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Blood Erythrocytes (RBC).

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Presentation on theme: "Blood Erythrocytes (RBC)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blood Erythrocytes (RBC)

2 Blood Smear with Erythrocytes – Red Blood Cells (RBCs)

3 TEM of Red Blood Cells (in cross section)

4 Colorized SEM of Red Blood Cells (red), platelets (green) and White Blood Cells (purple)

5 Blood Smear from normal and hypochromic microcytic anemia patients

6 Macrocytic Hyperchromic Anemia
Blood Smear from normal and hyperchromic macrocytic anemia patients Macrocytic Hyperchromic Anemia Normal

7 Sickle Cell Anemia (arrow = sickle cell)

8 Colorized SEM of Sickle Cell RBCs (green)

9 Erythropoiesis – Red Blood Cell Development
Basophilic Polychromatophilic Erythroblasts Erythroblasts Normoblast Reticulocyte

10 Bone Marrow Smear with developing red blood cells
Black arrow = basophilic erythroblast Green arrow = polychromato-philic erythroblasts

11 Bone Marrow Smear with Megakaryocyte forming platelets (P)

12 Blood Smear with platelets (a) – inset high mag with hyalomere and granulomere

13 TEM of a Platelet

14 Colorized SEM of Red Blood Cells (red), platelets (green) and White Blood Cells (yellow)

15 Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils, Lymphocytes, and Monocytes
White Blood Cells Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils, Lymphocytes, and Monocytes

16 Blood Smear with a Neutrophil (Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte)

17 Blood Smear with an Eosinophil (bilobed nucleus + red granules)

18 Blood Smear with a Basophil (irregular nucleus + dark purple granules)

19 Diagram of Granulopoiesis
White Blood Cell Development

20 Bone Marrow Smears showing Neutrophil development
Neutrophilic Early Neutrophilic Late Neutrophilic Myelocyte Metamyelocyte Metamyelocyte or Stab Cell

21 Bone Marrow Smear – yellow arrow = eosinophilic myelocyte
1 = Neutrophilic Myelocytes 2 & 3 = Neutrophilic Metamyelo-cytes

22 Blood Smear with two Monocytes

23 Blood Smear with a Lymphocyte

24 Arteries and Arterioles
Blood Vessels Arteries and Arterioles

25 Muscular Artery – TM = tunica media

26 Wall of the Muscular Artery Arrow = T. Intima; TM = T. media; TA = T
Wall of the Muscular Artery Arrow = T. Intima; TM = T. media; TA = T. adventitia TM TA

27 Wall of the Elastic Artery
TM TA TI = T. Intima; TM = T. media; TA = T. adventitia

28 Arteriole (A) and Vein (V)

29 Thin section of a small arteriole

30 TEM of a fenestrated capillary with a RBC in the lumen

31 Diagram of the controls of blood flow through a capillary system

32 Venule (V) and small arteriole (A)

33 An arteriole (A) and venule (B) – arrow = capillary

34 Muscular artery and large vein

35 Wall of a vein – TI = T. Intima; TM = T. Media; TA = T. Adventitia

36 Vein with infoldings of the T. Intima = valves (V)

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