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Sustainable Web 2.0 Services for Small and Underfunded Libraries Sarah Houghton-Jan, MA, MSLIS Digital Futures Manager, San José Public Library Author.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Web 2.0 Services for Small and Underfunded Libraries Sarah Houghton-Jan, MA, MSLIS Digital Futures Manager, San José Public Library Author."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Web 2.0 Services for Small and Underfunded Libraries Sarah Houghton-Jan, MA, MSLIS Digital Futures Manager, San José Public Library Author of

2 Let's start with some questions.

3 Why is it important to focus on online services and resources? No...really. Why?

4 Library Users Today brick and mortar library users digital library users POWER USERS This group is growing dramatically. This group is growing slowly.

5 Library Users Tomorrow brick and mortar library users digital library users POWER USERS Angry Robot courtesy of

6 Digital Library User Activity Library System #1 (150,000 residents)‏ Library System #2 (350,000 residents)‏ Website visits5.66.3 Database usage0.70.4 eBooks usage0.20.3 Virtual Reference usage 0.01 Annual per capita usage for 2006 at two California public library systems

7 Sarah's 15 Steps to a Better Web Presence (that almost every library can do)‏


9 Planning for New Web Services

10 #1: Advocate to Your Leadership

11 Why is the eBranch important?  The eBranch is the library's most public face  Libraries are digital centers in our communities  A library without a substantial digital face positions itself for future lack of support

12 Why does the eBranch rock?  eBranch can be open 24/7, and for all users.  eBranch is c-h-e-a-p Minimal staffing Rent and maintenance vs. web hosting Cheaper materials (+ no processing/shelving)‏ Almost limitless free services to use Highest return on investment in use vs. dollars

13 #2: A (Wo)Man, A Plan, a...Library? Duo of Successful Library Tech Planning: 1) Technology Hierarchy of Needs 2) Formal 3-Year Technology Plan

14 Technology Hierarchy of Needs

15 Successful Technology Plans  Ask, ask, ask.  Survey users and staff.  Follow your Hierarchy of Needs.  Plan no more than 3 years out.

16 #3: How to Implement New Tech  Everything can be a pilot!  Appoint project manager who... ...creates a project plan.  Extensive staff training.  Constant communication.

17 Tech Project Plans are Easy... Time and MoneyCompletion Date (start date Sept. 15)‏ Research10 hours, $0September 22 Committee review20 hours, $0October 6 Software installation10 hours, $35October 13 Staff training40 hours, $0November 3 Can get more explicit on costs for staff time, breaking items down further.


19 Web Services Web Services to Start With

20 #4: Talk with your customers Instant messaging MeeboMe Widget Trillian Astra Widget Text messaging Voice Over IP (VOIP)‏ Video Chat

21 Answering any and all questions... Photo by (Tres):

22 UNLV's IM Service

23 MeeboMe Widget

24 Take Meebo a Step Further Screenshot courtesy of David Lee King, Topeka Shawnee County Public Library:

25 Southeastern Louisiana University Text Messaging Reference Program


27 #5 Offer Tools and Mash Ups People are mashing up your library's content. Be Aware. Library ELF: Library account tracking and alerts via e- mail & RSS Library LookUp: click on this bookmarklet when on a webpage with an ISBN to look up item in the catalog LibX Toolbar: Direct access in web browser to catalog and more (other toolbars too)‏

28 Library Elf

29 #6: Make Dynamic Lists So long to the.DOC book lists! Use blogs or wikis Recommended movies, music, & books Encourage full staff participation Use an entry template, tags, categories Welcome customer comments



32 #7: Give Your Library a Face Flickr Flickr and other photo sharing sites show what the library is really about library's interior and exterior (photo tour)‏ staff customers new services and resources anything you can think of!


34 Decatur Public Library

35 Oomph your photos... Flickr' Do More with Your Photos page Flickr Badges and Slideshows Moo: calling cards, sticker books, note cards, etc. HP: posters, books, photo cubes Qoop: calendars, keychains, back-up discs Zazzle: shirts, bags, mousepads, mugs, etc. Imagekind: print photos on canvas


37 Nashville Public Library's Teen Web

38 #8: Provide audio content Podcasting = people who can talk and/or sing + digital microphone (free) + Audacity (free) + a Blogger blog (free)‏ Everyzing ($) : turns audio and video files into text Odiogo (free) : turns text into audio files, create a “listen” button for blogs

39 Some ideas for podcasts University of Sheffield audio library tours WSU database and catalog searching tutorials Thomas Ford Memorial Library teen book reviews Thomas Ford Memorial Library teen book reviews Pierce County Library staff book reviews Worthington Library kids songs and rhymes Cornell University Library recorded events

40 #9: Provide video content Videocasting = people who aren't camera-shy + digital video camera ($100+)‏ + Avidemux editing software (free)‏ + a Blogger blog (free)‏ 5.2 MP Samsonic for $128 @

41 Some ideas for videocasts Manchester Public Library teen book reviews DOK Library community events reports Worthington Libraries classes and events Curtin University Library classes and lectures


43 #10: Exploit the blog as a format Don’t call it a blog Encourage comments! Reuse content across blogs, social networks Repeat important posts over time WordPress and Blogger  Free  Easy  Feature-rich

44 Examples of Good Blogs St. Joseph County Public Library Game Blog: Framingham Public Library Teen Blogomatic: Providence Public Library Computer Class Blog: Western Springs History: What about those URLs?




48 #11: Help your catalog (it needs it)‏ Open source options:  Koha  Evergreen  Scriblio  LibraryFind (metasearch)‏ Can’t change ILS? Consider an overlay:  AquaBrowser ($)‏  Endeca ($)‏  LibraryThing for Libraries (little $)‏  VuFind (open source, free)‏  WorldCat Local ($)‏

49 AquaBrowser

50 LibraryThing for Libraries

51 Hennepin County Library

52 #12: Be present in social networks Be present Be real Be reliable and continuously new



55 $10 = 5000 Facebook Flyers to targeted audiences Facebook Flyer image by Stanislav Orlav: 008/01/libraries-on-facebook-should-we-or.html Mount Saint Vincent University Library Tutt Library Facebook Flyer image by Steve Lawson:

56 #13: Tap Free and low-cost Web 2.0 services for libraries run by Glenn Peterson (Hennepin County Library)‏ Library Events Calendar with online registration Library blogs Google Maps mashup for library locations Library contact form RSS feeds Custom web-enable databases





61 OK Miss Fancy Pants, Then What?

62 #14: Keep everything current

63 #15: Re-evaluation Survey users and staff 6 months into the pilot How much staff time is being used? How much is the service being accessed? Has adequate marketing been done yet? What would you change? Other issues? Choose to continue, discontinue, or extend the pilot for another brief period.

64 and #15 (2.0): CELEBRATE! Photos by Homer Township Library: and

65 Thank you! Sarah Houghton-Jan Email: IM: LibrarianInBlack Web:

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