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Conflicts about US Energy Policy KS Energy and Sustainable Development, SS 2010 Franziska Buchner, Julian Schiffauer, Andreas Rainer.

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Presentation on theme: "Conflicts about US Energy Policy KS Energy and Sustainable Development, SS 2010 Franziska Buchner, Julian Schiffauer, Andreas Rainer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conflicts about US Energy Policy KS Energy and Sustainable Development, SS 2010 Franziska Buchner, Julian Schiffauer, Andreas Rainer

2 Energy Consumption The conflicts about US energy policy: Franziska Buchner, Julian Schiffauer, Andreas Rainer Problem of US energy policy: Depedency on oil imports Figure 1: US energy consumption by sector (2004)

3 Production of Electricity The conflicts about US energy policy: Franziska Buchner, Julian Schiffauer, Andreas Rainer Figure 2: Electricity production in the US Produced energy primarily comes from fossil sources.

4 Energy sources of the US: Petroleum The conflicts about US energy policy: Franziska Buchner, Julian Schiffauer, Andreas Rainer Figure 3: Known oil reserves Limited oil reserves of the US

5 Energy sources of the US: Coal etc. The conflicts about US energy policy: Franziska Buchner, Julian Schiffauer, Andreas Rainer  Further Energy Sources:  Natural gas  Nuclear power  Renewable energy  Biofuels Figure 4: Coal reserves of the US USA is self-sufficient in coal

6 Energy Efficiency The conflicts about US energy policy: Franziska Buchner, Julian Schiffauer, Andreas Rainer innovations can provide a better, less expensive energy services Higher energy efficiency → reduce the US need of oil American Recovery and Reinvestment Act DOE & EPA: National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency plan could lower energy demand across the country by 50% Higher Energy Efficiency tax breaks tax reductions tax exemptions rebates loans specific funding Incentives (mostly financial), e.g.:

7 Energy Policy at the State Level The conflicts about US energy policy: Franziska Buchner, Julian Schiffauer, Andreas Rainer … higher energy efficiency … renewable energy sources → liberate from international dependence independent from Federal legislation Northeastern States & West Coast: ≈ 30% of US population; ≈ 20% of US CO 2 emissions Idea of CAPs: to promote … RGGI: Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Regional Cap-and-Trade program NESCAUM (Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management) & California Climate Action Registry: reduction of energy demand; improvement of energy efficiency enforcing the use of renewable energy sources; boost of distributed energy generation Northeastern States WCGGWI (West Coast Governor’s Global Warming Initiative) harmonized emission reduction goals; common emission standards implementation of a cap-and-trade system West Coast

8 “Bottom-Up” Energy Policy The conflicts about US energy policy: Franziska Buchner, Julian Schiffauer, Andreas Rainer broad public consensus energy policy should take action investment into alternative power sources (California) R&D: alternative and renewable energy sources – local projects Why energy policy is promoted by the states power of energy lobbies at the federal level federal policy: majority rules Why not by the Federal Governement in the past … Advantages: easier to find consensus in a smaller community The states can try out different approaches experiences of the states “inspire” federal policy → “Bottom-Up”-policy Disadvantages: double-tracking (Zweispurigkeit) interstate competition Advantages and Disadvantages

9 Conflicts about US energy policy The conflicts about US energy policy: Franziska Buchner, Julian Schiffauer, Andreas Rainer  … mainly conflicts about fossil resources gas and oil  Growing US dependence on foreign oil reserves  US energy policy is a history of military coup d’états Figure 5: Map of interventions of the USA

10 US- Energy Policy at the Persian Gulf The conflicts about US energy policy: Franziska Buchner, Julian Schiffauer, Andreas Rainer 1933: CASOC worlds largest oil reserves 2 nd World War : US government intervenes Saudis: cheap oil US: reign of Sauds US and Saudi Arabia 1980-1988: Iraq ↔ Iran 1990-1991: Iraq ↔ Kuwait 1990: UN economic sanctions 2003: US invasion – accused to possess weapons of mass destruction Iraq wars Sovereignty after the 2 nd world war 1953: CIA-driven coup d‘état – Shah Pahlavi 1979: Iranian Revolution Reign of the Mullahs -- Khomeini US and the Iran Figure 6: Map of the Persian Gulf region

11 US-Energy Policy in Central Asia The conflicts about US energy policy: Franziska Buchner, Julian Schiffauer, Andreas Rainer Russians vs. British Empire Afghanistan Soviet Union implodes 1991 Creation of the STAN- countries Russia vs. China vs. USA Prehistory : Great Game Afghanistan: strategic interests 1979-1989: Soviet occupation 1995/96: Taliban Northern Alliance vs. Taliban 2001 Karsai President Since 2005: Intensified Taliban bombing 150.000 soldiers (ISAF, Enduring Freedom) USA in Afghanistan access to the energy resources of Central- Asia control the strategic central area & pipelines New Great Game Figure 7: Strategic location of Central Asia Caspian Region 50 - 100 billions barrels 10 % of world gas reserves (without Iran) Facts

12 The New Great Game in Central Asia The conflicts about US energy policy: Franziska Buchner, Julian Schiffauer, Andreas Rainer Figure 8: US Influence in Central Asia Similar interests of different parties in Central Asia:

13 Energy supply from America The conflicts about US energy policy: Franziska Buchner, Julian Schiffauer, Andreas Rainer Figure 9: US Oil imports Remarkable part of oil- imports from direct (stable) neighbours and South America

14 US Energy Policy in Africa The conflicts about US energy policy: Franziska Buchner, Julian Schiffauer, Andreas Rainer  Nigeria biggest oil-supplier  2015: 15% of US oil supply from Africa  200 billions of barrels  China started its engagement in Africa  AFRICOM  Reductions of debts  Problems:  Corruption, dictatorships  Angola, Equatorial Guinea  Strategic rivalry  francophone countries Figure 10: Development of African oil reserves

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