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Beskæftigelsesforvaltningen Aarhus Kommune Aarhus and numbers Aarhus is the second-largest city in Denmark and is the second-largest urban area in Denmark.

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Presentation on theme: "Beskæftigelsesforvaltningen Aarhus Kommune Aarhus and numbers Aarhus is the second-largest city in Denmark and is the second-largest urban area in Denmark."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beskæftigelsesforvaltningen Aarhus Kommune Aarhus and numbers Aarhus is the second-largest city in Denmark and is the second-largest urban area in Denmark after Copenhagen. The city of Aarhus has 319,094 inhabitants The "Greater Aarhus" (eastern Jutland) area has a population of about 1.25 million people The city claims the unofficial title "Capital of Jutland".

2 Beskæftigelsesforvaltningen Aarhus Kommune Aarhus – education and business The town is home to Aarhus University, and several other higher education centers. Aarhus University is the largest university in Denmark. The university has approximately 41,500 Bachelor and Master students enlisted and further about 1,500 Ph.D. students. Business-structure : Knowledge companies like Google, IBM, Vestas and Bang & Olufsen. Largest habour in Denmark meassured on revenue Aarhus is known as the Capital of Wind Energy – 14,000 employees within the Danish wind energy sector work in the region. – Vestas HQ placed in Aarhus

3 Beskæftigelsesforvaltningen Aarhus Kommune The flexible and incluisve labourmarket  The danish labour market  Flexicurity model  The flexicurity model  not a deliberate choice – but a result of traditions for more than a 100 years combined with an active labour market policy initiated in the mid 90’s  The characteristica: Labour market is regulated not by law – but by by agreements ( bargain system) between employers org. and emplyees org. (tradeunions)  Flexicurity is a contraction of ”Flexibility” and ”Security”. In combination with a active labour market policy this makes elements of the flexicuritymodel. 

4 Beskæftigelsesforvaltningen Aarhus Kommune Flexcurity - model Flexible Hiring and firing Security Relatively high wellfare ALMP/ Active measures The flexible and incluisve labourmarket

5 Beskæftigelsesforvaltningen Aarhus Kommune  To sum it up: The flexicurity model is a kind of contract between  The state - not to make employment protection legislation and to supply a relatively high income to unemployed workers and to initiate relevant active labour market policies  The employers organisations – to hire when good market conditions and to fire when not so good  The employees organisations ( trade unions) – not to demand protective agreements that would undermine the easy access to hire and fire and thereby the flexibility of the labour market. In return they receive relatively high level of welfare and training when unemployed. The flexible and incluisve labourmarket

6 Beskæftigelsesforvaltningen Aarhus Kommune The flexible and incluisve labourmarket ALMP 1.Assist people into jobs 2.Active search 3.Reduced ability to work a)Rehabilitation b)Compensation schemes c)Flexjob d)Disability pension - sparejob Flexicurity model

7 Beskæftigelsesforvaltningen Aarhus Kommune Municipal Council Economy Comitee Social Comitee Employment Comitee Technical Comitee Health and Care Comitee Cultural Comitee Children and Young Comitee Magistrate Mayor's Department Social Affairs and Employment Social Affairs Departement Departement of Employment Technical Services and Environment Culture and Citizens Services Health and Care Children and Young People Organization The flexible and incluisve labourmarket

8 Beskæftigelsesforvaltningen Aarhus Kommune Departement of Employment Department of benefitsJobcenterJob and Education Uninsured Uninsured and insured unemployed up till 30 years old Integration Job and Guidance UninsuredUninsured and insured unemployed above 30 years old Job and Thrive Persons eligible for flexjobs and sparejobs and socially disadvantaged citizens Job and Health Persons on sickness benefits Retention team Transverse operations Contact to private contract holders etc. Department of active measures Organization The flexible and incluisve labourmarket

9 Beskæftigelsesforvaltningen Aarhus Kommune The flexible and inclusive labourmarket - Overview Act on disabled people in jobs The Act on active employment initiatives The Act on active social policy Workplace design and aids* Personal assistance* Privileged access to job interviews* The Icebreaker scheme* Special pedagogical support* social mentor* flexjob Sparejobs Rehabilitation Disability compensating schemes*

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