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Alabama Fire College Chapter 3 Communications and Alarms.

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1 Alabama Fire College Chapter 3 Communications and Alarms

2 Alabama Fire College Introduction Effective emergency response Effective telecommunication Proactive measures to ensure communication quality –Teaching communications skills to employees –Upgrading communications systems –Incorporating modern technology 3.2

3 Alabama Fire College 3.3 The communications process must be complete and clearly understood in order to be effective.

4 Alabama Fire College Communications Personnel Receives emergency requests from citizens –Evaluates need for response –Sounds the alarm that starts first responders Provide prearrival instructions NFPA 1061 standard outlines behavioral characteristics Quality training program; work performance evaluation Adequate staffing level at communications centers 3.4

5 Alabama Fire College The Communications Facility Many different configurations –All receive and disseminate emergency and nonemergency information NFPA 1221 standards for construction of emergency communications centers –Built in area where little risk of damage –Limited traffic, limited exposure to man-made hazards –Few windows; all outside entrances monitored –Backup power systems use automatic switching devices 3.5

6 Alabama Fire College Computers in the Fire Service Many departments incorporate computer systems in the communications systems Computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems –Handle increased call volume Uses for computers –Create and store records on incidents and activities –Aid in statistical analysis –Provide remote locations with information –Allow access to off-site databases for training or incident mitigation 3.6

7 Alabama Fire College Receiving Reports of Emergencies Call-taking process –Receive a report –Interview –Referral or dispatch composition Speed is very important during interview Telecommunicators must prioritize calls –Most important calls should get fastest attention 3.7

8 Alabama Fire College 3.8 The work flow of call processing by a public safety telecommunicator.

9 Alabama Fire College Receiving Reports of Emergencies (cont’d.) Calls should be answered in following priority: –9-1-1 and other emergency lines –Direct lines –Business or administrative lines Telecommunicators should: –Speak slowly and clearly with good volume –Project authority and knowledge –Use plain, everyday language, and a polite and friendly tone 3.9

10 Alabama Fire College Receiving Reports of Emergencies (cont’d.) Telecommunicator must control the conversation –May be difficult for caller to relay elements of situation –Ask short, specific questions Non-emergency calls should be accommodated –Prior to transferring, provide the number to the caller Obtain the following information: –Location and nature of the emergency –Callback number, caller’s location and situation 3.10

11 Alabama Fire College Receiving Reports of Emergencies (cont’d.) Once caller provides location, secure additional information such as landmarks if safe Life safety is of primary importance –Determine if caller is in danger –If so, provide pre-arrival instructions Information relayed to field units via radio Note caller’s proximity to incident location –Useful in locating incidents 3.11

12 Alabama Fire College Receiving Reports of Emergencies (cont’d.) Once sufficient address and incident type verified, deploy emergency apparatus Average citizen will only report one emergency in a lifetime Call takers must ask the right questions to generate meaningful responses Emergency medical calls require much more information 3.12

13 Alabama Fire College Methods of Receiving Reports of Emergencies Conventional telephones Wireless or cellular telephones Emergency call boxes Automatic alarms TDD equipment for hearing impaired Still alarms or walk-ups 3.13

14 Alabama Fire College Receiving Reports by Telephone Conventional telephones most commonly used Cellular telephones becoming more popular 93 percent of the U.S. population is covered by some type of 9-1-1 –95 percent of coverage is enhanced 9-1-1 Enhanced 9-1-1 service provides telephone number and address from originating call Basic and advanced service available through residential and business lines 3.14

15 Alabama Fire College Receiving Reports via Cellular Telephones Any 9-1-1 calls initiated with cell phone routed to a predetermined answering point Negative aspects of cell phone use –Significant increase in call center volume –Callers less likely to know their location –Cell phone manufacturers must provide means to locate cell phone users Satellite technology can provide exact position 3.15

16 Alabama Fire College Receiving Reports via Municipal Fire Alarm Systems Coded or voice message is generated from an alarm box –Came into use in late 1800s Located in a highly visible place open to the general public Can be hardwired or wireless and solar powered Discontinued in many cities due to false alarms 3.16

17 Alabama Fire College 3.17 Some call boxes are equipped with signal switches that allow the caller to select the type of emergency being reported.

18 Alabama Fire College Receiving Reports via Automatic Alarm Systems Two types of public alarm systems Five common types of automatic alarm monitoring systems –Local protective signaling system –Auxiliary protective signaling system –Remote station protective signaling system –Central station protective signaling system –Proprietary protective signaling system 3.18

19 Alabama Fire College Receiving Reports via TDD Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf (TDDs) more common –Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) entitles citizens to equal service from public agencies Communications centers required to receive calls with specialized equipment Devices serve as a backup when enhanced 9-1-1 or CAD is present 3.19

20 Alabama Fire College Receiving Reports via Still Alarm or Walk-Ups Receiving complete and accurate information is important Protocols for different departments may vary Specific notification systems covered in departmental protocols Ringdown circuits, base radio, mobile radio communicate with the communications center –Important to notify communications center 3.20

21 Alabama Fire College 3.21 A firefighter relays information from the fire station to the communications center via direct telephone circuit.

22 Alabama Fire College Emergency Services Deployment Must know nature of emergency for most effective emergency response –Emergency response organizations pre-assign standard responses for common situations Deployment plan based on apparatus types, equipment, number of personnel, and skills For low-volume activity, manual run card system is sufficient 3.22

23 Alabama Fire College Global Positioning System (GPS) aids in deployment of responders Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) uses GPS technology to pinpoint incident location and can detect closest response vehicle Basic deployment process is the same for manual and automated systems –Verify location and nature of emergency –Determine available resources 3.23 Emergency Services Deployment (cont’d.)

24 Alabama Fire College 3.24 AVL systems help to locate the response unit closest to an incident location.

25 Alabama Fire College Fire station alerting must comply with NFPA standards CAD system –Tear and run printers provide hard copy details of incident and location Mobile data terminals and computers –Transmit dispatch information directly to apparatus or mobile printer 3.25 Emergency Services Deployment (cont’d.)

26 Alabama Fire College Traffic Control Systems Emergency preemption systems control traffic signals –Provide safe transition to priority right-of- way for emergency vehicles Systems may allow response vehicle to change the traffic control signals en route Variety of systems, each using different technology 3.26

27 Alabama Fire College Radio Systems and Procedures Once personnel deployed, communicators provide support –Radio system is the primary link Simplex system: one frequency to transmit outgoing messages and to receive incoming –Advantage: simplistic design; reduced cost –Disadvantage: limited range; interference Duplex system: two frequencies per channel Multisite trunking: multiple transmitters on different channels 3.27

28 Alabama Fire College 3.28 Multisite trunked radio systems provide perhaps the best coverage and also offer direct benefits associated with the most efficient use of radio resources.

29 Alabama Fire College Radio Systems and Procedures (cont’d.) Proper radio discipline is important –Avoid clipping beginning or end of message –Be brief but concise –Avoid touching any radio antenna to avoid burns –Do not eat, or use slang, profanity, or jargon –Speak clearly across the microphone Portable units should be held perpendicular to ground with antenna pointing skyward 3.29

30 Alabama Fire College 3.30 Proper use of a mobile radio microphone. Improper use of a mobile radio microphone.

31 Alabama Fire College 3.31 The user has positioned the portable radio properly and is speaking across the microphone. The user shows the improper positioning of a portable radio.

32 Alabama Fire College Radio Systems and Procedures (cont’d.) Ten codes make up a predetermined message –More confidential and cryptic –Must be learned and remembered Clear speech conveys information, issues instructions –Eliminates confusion associated with radio codes Electronic tones alert firefighters to evacuate –Some systems use air horns 3.32

33 Alabama Fire College Radio Reports Communications officer is incident commander until field units arrive on scene First unit arriving gives size-up –Brief information about on-scene conditions –Clear, precise language 3.33

34 Alabama Fire College Radio Reports (cont’d.) Size-up contains: –Correct address –Situation evaluation –Emergency location in the building –Building information, potential occupants –Request for other agency support –Location of on-scene command post –Identity of incident commander –Brief action plan for the incident 3.34

35 Alabama Fire College Radio Reports (cont’d.) First status report made 10 minutes into incident –Follow-up reports every 10 to 15 minutes until situation under control Procedures for reporting life-threatening condition or call for assistance –“Emergency traffic” versus “mayday” –Must receive priority over radio Firefighters must be trained in department procedures for calling a mayday 3.35

36 Alabama Fire College Mobile Support Vehicles Mobile support vehicles (MSVs) used for major events involving fire and EMS –Provide an on-scene command post Deployment determined by incident size and projected duration Highly specialized Size depends on jurisdiction 3.36

37 Alabama Fire College Lessons Learned Telecommunicator is the first person “on the scene” –Direct impact of citizens’ impression of department –Collects information accurately and rapidly transmits to first responders –Answers incoming calls quickly, gains control of the call, and calms caller –Makes wise use of all available resources –Plays vital role in successful outcome of an emergency incident 3.37

38 Alabama Fire College 38 Engine Assignments E1 – What is the primary benefit of an enhanced 9-1-1 system? E2 – Describe the two types of reporting systems. E3 – List the four basic Elements of communications.

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