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Global Studies of our Planet’s Vegetation New SeaWiFS Land NDVI and Channels 9/97->now…

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Presentation on theme: "Global Studies of our Planet’s Vegetation New SeaWiFS Land NDVI and Channels 9/97->now…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Studies of our Planet’s Vegetation New SeaWiFS Land NDVI and Channels 9/97->now…

2 Precursor Land Data sets to MODIS aka the “warm-up act” for the main event NOAA AVHRR -- July 1981 to the present… SeaWiFS -- September 1997 to the present … SPOT Vegetation -- May 1998 to the present … MODIS -- early 2000 to the present…

3 NOAA 11 AVHRR 1980200019901985201020051995 NOAA 7 AVHRR NOAA 9 AVHRR NOAA 14 AVHRR SeaWiFS SPOT MODISes NOAA-16 NPOES 1982-20021992-2002 NOAA9 Decadal trends in terrestrial vegetation N-16

4 NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) 1981-now… Visible, near IR, Thermal IR 1-km & 4-km data Only pre-Seawifs global time series data (<late 1997)

5 NOAA AVHRR 8-km NDVI Data Set 20

6 NOAA AVHRR 8-km NDVI Data Set


8 NOAA AVHRR 8-km NDVI Data Set Simple, few improvements since 1978

9 ~80 kg, costs ~70 M$ each, ~20 built, also flies on TRMM

10 AVHRR flies on the Polar-orbiting Meteorological Satellites 0730/1930 equator crossing series “early morning” satellites; and 1330/0130 equator crossing series “afternoon” satellites

11 NOAA AVHRR 8-km NDVI Data Set Radiation

12 NOAA AVHRR Channels 1 & 2 Ch 1 Ch 2 (Very broad or wide spectral bands)


14 Ex post facto AVHRR Absolute Calibration

15 NOAA AVHRR 8-km NDVI Data Set

16 Aerosol, O 3, Water Vapor, and Rayleigh Effects on AVHRR Ch1 & Ch 2

17 Maximum Value Compositing No Assumptions

18 NDVI Maximum Value Composites 8-km output bin from 4-km spatial resolution data at subpoint All orbits, all data processed, equal area map projection Scan Angle Restriction to +/- 40 degrees

19 Maximum Value Compositing 8-km, equal-area, maximum value ndvi composites, “seamless” residual clouds

20 Navigation Considerations July 1, 2, and 3, 1981 NOAA-7 8-km grid cells Velocity = ~ 7 km/sec; thus a 0.15 second time error = ~1 km “Migration” of Dakar Dakar “Three Cities of Dakar” 7/1 7/2 7/3

21 Solar Zenith Angle Effects 25N-25S

22 Jorge’s new solar zenith angle correction Range w/o SZA Correction: 0.12 ndvi units Range w/ SZA correction: 0.05 ndvi units Wavelet decomposition/reconstruction technique Requires no land cover information a priori

23 Stratospheric Aerosol correction also required NOAA AVHRR 8-km NDVI Data Set Mt. Pinatubo, Philippines June 1991 Max. NDVI Effect 0.1-0.15 1991 corrected

24 Stratospheric Aerosol correction also required NOAA AVHRR 8-km NDVI Data Set El Chichon Mt. Pinatubo

25 Space Shuttle Limb Photographs Before Mt. Pinatubo Eruption After Mt. Pinatubo Eruption

26 NOAA AVHRR 8-km NDVI Data Set El Chichon (1982-1984)Mt. Pinatubo (1991-1994)

27 New and improved 8-km AVHRR NDVI data set NOAA AVHRR 8-km NDVI Data Set

28 Ready for Prime time: AVHRR NDVI match up to MODIS NDVI

29 NOAA AVHRR 8-km NDVI Data Set May-September NDVI trends

30 Warmer Earth Greener North Compton Tucker, Dan Slayback, Jorge Pinzon NASA/GSFC Ranga Myneni, Robert Kaufmann, Liming Zhou, Jiarui Dong BU Satellite record

31 Recent work using this new AVHRR data set Warmer Earth Greener North Zhou et al. 2001. Variations in Northern Vegetation Activity Inferred from Satellite Data of Vegetation Index During 1981 to 1999. J. Geophys. Res. 106:20069-20083. Tucker et al. 2001/2002. Higher Northern Latitude NDVI and Growing Season Trends from 1982 to 1999. Int. J. Biometeorology (in press) Myneni et al. 2001. A large carbon sink in the woody biomass of northern forests. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (in press: 12/18/01). Boston University

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