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Objective: Evaluate the impact of the inventions that made the Industrial Revolution possible.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: Evaluate the impact of the inventions that made the Industrial Revolution possible."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: Evaluate the impact of the inventions that made the Industrial Revolution possible.

2 How does this work, again?

3  In your pairs, you will be assigned an invention that made the Industrial Revolution possible.  Read through your information sheet in your pairs and note down what possibilities your invention has for British industry.

4  You are, in pairs, going to write/present a business proposal.  You will need to decide how you are going to use the invention you have been assigned to make MONEY.  What do we need in order to create a successful business? How can we make a profit?

5  Idea – how original is it?  How practical is it?  How profitable is your idea likely to be? The more the better?  How can you make your business more cost- effective?  How clearly and effectively have you presented your idea to the judges/audience?

6  Outline the new invention that makes your proposal possible?  How are you going to use this invention?  What is your proposal?  How will you put your plan into action? Step by step….  How will this generate money? How are you making a profit from your investment?

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