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Building Excitement into Your Area

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Presentation on theme: "Building Excitement into Your Area"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Excitement into Your Area
Doris Henn, DTM

2 How can you build excitement into your Area?

3 Club Officer Installation – Official Ceremony

4 Club Officer Installation – Two Options
Chocolate Bar Method Who’s Who in the Zoo?

5 Installing Club Officers Can be Fun!
Ice Breaker – Introduce yourself to the club Emphasize the importance of club executive positions Highlight the major functions of each exec role Club Leadership Handbook – pg. 57 & 58.

6 Travelling Gavel/Stuffie

7 How does it work? Get a box that will hold your gavel/stuffie
Club members: Travel from one club to another Take part in the meeting Collect an agenda to include in the box

8 Benefits of Travelling Gavel Program
Members step outside their club Creates fun as the Gavel/Stuffie shows up at a new meeting Creates some friendly competition between Areas

9 Speakers Exchange One club member travels to a new Area club each month to present a speech Create a schedule Each club should have 1 guest speaker each month

10 Area Marketing/Promotion
Consider an Area Marketing Campaign Flyer to advertise club meeting time/place Branded Advertising Excited Toastmasters

11 Community Fairs/Marketing Opportunity
Advertise clubs in the Area Give free coupons to attend Area club meetings Use District 42 “Pop Up Banners”

12 Area Potluck/Speech Marathon
Participation from each club Variety of speeches Good food New Friendships Invite Spouses – prospective new members

13 Area Barbeque/Social Events
Hot Potato – Table Topics Sizzling Speeches Good Food Building Friendships Membership Building

14 Be Creative – Share your Ideas With your Area Council

15 Questions?

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