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Mrs Umerah Mr Bristow. Year 9 Options Evening The Elutec Experience… David Louise Abdul Met at ‘My Elutec’ and induction days and have become friends…

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs Umerah Mr Bristow. Year 9 Options Evening The Elutec Experience… David Louise Abdul Met at ‘My Elutec’ and induction days and have become friends…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs Umerah Mr Bristow

2 Year 9 Options Evening

3 The Elutec Experience… David Louise Abdul Met at ‘My Elutec’ and induction days and have become friends… 8 September 2014

4 This is what we know about them… Cognitive ability Reading age Spelling age Current GCSE level in English, maths, biology, physics, chemistry Aptitude for German SEN details (if any) Pupil premium status Any relevant health issues Attendance in year 9 Aspirations after school That they all want to be in the same house

5 All of which tells us… Abdul is an ‘average’ student with test scores that are expected for someone of his age. He aspires to be a chemical engineer – his ‘career journal’ will set him clear targets to achieve beyond the expectations of this data. He will be supported on this journey by his mentor. Louise will need support across the curriculum but most intensively with her literacy. Her mentor will be an LSA who will work with her across all subjects and set short term targets on a weekly basis. She will take one science and will not take MFL and this extra time on her timetable will focus on raising her attainment in English and maths. David is a high functioning dyslexic. He is of above average intelligence although his attainment is lower than expected because his dyslexia is a barrier to success in formal assessments. He will be given lap-top dispensation and specific intervention from his mentor who is a dyslexia specialist. Plus..  Who the most suitable mentor will be;  What they would like to do on Wednesday afternoons;  Where they should sit in class;  Exactly which bits of English, maths and science they need most support in;  What sort of work experience they should have;  What their hopes and fears are at Elutec;  How they travel to school everyday;  And much more…

6 My Elutec? The last Saturday of the month… Diary note: March 29 th April 26 th May 31 st July 26 th Optional – 10.30 – 2.00 Induction Day Saturday 28 th June NOT OPTIONAL!!! House names, uniform, ice-breakers, policy, room design, other fun stuff! Assessment, questionnaire, measuring up and purchasing, parent-pay, bio-metrics, other fun stuff!

7 Curriculum Challenge Projects Engineering and Design Maths Business Computing Sciences English MFL Extension Activities Work Placements PE SMSC Qualifications Technical Skills Employability Skills

8 Curriculum Qualifications… COREENGINEERING English language GCSE English literature GCSE Maths GCSE Physics GCSE Chemistry GCSE Biology GCSE Computing GCSE German GCSE Cambridge Nationals in o Engineering design o Principals in engineering and business o Systems control in engineering o Engineering manufacture Each worth 1 GCSE 12 GCSEs

9 Abdul Louise David English language English literature Maths Physics Chemistry Biology German Computing Engineering design Principals in engineering and business Systems control in engineering Engineering manufacture English language Maths Biology NVQ level 1 speaking in Spanish Computing Engineering design Engineering manufacture Plus intervention English language English literature Maths Physics Chemistry Biology Business Computing NVQ level 1 SL in Spanish, German, Mandarin Engineering design Principals in engineering and business Systems control in engineering Engineering manufacture Plus intervention Extension… Green Power and karate

10 Challenge Partners 1.Partners set students a challenge 2.Real world context 3.Practical applications 4.Staff engagement 5.Visits 6.OCR applied assessment 7.Gives learning a meaning

11 Our Challenge Partners Enterprise Partners




15 The Ford Challenge Session TOPICDELIVERY 1 Intro to Ford Motor Co & challenge overviewPresentation 2 Ford Design Process – case studySeminar session 3 Plant Visit – DuntonVisit 4 Plant Visit – manufacturing plantVisit 5 Component Engineering case studySeminar session 6 Launch ChallengePresentation 7 Challenge Graduate ConsultancyConsultancy session 8 Design Review Refresher/Graduate Consultancy Graduates 9 Challenge Graduate ConsultancyGraduates consultancy session 10 Challenge Design ReviewReview session with Ford manager 11 Challenge Design ReviewReview session with Ford manager

16 LSA ELC Head of house

17 SubjectSplitStaff EngineeringWhole house4 house staff EnglishHalf house2 – 1 teacher 1 support MathsHalf house2 – 1 teacher 1 support Science2 groups1 teacher each group 1 support ComputingHalf house2 – 1 teacher 1 support MFL10 GCSE Others in 2 groups 1 teacher 1 teacher per group 1 support PEWhole house3 – 1 teacher 2 support

18 TargetDate SetProgressFurther Action To complete all tasks set in maths lessons 12 FebruaryJack has been trying really hard to stay focused in maths lessons and is completing more work than he had been – although not always the complete task. Jack must ask for help from the LSA if he is struggling with a question. He should also use the resources on the website to go over techniques at home if he hasn’t understood something in class. To find a work experience placement 10 December Brilliant! Jack has found a placement at the Ford Engine Plant. Jack should find out as much as he can about the company before he starts. To ensure that you are properly dressed for Elutec every day, wearing full uniform and not wearing inappropriate jewellery 12 FebruaryJack has been able to remember his tie every day, which is good but he has still lost HP on 4 occasions for wearing friendship bracelets that contravene Elutec policy. Will reset as a target and asks all of Jack’s teachers to check his wrists at the beginning of every lesson. Mentoring

19 TargetSuccess CriteriaReview Date To remember his PE kit for extracurricular activities and PE (he received -3 HP again this week for forgetting). To partake in all sports activities in PE and EC Next meeting To practise sentence starters at home in preparation for his English controlled assessment (in two week’s time) – Mrs Saunders has been working with Jack on this and he has some ideas on a worksheet in his bag. To achieve a grade A in his next English CA After the CA has been assessed To complete AO6 in his ICT AssessmentAO6 complete and handed in for assessment Next meeting Additional information Annual attendance percentage House points: Positive Negative Important dates this term: Parents’ evening – March 31, physics test – April 7, work experience 11-15 April. 96 7812

20 8:20 – Minibus drop off 8:30 - Maths 9:35 – Break 9:50 - English 10:55 – PE 12.55 - Lunch 13:40 – Engineering – Workshop 14:45 – Break 15:00 – Engineering – Challenge 16:00 – Engineering site visit 17:00 – Minibus back to Rainham Station An Elutec day in the life of… Louise

21 High expectations Consistent approach Work place context On site all day House points with rewards Code of Conduct Visitors to Elutec will tell others how mature, well- behaved and smart Elutec students are… and there will be lots of visitors!

22 Seize the day… Make your lives extraordinary Embrace Elutec’s values … Positivity Urgency Innovation Responsibility

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