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Tacloban; Basey; Outlining Communities; Guiuan.  Age Groups: 59-89 years of age  No. of Participants: 71 female / 67 male  Regions/Cities:  Tacloban.

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Presentation on theme: "Tacloban; Basey; Outlining Communities; Guiuan.  Age Groups: 59-89 years of age  No. of Participants: 71 female / 67 male  Regions/Cities:  Tacloban."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tacloban; Basey; Outlining Communities; Guiuan

2  Age Groups: 59-89 years of age  No. of Participants: 71 female / 67 male  Regions/Cities:  Tacloban  Tenauan  Guiuan  Salvacion Island  Basey  Sites:  Evacuation centers – registered/ unregistered  HH Interviews  Rural / Urban  Tent compounds

3  8.2% of the population is over the age of 60 324,720  8.2% of the population is over the age of 60 324,720

4  0-5 year olds  60 year old and above

5 Chronic Disease Management:  Diabetes  Hypertension  Arthritis  Asthma (respiratory diseases) Chronic Disease Management:  Diabetes  Hypertension  Arthritis  Asthma (respiratory diseases)

6 Philippines National Stats: Morbidity:  Acute respiratory infection  Fever  Diarrhea  Hypertension  Skin disease Mortality:  Pre-crisis: HEART DISEASE  During the Emergency: HYPERTENSION

7  Access to health clinics  Information dissemination at the household level  Shelter assistance  Support to restart livelihoods - CASH  Nutrition support – soft foods/ foods high in nutrition

8  Rubble and uneven ground  Clinics too far for mobility challenged elders  Lack of money for transportation

9  75% of the older people did not know that the medical services and medication were available and free


11 Prioritize older people - Shelter criteria….  isolated older people  those with health problems  those aged 80 and above  skipped generation households (OPs with children)

12 Reported Illnesses Diabetes Hypertension Arthritis Asthma (respiratory illnesses)

13  Cash assistance – restart livelihoods  Replacement of fishing gear  Seeds and tools for agriculture projects

14  FOOD RELIEF has caused medical complications for older people with prior chronic disease: Hypertension /Arthritic conditions

15  Solar flash lights  Solar radio’s  Cell phones  Chargers for electronic devices  Solar flash lights  Solar radio’s  Cell phones  Chargers for electronic devices

16 Older people reported Sleep patterns have changed Lack of appetite Fear of wind and rain Crying spells Older people reported Sleep patterns have changed Lack of appetite Fear of wind and rain Crying spells

17 Eye Glasses Optometrist are needed

18 Rating by older people: poor

19  Information Coordination  Cash programs  Transportation (vouchers)  Restart livelihoods for working elders  Nutrition support

20  Outreach programs  Decision making / design and response  Assessments and surveys  Food assistance  Shelter program

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