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Advances in Human Resource Development and Management Course Code: MGT 712 Lecture 27.

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Presentation on theme: "Advances in Human Resource Development and Management Course Code: MGT 712 Lecture 27."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advances in Human Resource Development and Management Course Code: MGT 712 Lecture 27

2 Recap of Lecture 26 Classroom Training – Case Study Method – Business Games and Simulations – Role Playing – Behavior Modeling – Outdoor Education Computer-Based Training Choosing a Training Method 2Lecture 27

3 Learning Objectives: Lecture 27 Training Environment – The Training Room – Furniture – Furniture Setup – The Trainer Off-Site Training Facilities Techniques to Maintain Interest Implementation Ideas for Trainers Tips on Dealing with Different Trainees 3Lecture 27

4 Training Environment Parts of the training program environment include: – The Training Room – Furniture – Furniture Setup – The Trainer 4Lecture 27

5 Training Environment: Training Room Make the training room a learner-friendly environment and it should be: – Windowless – if no then should be fitted with curtains – Soundproof – Equipped with its own temperature control A nice training room is the one where: – Walls are blank and neutral in color – Lighting is adjustable – A room square in shape is preferable – Whiteboards are built into the walls at straight locations – A working remote control is available for lights and audio visual equipment – Overhead screen or computer slides should not block simultaneous use of whiteboard or flip charts 5Lecture 27

6 Training Environment: Furniture Furniture should consist of: Movable tables and chairs (not student desk- chairs) Tables: 5 feet x 2 ½ feet Chairs: – Cloth covered – Padded – Revolving – Armrests 6Lecture 27

7 Furniture Setup: Circular Style 7 = Trainer X = Easel/charts x Used to generate discussion Focus is evenly distributed Trainees can discuss issues among themselves Lecture 27

8 Furniture Setup: Theater Style 8 = Trainer X = Easel/charts x Places the focus on trainer Limits communication between trainees Trainees are there to listen Accommodate more trainees Lecture 27

9 Furniture Setup: Semi-circle 9 = Trainer X = Easel/charts x Encourages discussion Allows trainees to be face- to-face when trainer is not talking Trainer stands when presenting information Lecture 27

10 Furniture Setup: U-Shape 10 = Trainer X = Easel/charts xx Most often used Allows for larger groups Places main focus on trainer along with face to face discussion among members Trainer must not move too deeply into the U Lecture 27

11 Furniture Setup Trainees sit at round/rectangular tables in a semicircle It facilitates easy switch from lecture to small group discussion to exercises Members can interact with each other at the beginning 11 x Lecture 27

12 Off-Site Training Facilities Trainer may choose the facility based upon the need of the training Trainees are not interrupted Trainees feel a Change in the routine Trainee may associate staying in a hotel with a vacation Lecture 2712

13 The Trainer: Requirements 13 Knowledge Subject matter Organization Adult learning process Instructional methods Skills Interpersonal communication skills Verbal skills Active listening Questioning Providing feedback Platform skills Organization skills Attitudes Commitment to the organization Commitment to helping others High level of self efficacy Lecture 27

14 Techniques to Maintain Interest Ice-Breaker A game or exercise that prompts trainees to get involved in meeting and talking with other. – It is designed to be fun – Generates energy that will transfer to the rest of the training – Choice of an ice-breaker depends upon the size of group – It takes too much time – Without the ice-breaker, training starts off fast, but Learning Objectives – Provide review of the learning objectives – Help trainees to focus on the training 14Lecture 27

15 Techniques to Maintain Interest Provide Variety – Trainees’ attention begins to decline after 15 to 20 minutes – Be sure to provide breaks, and activities Exercises or Games – Valuable for gaining and maintaining interest – games must be relevant – Especially, if they provide an example of training objectives – Must reinforce learning while providing a break in the routine 15Lecture 27

16 Implementation Ideas for Trainers Preparation Arrive early at the training site to check that everything is in order: Seating arrangement is proper Material is arrived All equipment is working and you know how to operate it By assuring that every thing is ready on time, you: – Provide initial positive impression – Gain and maintain trainee interest First Impression First impression is critical, so first few minutes need to be managed well What should a trainer wear? Know your audience - Two piece suit is safe Trainees should perceive the trainer as someone able to help them Clothes fit well, shoes are shined and accessories match the dress 16Lecture 27

17 Implementation Ideas for Trainers The Start of Training – On arrival, greet trainees individually – A small talk with the trainees before the session helps make them comfortable and will facilitate discussion – Starting on time is important – obtain commitment from the participants – Starting late punishes those who are on time and reinforces late comers – A good practice is to start with an ice-breaker – Ask trainees what they expect to learn from training – These expectations are written on board for future reference – Following with an introductory step, go through the agenda to indicate what will be happening over the training session – Set rules of the training 17Lecture 27

18 Implementation Ideas for Trainers The Podium – Standing behind a podium is effective for one way communication – Not an effective style for training adults – Any barriers present nonverbal impediments to the communication process – Being out in front of a desk helps make the trainer look more accessible and open to input – Podium may be used by a skilled trainer as a signal – when interruptions are acceptable and when are not 18Lecture 27

19 Implementation Ideas for Trainers Communication Tips 1. Listening and Questioning – Good listening and questioning skills are necessary for effective trainers – Within a discussion method use experiences and information provided by the trainees – In the beginning share your relevant experiences to show that sharing of experiences is desirable and useful – Then encourage trainees to begin sharing experiences related to the training – This requires listening – good listening is difficult We can process information much faster than someone speaks We believe we know what the person is going to say We believe that speaking and not listening is where the power and control are – Incorporate active listening by Listen carefully to what is said Summarize in your mind what was said Feed the summary back to the individual 19Lecture 27

20 Implementation Ideas for Trainers 2. Providing Instructions – Provide clear instructions with each exercise used – Oral instructions plus written handout containing the same instructions is useful – It is helpful to provide an example of what is expected – Once the exercise is begun, it is too late 3. Moving Around While Talking – Moving out from behind the podium is effective – Moving around while lecturing shows knowledge of and comfort with the material – Approaching trainees from time to time and talking specifically to them set up a friendly atmosphere – Movement requires the trainees to follow the trainer with their eyes 20Lecture 27

21 Implementation Ideas for Trainers 4. Using Nonverbal Communication – convey enthusiasm about the information being discussed – If enthusiasm is real it will show in nonverbal expressions – Keep eye contact on a trainee who is asking a question – do not turn or walk away – Give a head node when a trainee answers a question and hold eye contact – Maintain an eye contact with a trainee group as a whole while talking to them – Avoid talking to the overhead projector, screen, or lecture notes – Avoid folding your arms – Think of someone passionately arguing a point of view 21Lecture 27

22 Implementation Ideas for Trainers 5.Getting Rid of Dysfluencies – Are those “um”, “uh”, “like” space fillers injected into speech. – This tendency is more prominent for a trainer who is nervous or unsure – It becomes immediately noticeable and trainees tend to focus on these utterances rather than on subject matter. – Videotaping lectures or asking others to inform may help 22Lecture 27

23 Tips on Dealing with Different Trainees 1. Quiet Trainee Small group discussions Write their answers on board Rotate the person in small group who is to report to the trainer 2. Talkative Trainee A big problem than a quiet trainee The trainer looses the trainees’ attention and valuable time is wasted Down that trainee’s input but not embarrass anyone – Ask others for their opinion – Use a direct questioning technique – Speak to the talkative trainee in private usually works Lecture 2723

24 Tips on Dealing with Different Trainees 3.The Comedian – These trainees are a gift and a curse – Laughter provided by these trainees may work at times – The problem is with the frequency and content of the jokes – If they receive good feedback they may continue with it. This behavior may disrupt the timing and put the trainer behind – Talk with the comedian in a break Lecture 2724

25 Summary of Lecture 27 Training Environment – The Training Room – Furniture – Furniture Setup – The Trainer Off-Site Training Facilities Techniques to Maintain Interest Implementation Ideas for Trainers Tips on Dealing with Different Trainees 25Lecture 27

26 Reference books Effective Training: Systems, Strategies, and Practice (3 rd Ed.) P. Nick Blanchard and James W. Thacker: Dorling Kindersley, Delhi Human Resource Development: Foundation, Framework and Application Jon M. Werner and Randy L. DeSimone: Cengage Learning, New Delhi 26Lecture 27

27 Thank you! 27Lecture 27

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