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ReMarkable Texts Loring Holden Brown University April 20, 2004.

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1 ReMarkable Texts Loring Holden Brown University April 20, 2004

2 Goals (1/2) Provide student app for ConferenceXP to complement Presenter Create research platform for note taking – hard to extend existing note taking applications – our attempted remedy  BSD Open Source license  Plug-in architecture

3 Goals (2/2) Forge novel application Aggregate functionality previously available only in separate apps Formative evaluation in an academic (and possibly DoD training) setting

4 Summary What is different? –Gestural UI –Collaboration –Archiving and history playback –Interoperates w/ rest of Conference XP –BSD open source license

5 Collaboration Implementation N-way synchronous document & annotation sharing Scalability Uses ConferenceXP for multicast Classroom variant has only one sender, so better scalability Symmetric: Any participant can exit and rejoin easily Collaboration metadata incorporated into document

6 Collaboration metadata provides Control over your own notes – Privacy – ACL's (who can modify?) Mining – Author ID integrated into the system Filter by user – Querying, for example:  What user wrote a particular stroke? (querying stroke for user info)  Which strokes were written by a particular user? (filtering by user)  When did who write what? (filtering by time)

7 Collaborative note taking – future work Easier collaboration startup Easily fall back to asynch. collaboration when user not available Figure out how each person’s doc looked at a specific time (people may have added ink at the same time, but the other person’s ink didn’t get imported until later) – Also show other docs open at the same time

8 Sponsors and Availability Co-funded by: – Microsoft Research, Microsoft TabletPC – NSF National Science Digital Library program – DoD Joint Advanced Distributed Learning Co-Lab Publicly available: –

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