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Libsecondlife: Bots Hyungwook Park. LSL vs. libsecondlife Linden Script Language (LSL)  Programming language used by residents of Second Life  Controls.

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Presentation on theme: "Libsecondlife: Bots Hyungwook Park. LSL vs. libsecondlife Linden Script Language (LSL)  Programming language used by residents of Second Life  Controls."— Presentation transcript:

1 Libsecondlife: Bots Hyungwook Park

2 LSL vs. libsecondlife Linden Script Language (LSL)  Programming language used by residents of Second Life  Controls the behavior of in-world objects and allows objects to interact with the Second Life world  State-event driven scripting language, in the sense of a finite state machine Libsecondlife (LibSL)  A software library to communicate with the servers that control the virtual world of Second Life Function by manipulating avatars  Reverse engineering of SL network protocol  Used both to query the state of the world and to send uploads and commands that will modify the state  Written in general purpose programming language (C#)

3 Bots in Second Life What is the difference between Avatar and Bot? Two types of bot  LSL based (prims) Come in many shapes and sizes Primarily server side code  LibSL based (avatars) Function by manipulating avatars Mixed computation from client and server  Network delay becomes an issue

4 Communication Network Second Life Server Client Second Life Server ClientDaemon Centralized network topology Client-server model Second LifeLibsecondlife Function Visualization

5 LSL Bot Prims with (motion) control  Control is defined through LSL  Integrated sensing (LSL sensors)  Can interface with remote resources Tour Guide (Aesthetica)

6 LSL Bots: LSL Limitations Language limitations  Emphasis on states and events  No native arrays, only sequential list can be used  Limited length for script (16KB)  make it difficult to develop large, complex applications Control limitations  Embedded in a prim, not in avatars  Cannot log into the world more than one avatar  Avatar cannot have the script, thus the prim has to be attached into the avatar

7 LibSecondLife Potential for complete avatar simulation  Reverse engineering of SL network protocol Based on C#  All C# features are available  Much more flexible programming environment Avatar control Client-server interface

8 LibSecondLife (continue) Disadvantages  Network traffic is subject to missed packets and limited by client performance  Not robust (Beta version v0.3.2) and lack of documentation  Combination with LSL will be one of possible solutions Demos  

9 LibSL: Getting Started (1) Prerequisites (For Windows)  C# compiler Visual Studio.NET 2005 (Windows) Visual Studio Express.NET (Windows, free)  Source code via SubVersion (SVN)* svn://  For more help: * Subversion (SVN) is a version control system. It is used to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and documentation.

10 LibSL: Getting Started (2) Instructions  Create a folder named dev in C:\  In the dev folder, create a folder named libsecondlife.  Right click the libsecondlife folder, select SVN Checkout…  In the field for "URL of Repository", put svn://  Files should start getting downloaded.

11 How to create a basic libSL bot

12 LibSL: Sample code (1) using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using libsecondlife; namespace MyFirstBot { class MyFirstBot { public static SecondLife client = new SecondLife(); private static string first_name = "First"; private static string last_name = "Last"; private static string password = "password"; public static void Main() { client.Network.OnConnected += new NetworkManager.ConnectedCallback(Network_OnConnected); if (client.Network.Login(first_name, last_name, password, "My First Bot", "Your name")) Console.WriteLine("I logged into Second Life!"); else Console.WriteLine("I couldn't log in); } static void Network_OnConnected(object sender) { Console.WriteLine("I'm connected to the simulator"); client.Self.Chat("Hello World!", 0, ChatType.Normal); Console.WriteLine("Now I am going to logout of SL.. Goodbye!"); client.Network.Logout(); } Include libsecondlife libraries Define SecondLife client(s) Add your bot’s name Define a connected event Try to log in to the Grid When connected, send a message After your message, logout

13 LibSL: Sample code (2) using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using libsecondlife; namespace MyFirstBot { class MyFirstBot { public static SecondLife client = new SecondLife(); private static string first_name = "First"; private static string last_name = "Last"; private static string password = "password"; public static void Main() { client.Network.OnConnected += new NetworkManager.ConnectedCallback(Network_OnConnected); if (client.Network.Login(first_name, last_name, password, "My First Bot", "Your name")) Console.WriteLine("I logged into Second Life!"); else Console.WriteLine("I couldn't log in); } static void Network_OnConnected(object sender) { Console.WriteLine("I'm connected to the simulator"); client.Self.Chat("Hello World!", 0, ChatType.Normal); Console.WriteLine("Now I am going to logout of SL.. Goodbye!"); client.Network.Logout(); } string startLocation = NetworkManager.StartLocation("Second China", 179,165,31); if (client.Network.Login(first_name, last_name, password, "My First Bot", startLocation, "Your name")) string startLocation = NetworkManager.StartLocation("Second China", 179,165,31); if (client.Network.Login(first_name, last_name, password, "My First Bot", startLocation, "Your name"))

14 LibSL: Framework Most actions are defined within callbacks (events)  Network events OnConnected / OnDisconnected OnCurrentSimChanged  Client (Avatar) events OnInstantMessage OnChat OnTeleport  Object events OnNewAvatar / OnNewPrim OnObjectUpdated / OnObjectKilled

15 LibSL: Communication Send an instant message  client.Self.InstantMessage(target, "Hello, World!"); Say something  client.Self.Chat("Hey There World", 0, ChatType.Normal); Respond to instant message  client.Self.OnInstantMessage += new AgentManager.InstantMessageCallback(Self_OnInstantMessage);  static void Self_OnInstantMessage(InstantMessage im, Simulator sim) Respond to chat  client.Self.OnChat += new AgentManager.ChatCallback(Self_OnChat);  static void Self_OnChat(string message, ChatAudibleLevel audible, ChatType type, ChatSourceType sourceType, string fromName, LLUUID id, LLUUID ownerid, LLVector3 position)

16 LibSL: Movement Teleport  client.Self.Teleport(“Second China", new LLVector3(128.0f, 128.0f, 50.0f));  client.Self.Teleport(new LLUUID("The-key-of-a-landmark"));  client.Self.OnTeleport += new AgentManager.TeleportCallback(Self_OnTeleport);  static void Self_OnTeleport(string message, AgentManager.TeleportStatus status, AgentManager.TeleportFlags flags)  LookAt(LLVector3 location) Walk  client.Self.AutopilotLocal(128, 128, 30); Animation  client.Self.AnimationStart(“UUID of animation”, true); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); client.Self.AnimationStop(“UUID of animation”, true);

17 Second China Demo Questions?

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