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4 May 2012 Cameron Hocking & Kelly Gardiner Bright Ideas.

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Presentation on theme: "4 May 2012 Cameron Hocking & Kelly Gardiner Bright Ideas."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 May 2012 Cameron Hocking & Kelly Gardiner Bright Ideas

2 P–2P–2 What is Bright Ideas? Partnership between SLAV and the State Library of Victoria Online source of ideas, information and inspiration Bright Ideas blog Useful tools and resources Case studies from Victorian schools and beyond Issues and debates affecting our libraries and schools Guest posts from experts and practitioners Bright Ideas also includes: Diigo links to discover and share A (brand new!) Facebook page A Twitter stream of information and resources

3 P–3P–3 Bright Ideas encourages you… “…to actively engage with ICT, to share tools and experiences, to network on a global scale, and to embrace dynamic teaching and learning opportunities. ”

4 P–4P–4 Bright Ideas blog:

5 P–5P–5 Bright Ideas on facebook

6 P–6P–6 @brightideasblog on Twitter

7 P–7P–7 What next? Which Bright Ideas are emerging now? Research tools: Resource storage and sharing services becoming more integrated Sophisticated note-taking database services (eg EverNote) Social search personalises results based on data from you and people like you Research communities network online through blogs, twitter, facebook, etc Content experts curate and filter information (eg Web tools and services also available through mobile devices (apps) Platforms and infrastructure: More services operating in the cloud (that is, on secure remote servers) Services integrating more (eg Open ID provides simple sign-in) Tools to help manage information overload (eg HootSuite, Reader, iGoogle)

8 P–8P–8 Demonstration: a few favourite tools Evernote Sophisticated note-taking service Searchable database Can include clippings from web browser, images, PDFs, audio Transcribes handwritten notes or whiteboard photos Available as app for phones or iPads Synchronises all data so you can add/access from anywhere Great for research, projects, to do lists, collaboration Free (Premium also available) Evernote for Schools now available. Dashboard tools See headlines (feeds) from lots of different blogs– eg Google Reader Bring lots of different services together in one place – eg iGoogle Managing accounts and profiles from one place – eg HootSuite, Tweetdeck Filter and refine the flood of information and resources.

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