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COLLEGE NIGHT March 20, 2014. AGENDA  Starting your search  ACT vs SAT  College Visits  Application (#’s, Types, Process)  Naviance  Letters of.

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Presentation on theme: "COLLEGE NIGHT March 20, 2014. AGENDA  Starting your search  ACT vs SAT  College Visits  Application (#’s, Types, Process)  Naviance  Letters of."— Presentation transcript:

1 COLLEGE NIGHT March 20, 2014

2 AGENDA  Starting your search  ACT vs SAT  College Visits  Application (#’s, Types, Process)  Naviance  Letters of Recommendation  Financial Aid  Final Reminders

3 What are you looking for in a college?  Academic Programs / Major  Location – rural, suburban, urban  Size – small: 1,000-3,000; Medium: 3,000-8,000; Large: 8,000-20,000; Extra Large: over 20,000  Facilities  Religion  Student Body  Athletic / Talent Programs  FIT ! Does it “feel” like a good fit?

4 What are colleges looking for in a student?  Academic Achievement (GPA)  SAT/ACT scores  Rigor of classes (H/AP)  Senior Class Schedule (Maintain Rigor/Attendance)  Extracurricular Activities-Commitment, Leadership, Consistency  Community Service  Essays/Supplements  Recommendation Letter(s)  Interview (for some private colleges)  Alumni of the university  Special Talents

5 What matters to colleges?

6 “Scholastic Assessment Test”Formerly “American College Testing” 3 Sections Critical Reading Math Writing 5 Sections English Math Reading Science Reasoning Writing (Optional, but not really) Scores range from 200 – 800 in each section Scores range from 1 – 36 in each section but COMPOSITE SCORE is average of all sections 1/4 –point penalty for wrong answers No penalty for wrong answers “Reasoning” based questions“Curriculum” based questions

7 Most colleges will acknowledge the student’s highest verbal score, highest math score and highest writing score, even if they were not taken on the same test date Most colleges will look at highest COMPOSITE score – most do not mix and match section scores Students will be able to select which scores they send to colleges by test date for the SAT and by individual test for the SAT Subject Tests ACT reports, “ONLY the scores from the test date you designate, not any other test scores. This ensures that you direct the reporting of your scores.”

8 EXAMPLE SAT March, 2014 650 Math, 590 Critical Reading, 640 Writing May, 2013 620 Math, 640 Critical Reading, 650 Writing October, 2013 590 Math, 590 Critical Reading, 600 Writing * About ½ of colleges take the writing score into consideration * SAT changing Class of 2016 * Some colleges SCORE CHOICE

9 EXAMPLE ACT  February, 2014April, 2014 English – 28English - 31 Math – 24Math - 27 Reading – 32Reading - 32 Science – 24Science - 27 English/Writing – 28English/Writing - 30 Composite – 27Composite – 29

10 Testing - SAT  Some colleges will require that you send ALL of your scores  When you start to send your scores, you will be able to see what each college requires.

11 Testing – SAT Subject Tests  Not all colleges require these tests, but those that do normally require 2 or 3  Research your prospective schools to see what they require  Test in areas in which you will do well  English Literature, U.S. History, World History, Math Level 1, Math Level 2, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Languages

12 SATACT May 3, 2014April 12, 2014 June 7, 2014June 14, 2014  ACT Upcoming Test Dates

13 Importance of Visiting Colleges  Spring Break is a great time to visit colleges- students will be on campus  Get a feel for the campus  If possible, sign up for a tour– let the school know that you are there!  “Demonstrate Interest” – schools keep track of any visits, tours, communication, etc. that you have with the school


15 Number of Applications  4-8 applications is reasonable  Applications should include at least one reach school, one safety school, and two target schools  To determine safety, target and reach, the student should compare her grade point average and SAT scores to the average statistics in the college’s “Freshman Class Profile” (information available on Naviance)

16 Number of Applications  Applying to too many colleges can complicate the final decision in April and May  College applications can also get very expensive ($25-$75 per application)  Doing research, being realistic and VISITING colleges can help narrow down your college list

17 Application Types  Every college has it’s own criteria and application requirements – BE SURE TO FIND OUT EACH SCHOOL’S REQUIREMENTS!  Different applications, supplements, deadlines, testing requirements, financial aid requirements, etc  Supplements are VERY IMPORTANT - Trying to differentiate applicants.

18 Application Types  Regular Decision  Early Decision I (Usually Nov. 1 or Nov. 15)  Binding  May only apply to ONE  Early Action (Usually Nov. 1 or Nov. 15)  Non-binding  Most allow more than one – check each schools rules  Rolling Admission  First come, first served  Apply Early!!

19 Application Types  Common Application vs. School-specific Application  Over 500 colleges and universities use the Common App   One application can be sent to multiple schools  Supplements to Common Application

20 Application Process  About 99% of colleges accept the application online  About 90% of colleges will accept transcript and recommendations online, through Naviance  The other 10% will need to be mailed via USPS or completed through their own website. (PENNSTATE, RUTGERS)

21  On-line Guidance program used for researching career options, exploring colleges, organizing applications, and sending information.  Statistics are from Villa students and graduates from the Class of 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 

22 USING NAVIANCE & The “NEW” CA4  Since our school uses Naviance to submit school forms. Applicants will need to submit the FERPA decision within the Common App account not their NAVIANCE account.  The FERPA questions is found w/i the “Assign Recommenders’ tab of the applications. There is a “release authorization’ link to click on in order to make your FERPA decision.  You must add at least one school (that you are applying to) on to your account.

23 The “New” Common Application  Why should you considering waiving your right of access?  Waiving your right lets colleges know that you will never try to read your recommendations.  If you do not waive your right, it can be perceived as though you have something to hide.  Some colleges may disregard recommendations because the recommender may not be willing to be candid.

24 THE “NEW” Common Application  In order to begin the application submission process, you must first have the following items completed:  All sections of the Common Application  All of the College Questions  Assign recommenders  You will then be able to “MATCH” to Naviance

25 A KEY NAVIANCE STEP  OFFICIAL NAME must match (Common App, College Application.  Register on, enter at least 1 college name and note USERNAME AND PASSWORD  In your NAVIANCE account>Colleges>”Colleges I am applying to” link, enter your email address to match your college information.  In your NAVIANCE account>Colleges>”Colleges I am applying to” add the colleges to which you are going to apply

26 Letters of Recommendations  Most colleges require 2 letters of recommendations from teachers and 1 from a guidance counselor  Letters DO NOT have to be from teachers of Junior year classes, but should be recent  Make sure the teacher knows you and can speak to your strengths to how you perform in their class  NEW THIS YEAR Some colleges limited the amount of recommendations that can be sent (1 TEACHER)

27 TRANSCRIPT REQUEST  Submit a GREEN TRANSCRIPT form to GUIDANCE for each college you are applying to. You will need to include:  Deadline of Application  Applying Early Action, Early Decision  FORMS NEED TO BE SUBMITTED at least 2 weeks prior to deadline !

28 Letters of Recommendation  Brag Sheet  Student Resume  For now, begin thinking about who you would like to write these letters for you

29 FINANCIAL AID FAFSACSS PROFILE Free Application for Federal Student Aid College Board aid application for about 200 private colleges Used to determine FEDERAL Financial Aid Used to determine NON-FEDERAL Financial Aid (institutional scholarships, grants, loans) Cost is FREE!You are charged an application fee of $9, plus $16 for each college or scholarship program to which you want information sent. The FAFSA can be submitted beginning on January 1 of your Senior year. The CSS PROFILE can be submitted prior to January 1. CHECK EACH INDIVIDUAL COLLEGE FOR PROFILE DEADLINE!! www.fafsa.ed.gov

30 FINANCIAL AID  Most private colleges require you to fill out both the FAFSA and the PROFILE.  Public colleges only require the FAFSA.  Each college sets a deadline by which you must file each of the forms- please check these deadlines over the summer to make sure you get them done on time!

31 Financial Aid  Family financial information is analyzed to come up with the EFC = Expected Family Contribution  EFC based on:  Parents Income  Parents Assets  Student Income  Student Assets  # of family members  # of children in college

32 Varsity Athletes  If anyone is considering playing a varsity sport in college, you must register and be cleared by the NCAA   Being cleared takes time, so if you think you might want to play, begin the process now  You will not be allowed to participate if you are not cleared through the NCAA  Recruiting regulations can also be found on this site

33 WHAT SHOULD WE DO NOW?  Research and visit colleges  Take SAT/ACT/Subject Tests  Begin thinking about who you would like to write your teacher letters of recommendations  Continue working hard without stressing.

34 Final Thought  The best school for a student is one that meets all of her academic, social and emotional needs-not the one that is the most competitive.  A student’s success in college is determined by how happy they are on campus and with the program. Your daughter will get accepted into college!!


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