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Virtual Classroom Tour VCT Innovative Teachers National Competition - 2014 edition PIL - Local Forum 2014 TUNISIA Republic of Tunisia Ministry of Education.

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1 Virtual Classroom Tour VCT Innovative Teachers National Competition - 2014 edition PIL - Local Forum 2014 TUNISIA Republic of Tunisia Ministry of Education

2 Let’s Talk Violence With Microsoft! Educator's (Full name, specialty, seniority) Kawthar Bejaoui Professeur Principal (Senior Teacher) English School College PILOTE Ali Trad RCE : Tunis 1 Age/Grade level of the students : 12-14 8th and 9th forms preparatory school Content/Subject Areas of the project : English, Social studies, Drama, Music, Computer science, Religious education. Project objectives The students should be able to : -Analyse and discuss real world and social issues. -- Cooperate and collaborate with each other and with people from outside to produce different activities such as : blogs, plays, music, debates, interviews, films.. -- Use ICT to communicate -- Design a website -- Participate in a FLIPPED classroom. -- Think critically and respond and react to what they are exposed to.

3 Project Description The project is based on three milestones: 1/ The use of MICROSOFT 365 in class. 2/ The design of a FLIPPED classroom 3/ The creation of a students’ WEBSITE. Thanks to Microsoft 365 and the flipped classroom, the students as well as people from outside the school will communicate and share information about VIOLENCE. They can later on use Microsoft 365 in their professional lives. As for the flipped classroom, the students will save time and work at their own pace thus devoting more time to consolidation their learning. Besides the website will be shared by everybody online. Design of the Learning Environment The learning environment is multidisciplinary as students use ICT, art, music, English, civic and religious educations to tackle the problem of VIOLENCE which is part of our official program. I started with a classic lesson that watched a discussion on Lync (datashow) and at the same time other students watched the lesson at home. There was a debate over a document about bullying shown at school.Microsoft 365 small business premium, Lync online, skydrive and outlook 2013 were used to invite students and people from outside to join in while sharing other documents. The same lesson was « flipped » with another class who got everything on line : document, video and the questions. Then some students chose to post their anwers and others discussed them in class..

4 Evidence of Learning Deep learning has been achieved through the 6 C’s ( collaboration, communication;critical thinking, citizenship,, creativity and character education).The use of Microsoft 365, the flipped classroom and the creation of a website that comprehends the students’productions prove that learning has actually taken place beyond the classroom in an outstanding way. The students were thrilled to use technology and to undertake entrepreunarial skills to share tasks and design different approaches to carry out activities such as : facebook pages, blogs, role plays, songs, films, interviews with the help of word 2013, power point 2013; windows live movie maker, mediafile, skydrive, lync online, outlook 2013. They collaborated and teamed up after they thought critically about their personal approaches to tackle the aspects of violence around them. The outcome emphasises their sensitivity and respect for others when addressin global issues like violence and tolerance. Web site

5 Knowledge Building & Critical Thinking. The activities that were produced by the students show their awareness of violence which has dramatically spread lately in all its forms : physical, moral and didn’t spare anybody. They went outside the school to film violent incidents, they also interviewed people. They created blogs and facebook pages and reproduced famous songs and brought newspaper articles and testimonies from their own readings. Extended Learning Beyond the Classroom. The original lesson started in the classroom then the learning went outside to reach other people (absent students, an employee, students from other schools). On the other hand, the same lesson was transformed using technology to enable any students anywhere to attend it and follow all its procedure at his own ease and pace. Students feel no pressure and are stress-free when posting their answers online.

6 Collaboration As part of their deep learning and after they have been exposed to the subject matter that is violence, the students worked together in order to come out with personal contributions and visions. They each chose to handle the problem the way they liked. They filmed some aspects of violence, they created blogs, facebook pages, short plays, statements interviews… Cutting Edge Use of Technology for Learning The use of ICT is essential to the lesson, it is the basis and without digital information and communication, nothing would happen. Every aspect of the lesson is centered around ICT as it needed laptops, datashow, so many softwares (lync online, microsoft 365, word; power point, midi file, partition editor (la finale) windows movie maker, video bam, skydrive. This lesson goes beyond the classroom, and one teacher can reach an unlimited number of students who wish to attend it through internet connexion even on a mobile phone thanks to the technique with Web app used in Lync which is a chat based on the navigator and with Microsoft 365 small business premium. The ultimate goal is to prepare students for work force by building skills using office tools that connect with the way people connect today. « It is possible for any school to buy the complete version of office 365 small business premium and provide at least 25 teachers with it for class use and that wouldn't cost the price of one coffee per day! » Web site

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