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Copyright by ed young, PhD 1 PART XII Dealing With Negative Emotions and Behavior in the Classroom Anxiety Depression Rage Aggressive Behavior Passive.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright by ed young, PhD 1 PART XII Dealing With Negative Emotions and Behavior in the Classroom Anxiety Depression Rage Aggressive Behavior Passive."— Presentation transcript:

1 copyright by ed young, PhD 1 PART XII Dealing With Negative Emotions and Behavior in the Classroom Anxiety Depression Rage Aggressive Behavior Passive Aggressive Behavior Passive-Withdrawal Behavior Identifying the Sources and Managing Negative Emotions and Aggressive, Passive-Aggressive, and Passive-Withdrawal Symptomatic Behaviors

2 copyright by ed young, PhD 2 ANXIETY AND THE ESCALATING FEEDBACK LOOP ANXIETY SITUATION  Taking tests  Social gatherings  Speaking, making speeches  Performing before and audience  Writing  Asking for a date, dating  Being interviewed  Committing a misdeed, error, taboo act, or intent to do so and being discovered  Having your reputation, image, or social status questioned, especially if in public  Being or being threatening with being abandoned or rejected  Being lost  Anticipating an impending attack on your self or body Typical Anxiety Producing Situations. Threats to Status, Security, or Existence of the Self With Seemingly No Recourse 1. Focus: Perceived Situation produces initial anxiety reaction. 2. Focus on Self = Perceiving Own Anxiety 3. Focus on Other People = Will They Detect My Anxiety? 4. Focus on Painful Inner Sensations = The Reaction to the Awareness of Anxiety is an Escalation of Anxiety. 0. Unfocused =Before entering the situation the initial state = relaxed and happy. 5. Escalation = heart palpitations, dizziness, sweaty, difficulty breathing, confusion and can’t think.

3 copyright by ed young, PhD 3 Model of the Transformations From ANXIETY TO FEAR TO RAGE I have this awful feeling that something is about to happen that is going to make me look really bad! My room is on fire! I’m going to be killed! I’m going to kill you! You are deliberately trying to keep me from getting out of the fire! I’m going to kill you! G

4 copyright by ed young, PhD 4 Memory patterns for prior schemata of injustice, unfairness, victimization, attacks, ridicule, being slighted, humiliation, exploitation, being terrorized, sexual or emotional abuse, being invaded or plundered, harmed with no legitimate recourse to set things right, odds being too great to get revenge. These all lead to intense, pent-up, enduring, simmering fury that is carried as a grudge that is perpetually waiting to be vented or displaced in any way on any safe target that is low risk for retaliation or retribution. Under this condition, the person erupts irrationally at the slightest provocation. SEQUENTIAL PROCESSES OF RAGE ASSESSMENT OF SITUATION The person sees others and the world as judgmental, mean and exploitative, senses tension & anger RELATION TO PERSON’S PAST The person is not aware of or denies that the true cause of anger is not the immediate target but rather someone else, possibly from their past. OBSESSING AND FANTASIZING The person may spend much time imaging future opportunities to act in an explosive manner toward the original and substitute targets. SETTING A CRITERIA The begins to get an idea of what will bring a sense of satisfaction, from slight as in shaming to total as in destroying. PRECIPITATING CUE When the slightest cue that can be interpreted as a pretext arrives, it acts as a trigger for rage. ERUPTION The trigger releases and there is an experience of sudden, blind, violent, powerful reaction. There is no chance or time for the person to monitor or self correct.

5 copyright by ed young, PhD 5 Types of Direct and Displaced Aggression Predatory Aggression - Brutality Establishing or Defense of Territory or Rank Revenge and Grudge War Barrier Aggression Social Cannibalism - Bashing the Pariah Initiate’s Sadism Explosion of Repressed Anger Depression Conversion to Rage Hypersensitive Retaliation Fear Conversion or Cornered Aggression Victim Threshold Surpassed Smoldering, Anxious Withdrawal

6 copyright by ed young, PhD 6 Managing Aggression with Student/Staff Aggression Management Teams CLASS ROOM OR SCHOOL PREMISES Explosive Incident Enter Aggression Management Team Assess Type of Aggression or Rage Explosion of Repressed Anger Depression Conversion to Rage Revenge and Grudge War Barrier Aggression Predatory Aggression - Brutality Establishing or Defense of Territory or Rank Initiate’s Sadism Social Cannibalism - Bashing the Pariah Hypersensitive Retaliation Fear Conversion or Cornered Aggression Victim Threshold Surpassed Smoldering, Anxious Withdrawal Rage-catharsis therapy Mediation and Mediation Training Social Skill Training Assign to: Personal Educational Counseling Mediation and Mediation Training Social Skill Training Personal Educational Counseling Place in Holding Room with Tutor/Peer Counselors Prior to Return to Classroom Teacher & Student Mediation and Re-Entry Counseling as Condition for Returning to Classroom Train selected staff and students as team members for personal-educational counseling, social skill training, mediation, and rage-catharsis therapy.

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