the web and the GEONETCast system supporting –AR-09-04: Dissemination and Distribution Networks and –CB-09-03: Building Institutional Capacity to Use Earth Observations MODIS ocean colour image MODIS SST image GEONETCast receiver Ghana EAMNet data portal

4 GEPW-5, London, UK, 8-9 Feb 2011 Training and Fellowships Training for different levels of experience amongst African University and marine institutes complementing existing activities –To increase the number of skilled scientists, engineers and technicians able to use EO data In support of CB-09-03: Building Institutional Capacity to Use EO Masters level EO course –To be initially developed at UCT, South Africa –Extended to Universities of Ghana and Dar-es-Salaam –Training of trainers from other Universities Fellowships available to address areas of key interest to the development of GOOS-Africa such as: coordinating and harmonising Africa-EU R&D activities; spreading best practices; involving African stakeholders in GMES service development; and developing African EO champions

5 GEPW-5, London, UK, 8-9 Feb 2011 Topics for 2012-2015 work plan Continue with capacity building and maintenance activities to use Earth Observations, particularly in Africa Develop the Ecosystem Observation and Monitoring Network –in the ocean (ChloroGIN) extending to other regions and –extending to coastal and inland water (ChloroGIN-Lakes?) Maintenance in observations and promotion of interagency cooperation

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