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Presentation on theme: "16. Automation WHY AUTOMATE STAGES AND LEVELS OF AUTOMATION"— Presentation transcript:

impossible or hazardous difficult or unpleasant extend human capability technically possible STAGES AND LEVELS OF AUTOMATION information acquisition, selection, and filtering – automatic highlighting tools information integration – predictor displays action selection and choice – traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS) control and action execution – autopilots, cruise control PROBLEMS IN AUTOMATION Automation Reliability reliable – it does what the human operator expects it to do why automation may be perceived as unreliable it may be unreliable there may be certain situations in which the automation is not designed to operate or may not perform well – dumb and dutiful the human operator may incorrectly set up the automation due to poor mental model, it appears to be acting erroneously to the operator

2 Trust: Calibration and Mistrust
trust should be well calibrated – trust should be in direct proportion to its reliability mistrust occurs when trust is not directly related to reliability distrust is a type of mistrust where the person fails to trust the automation as much as is appropriate – are not necessarily severe, but may lead to inefficiency Overtrust and Complacency overtrust occurs when people trust the automation more than is warranted – severe negative consequences if the automation is less than fully reliable human tendency to let experience guide our expectancies – perceived perfect reliability three distinct implications for human intervention to automation detection: the complacent operator will likely be slower to detect a real failure situation awareness – better aware with active participation (generation effect) – out of the loop, poor feedback of the automated process skill loss (deskilling) – the gradual loss of skills less trustful of one’s performance  more likely to continue to use automation degrade the operator’s ability to intervene approximately (fig 16.1) Workload and Situation Awareness as automation level moves up the scale, both workload and SA tend to go down clumsy automation – automation makes easy tasks easier and hard tasks harder Training and Certification

Loss of Human Cooperation Job Satisfaction FUNCTION ALLOCATION BETWEEN THE PERSON AND AUTOMATION HUMAN-CENTERED AUTOMATION keeping the human informed keeping the human trained keeping the operator in the loop selecting appropriate stages and levels when automation is imperfect making the automation flexible and adaptive maintaining a positive management philosophy SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND AUTOMATION-BASED COMPLEX SYSTEM automation is not optional, but necessity -- production of continuous quantities (chemical process control), production of discrete quantities (manufacturing control), robotics control how to support the supervisor in times of failures and fault management  knowledge-based behavior, predictor displays, ecological interface robotics control in manufacturing and in navigating UAV hortatory control – the systems being controlled retains a high degree of autonomy

4 17. Transportation Human Factors
AUTOMOTIVE HUMAN FACTORS Task Analysis of the Vehicle Roadway System Strategic, Tactical, and Control Aspects of Driving strategic tasks – deciding where to go, when to go and how to get there tactical tasks – choice of maneuvers and immediate goals in getting to a destination such as speed selection, the decision to pass another vehicle, and the choice of lanes control tasks – moment-to-moment operation of the vehicle such as maintaining a desired speed, keeping the desired distance from the car ahead, keeping the car in the lane Control Task two-dimensional tracking task of vehicle control the lateral task of maintaining lane position – 2nd-order control task with preview and a predictor  the best measure is the time to lane crossing (TLC) longitudinal task as a first-order tracking task of speed keeping three channels of visual information to be tracked along the two axes lateral tracking by the roadway curvature longitudinal tracking by the flow of motion along the roadway and the location or distance of hazards and traffic control devices

5 Visibility Multitask Demands
primary control task -- lane keeping and roadway hazard monitoring dependent upon primary vision attention lobe (PVAL) of information (fig 17.1 and 17.2) inattention, competing visual tasks secondary motor activity – conflict with monitoring and processing and visual information in the PVAL Cabin Environment create the simplest, most user-friendly design of the internal displays and controls Visibility Anthropometry anthropometric factors of seating – reachability of different controls design for the mean is not appropriate -- controls accessible and interpretable Illumination adequate highway lightning, adequate reflectors Signage minimize visual clutter from unnecessary signs locate signs consistently identify sign classes distinctly – color, shape allow signs to be read efficiently

6 Hazards and Collisions
Resource Competition serious distraction of in-cab viewing – the number and duration of glances auditory display, speech recognition, HUD Hazards and Collisions Control Loss slick or icy road conditions, narrow lanes and momentarily lapses in attention, rapid over-correction directly related to the bandwidth of correction – vehicle speed Hazard Response poor visibility and inattention can cause a failure to detect hazards the time to react to unexpected objects (the perception-reaction time or brake reaction time) – 1 to 2 sec, mean of 1.5 sec Speeding quadruple threat to driver safety – (1) increases the likelihood of control loss; (2) decreases the probability of detecting hazard in time; (3) increases the distance traveled before a successful avoidance maneuver; (4) increases the damage at impact (fig 17.3) why do people speed? perceptual biases (underestimating true speed) – size biased distance judgments; bias to overspeed (quieter engines, higher seating position above the ground, less visible ground texture), adaptation cognitive biases (overestimating the ability to stop in time)

7 Driving Safety Improvements
Risky Behavior cognitive biases to overspeeding – overconfidence (underestimation of risk), expectancy (no experience of a collision – little effect on the behavior of survivors) The Impaired Driver Fatigue over 50% of the accidents leading to the death of a truck driver and over 10% of all fatal car accidents Alcohol the most effective interventions may be social norming Age Impairment Interactions Driving Safety Improvements Driver Characteristics: Training and Selection higher accident rates were related with limited skills (for the very young driver) and limited information processing abilities (for the elderly) graduated licensing for younger drivers, more frequent driving test the standard visual acuity test – very little relevance for driving  dynamic visual acuity Driver Characteristics: Driver Adaptation and Risk Calibration risk homeostasis model – partially consistent  motive for driving faster and force of habit any safety intervention must consider the tendency for people to adapt to the new situation

Driver Characteristics: Regulatory Compliance effective enforcement of speed limits can make a difference – automatic speed management system, automated systems for issuing tickets Driver and Vehicle Characteristics: Fitness to Drive driver monitoring system -- monitoring the vehicle (e.g., steering behavior) and the driver (e.g., blinking rate, EEG) Vehicle Characteristics: Sensing and Warnings high mounted brake lights, trilight system Roadway Characteristics: Expectancy positive guidance, light cycle expectancy and standardization on sign location and interaction design reduce the consequence of an accident Driver and Vehicle Characteristics: Use of Protective Devices AUTOMATIVE AUTOMATION Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) – collision warning systems, automated navigation systems, driver monitors – GPS system, traffic sensing devices, digital map database, wireless connection user trust and complacency attention may be drawn more into the vehicle introduce a new type of productivity and safety tradeoff in driving

Maritime Human Factors fatigue and crew reductions extremely sluggish in their handling qualities, benefiting from predictive displays Aviation Human Factors The Tasks primary multiaxis tracking task -- aviating maintaining situation awareness, navigating to three-dimensional points, following procedures, communicating with controllers and other pilots, monitoring system status competition -- visual, perceptual, cognitive, and response-related resources Tracking and Flight Control 6 degrees of freedom of motion rotational axes -- pitch, roll (or bank), and yaw translational axes – lateral, vertical, and longitudinal two primary goals aviating -- keeping the plane from stalling by maintaining adequate air flow over the wings, which produces lift  control of the airspeed and attitude (pitch and roll) navigate the aircraft to points in the 3-D airspace (4-D navigation with time) yoke controls the elevators and ailerons – pitch and bank (first-order dynamics) throttle controls airspeed rudder pedals help coordinate turning and heading changes

10 The Social Context Supporting the Pilot
three facets make the multielements tracking task much more difficult displays do not show a good, integrated, pictorial representation of the aircraft the dynamics of several aspects of flight control are higher order the axes often have cross-couplings Maintaining Situation Awareness achieving SA through display design -- HUD Following Procedures to assist the pilot’s prospective memory – knowledge in the world in the checklist two kinds of errors in following checklists top-down processing (coupled with time pressure) may lead to see the item in its appropriate state, even if it is not distractions can lead the pilot to skip a step in the checklist redundant participation, automation The Social Context breakdowns in pilot team performance  junior vs. senior  CRM (cockpit/crew resource management) Supporting the Pilot maintenance technicians and their inspection and trouble shooting skills aircraft automation – human-centered automation air traffic control

11 18. Selection and Training
PERSONNEL SELECTION predicting future job performance; categorize accepted applicants into the job type interviews, work histories, background checks, tests, references, work samples signal detection theory  hit, miss, false alarm, correct rejection Basics of Selection job analysis – selection, training, performance appraisal, setting salary levels  tasks, environments, related knowledge, skills, & abilities already have the task-specific knowledge and skills required or show evidence of basic knowledge and abilities criterion-related validity Selection Tests and Procedures Measures of Cognitive Ability standardized tests of cognitive or information-processing abilities  general ability or intelligence, verbal ability, perceptual ability, numerical ability, reasoning or analytical ability, perceptual speed, memory, & spatial-mechanical abilities Measures of Physical Ability and Psychomotor Skills physical strength, physical endurance, manual dexterity, and/or psychomotor skills Personality Assessment clinical measures – mental illness or behavioral disorders personality dimensions – five basic personality factors/clusters

Work Samples and Job Knowledge video assessment – see a short scenario and respond in the situation job knowledge test – high transferable knowledge to the job, motivation factor Structured Interviews questions based on and related to knowledge and skills identified in the job analysis describe previous work behavior  critical behavior interview – discuss recent occasions when they felt they were performing at their best PERFORMANCE SUPPORT AND JOB AIDS performance-support approach  as needed basis, shifting a ‘learn-and-apply’ to ‘learning-while-applying’ cycle performance support – the process of providing a set of information and learning activities in a context-specific fashion during task performance  efficient because of less taxing on memory Job Aids and Instructions job aids - daily to-do list, recipe, note cards, computer templates, instructions for assembling a product, procedural lists traditional instruction manual  Wright’s quidelines -- caution against using prose, effective use of pictures (redundancy gain), proximity-compatibility principle voice coupled with pictures when presenting instructions Embedded Computer Support on-line help system – adaptive automation  interrupting the ongoing task

13 TRAINING Learning and Expertise Methods for Enhancing Training
three different stages in the development of expertise knowledge characterized by declarative knowledge procedural knowledge by rules and if-then statements automaticity Methods for Enhancing Training the best training in the shortest time, to the longest retention, the least expensive Practice and Overlearning overlearning beyond error-free performance improving in the speed of performance involving cognitive or motor aspects  automaticity  important in skills with high multitasking requirements decrease the rate of forgetting and increase the ease of a task Encouraging Deep, Active, and Meaningful Processing deep processing -- chunking in the formation of meaningful associations with material already in WM to learn the new material generation effect active problem solving and group participation better retained when understanding why rather than what – embedded in the context of the procedural task to be learned

14 Offering Feedback corrective feedback, motivational feedback immediately after the skill is performed Consider Individual Differences redundancy of graphics and words is most helpful Pay Attention to Attention learning is information processing, and information processing is generally resources limited Training in Parts part-task training is not always superior to whole-task training  how the task is broken down segmentation – several components occurring in sequence without overlapping fractionation – component tasks performed simultaneously or concurrently Simplifying, Guiding and Adaptive Training simplification – reducing load and errors of performance guiding – “training wheels” approach – disabling or freezing keys simplified version of a skill will not transfer to the complex version learners can become overly dependent on the guidance or scaffolding Media Matters? modest benefits of computer-based instruction – these gains are not large  the particular aspect of the computer media not the computer itself

Transfer of Training and Simulation how well the learning in one environment enhance performance in a new environment positive/negative transfer %transfer = (control time – transfer time)/(control time)*100 = savings/(control time)*100 transfer effectiveness ratio = savings/(training time) realism or fidelity of the simulator – more realism does not necessarily produce more positive transfer On the Job Training and Embedded training much less effective than other training methods – very effective if using Instructional System Design with strong guidance to the trainer embedded training is most appropriate for jobs that rely at least partially on computers TRAINING PROGRAM DESIGN A Training Program Design Model ISD (Instructional System Design) models – similar to human factors design models front-end analysis phase  design and development phase  implementation  final system evaluation phase developing job aids, instructional manuals, performance-support systems in addition to more traditional training programs

16 Phase 1: Front-End Analysis
organizational analysis information-collection activity to identify any factors regarding the need for and success for a training program – future company change such as job redesign or acquisition or new technology, management attitude toward job duties document analysis, interviews, questionnaires, job tests, observation task analysis identify the knowledge, skills, and behavior for successful task performance trainee analysis identifies: prerequisite knowledge and skills to begin the training program demographics such as age, physical capabilities, primary language, and background attitudes toward training methods training needs analysis -- to determine the most appropriate performance improvement approach among task redesign, performance support, develop a training program Phase 2: Design and Development design concepts  project plan  prototype for formative evaluation and usability testing  full-scale development Phase 3: Program Evaluation what criteria to measure, when to measure the criteria, who (which trainee) to use in measuring the criteria, what context to use pretest-posttest experimental design, control group design

17 19. Social Factors GROUPS AND TEAMS
trend in organizational design flattening structures, decentralized decision making, use of groups and teams Characteristics of Groups and Teams organize every function into ten- to thirty-person, largely self-managing teams team characteristics the key to group performance – communication crew – a group of persons or team that manages some of technology usually in transportation Group Performance better at tasks than the average but not better than the best work productivity – less than the sum of the individuals Team Performance selection of an appropriate combination of members four categories problems interfering with team performance taskwork skills teamwork skills – cooperation, coordination, communication, adaptibility, giving/accepting suggestions or criticism, showing team spirit

factors to team performance no common mental model no time and cognitive resources to communicate plans and strategies no cognitive resources available to ask others for information Team Training acquisition of team work skills development and use of shared mental models strategies for effective communication, adaptation to stress, maintenance of situational awareness, group decision making, coordinated task performance job cross-training Team Instructional Prescriptions (TIP) COMPUTER-SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK Decision Making Using Groupware group communication support system – teleconferencing, group decision support system Effects of Decision Support Systems increase group members’ depth of analysis, group communication and efforts to achieve clarification, member participation, the consensus building of group decrease the domination by a few people

19 Computer-Supported Team Performance
Effects of Communication Support System increase the level of participation and effort expended by group members increase the depth of analysis decrease domination of the group by a few members increase decision times decrease overall cooperation and consensus building Computer-Supported Team Performance group-view displays provide a status overview direct personnel to additional information support collaboration among crew members support coordination of crew activities Difficulties in Remote Collaboration increased difficulty in collaboration – knowing who is doing what increased difficulty in communication increased difficulty in maintaining situation awareness because of a decrease in communication

traditional ergonomics intervention in industry – micoergonomics macroergonomics top-down sociotechnical systems approach to the design of organizations, work systems, jobs, and related human-machine, user-system, and human-environment interfaces participatory ergonomics employees know a great deal about their job and job environment employee and management ownership enhances program implementation end-user participation causes flexible problem solving ergonomic interventions -- organizational barriers promoting employee self-protective behavior use of individual or group incentives use of disciplinary actions fear messages behavior modeling of others employee surveys


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