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Life Reconstruction Developing an accurate concept of God... one thought at a time.

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1 Life Reconstruction Developing an accurate concept of God... one thought at a time

2 Pick a God – Belief-O-Matic What is the number and nature of the deity (God, gods, higher power)? 1.Only one God—a spirit, supreme, personal God Almighty, the Creator. 2.Multiple personal gods (or goddesses) regarded as facets of one God, and/or as separate gods. 3.The supreme force is the impersonal Ultimate Reality (or life force, ultimate truth, cosmic order, absolute bliss, universal soul), which resides within and/or beyond all. 4.The supreme existence is both the eternal, impersonal, formless Ultimate Reality, and personal God (or gods). 5.No God or supreme force. 6.Not sure. Or not important. 7.None of the above.

3 stimulus A C B thoughts Core beliefs and behavior E C conclusions D Thoughts Core beliefs and behavior E D Conclusions Sounds good and looks goodFruit? God said we can’t touch it. He’s mean and restrictive. God must be holding out on me. Maybe he’s not really good and loving. I’ll eat this and get what God has been denying me. He said we could eat of any of the fruit except this one. He said we’d die if we ate of this one. God has our best interests at heart. He’s protecting us from something terrible. God is good and loves me. I’ll continue to trust Him. Genesis 3:1-7

4 Omnipotent, omnipresent, Loving = Bible concepts – but hard to understand or to get an answer from. I don’t live with much conscious awareness of God. “My agenda is most important to me and I expect God to help.” 1.Parents 2.Childhood church experiences 3.Friends, acquaintances 4.Life’s hardships and tragedies 5.Beliefs about God in our Culture, books, movies, world Conscious Concept of God Subconscious Concept of God Source : Your Interpretation A ‘god’ who isn't very involved in the world, allows unfair pain/suffering, not very interested in me. Subconscious hopeful Concept of God A ‘god’ who is nice, Will overlook or tolerate my misbehavior. ‘God’s’ job is to make my life smooth and happy, protect and rescue. Subconscious dreaded Concept of God Holy, wrathful ‘God’ who is watching my every move and will punish every sin. He’s a hard taskmaster I can never please.

5 By my faith in Jesus Christ, God is my Heavenly Father and I am filled with the Holy Spirit. It’s not all about me, my life is all about Him and His agenda. 1.Parents 2.Childhood church experiences 3.Friends, acquaintances 4.Life’s hardships and tragedies 5.Beliefs about God in our Culture, books, movies, world Conscious Concept of God Subconscious Concept of God Source : My experiences interpreted through God is the Almighty Creator of the Universe. Loving and Holy. The world is fallen into the domain of the Evil one, injustice happens, but someday God will restore His rule and justice will be done. Subconscious hopeful Concept of God Jesus died on the cross so I can be forgiven and freed from the power and consequences of sin. I’ll build a life transforming relationship with Him. Subconscious dreaded Concept of God God is awesome. I have awe, respect for Him and an appropriate fear. God is not to be trifled with. Omnipotent, omnipresent, Loving = Bible concepts – but hard to understand or to get an answer from. I don’t live with much conscious awareness of God. My agenda is most important to me and I expect God to help. Your Interpretation A ‘god’ who isn't very involved in the world, allows unfair pain/suffering, not very interested in me. A ‘god’ who is nice, Will overlook or tolerate my misbehavior. ‘God’s’ job is to make my life smooth and happy, protect and rescue. Holy, wrathful ‘God’ who is watching my every move and will punish every sin. He’s a hard taskmaster I can never please. Subconscious realistic Concept of God Subconscious realistic Concept of God

6 stimulus A C B thoughts Core beliefs and behavior E C conclusions D Thoughts Core beliefs and behavior E D Conclusions It hurts. Why me?problem I can’t believe in a God who would let bad things happen to good people (me). I can’t depend on God to protect me. God isn’t good and loving. I’ll take care of myself. Give Him lipservice. God didn’t promise a problem free life. I’ll be faithful to God, count it all joy and let this produce perseverance in me. God is faithful even when things go wrong. He will never leave me or forsake me. God is good and loves me. I’ll trust and obey Him. It hurts. God, I’ll trust You

7 stimulus A C B thoughts Core beliefs E C conclusions D Thoughts Core beliefs and behavior E D Conclusions I won’t read that part anymore. Something in The Bible about God I don’t like. I choose to believe in a ‘God’ Who is all love, and will protect and rescue me. He won’t bother me about stuff I like to do that may be wrong. I don’t have to believe what the Bible says about God. I can make up the kind of ‘God’ I want. God’s job is to serve me by making my life easy and pleasant while I ignore Him most of the time. This is such a difference from what I want to believe about God. I’d better study the Bible and interact with God about this to adjust my concept about Him. I’ve gotta correct my misperceptions. God is actually Holy even if I don’t like it. God is Holy and Loving. I’ll relate to Him as He really is. Wow, I’ve got some work to do to adjust my core beliefs about God.

8 Life Reconstruction Developing an accurate concept of God... one thought at a time

9 1.Parents 2.Childhood church experiences 3.Friends, acquaintances 4.Life’s hardships and tragedies 5.Beliefs about God in our Culture, books, movies, world My Conscious Concept of God My Subconscious Concept of God Source : My Interpretations My Subconscious hopeful Concept of God My Subconscious dreaded Concept of God

10 stimulus perception A C B Thoughts and behavior F D E Core beliefs G Romans 1:18-32 I’ll use other people for my sexual pleasure and to make me feel loved and significant. I’ll misuse my body and the bodies of people of my own gender for my sexual pleasure and to make me feel loved and significant. I’ll cheat, steal and kill to get what I want. God’s eternal power and divine nature are revealed in Creation. I don’t want to believe in, be accountable to or be grateful to a Creator God. Now that I’ve rejected the concept that God is Allmighty Creator, I’m super smart. God is really a wooden bird. Thoughts and behavior God doesn’t exist or doesn’t matter.

11 A Biblical World View 1.that absolute moral truth exists; right and wrong 2.that the source of moral truth is the Bible; 3.that the Bible is accurate in all of the principles it teaches; 4.that eternal spiritual salvation cannot be earned; 5.that Jesus lived a sinless life on earth; 6.that every person has a responsibility to share their religious beliefs with others; 7.that Satan is a living force, not just a symbol of evil; 8.and that God is the all-knowing, all-powerful Creator of the universe who still rules that creation today.

12 stimulus perception A C B Thoughts and behavior F D E Core beliefs G I’ll use other people for my sexual pleasure. I’ll misuse my body and the bodies of people of my own gender for my sexual pleasure. I’ll cheat, steal and kill to get what I want. God’s eternal power and divine nature are revealed in Creation. God is my Creator. He is great and awesome. I am grateful and accountable to Him. I’ll line up my concept of God with Who He revealed Himself to be. Thoughts and behavior God doesn’t exist or doesn’t matter. D God so meets my basic needs I don’t have to use other people for sexual pleasure. E I can live free of immorality and its consequences. F Since God meets my basic needs, I am content and can enjoy the world’s legit pleasures without desperation. G God is as described in the Bible. I will worship and serve Him. Romans 1:18-32

13 Barna: Americans’ belief about God 4% believe everyone is God. (2005) 71% believe that God is the all-powerful, all-knowing, perfect creator that rules the world today. (2006) 7% believe that God is the total realization of personal, human potential. (2006) 2% believe that there are many gods, each with different power and authority. (2006) 8% believe that God is a state of higher consciousness that a person may reach. (2006) 4% believe that there is no such thing as God. (2006)

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