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Dreams Part 1. The Importance of Dreams in the OT. 1.God does very significant things WITHIN dreams. For example, He established the Abrahamic Covenant.

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Presentation on theme: "Dreams Part 1. The Importance of Dreams in the OT. 1.God does very significant things WITHIN dreams. For example, He established the Abrahamic Covenant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dreams Part 1

2 The Importance of Dreams in the OT. 1.God does very significant things WITHIN dreams. For example, He established the Abrahamic Covenant in a dream - Gen.15:12,13,18 2. God delivers His own through dreams. - Gen 20:3

3 The Importance of Dreams in the OT. 3. God speaks through dreams and visions in the Old Testament. - Num. 12:6 4.God grants supernatural gifts through dreams - 1 Kings 3:5,9,12,15 5.God Shapes Destinies through Dreams and Visions - Gen 28:10- 16;37:5-11

4 Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17 God in these last days is pouring out His spirit on all people, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams.

5 The New Testament begins with 5 dreams and 3 visions.

6 THE VISIONS Luke 1:22 Zachariah saw an angel in a vision announcing the birth of John Luke 1:28 Mary saw the angel Gabriel announcing the birth of Jesus Luke 2:8,9 The shepherds saw angels announcing the birth of Jesus

7 Matt:1:20 Joseph was told to have no fear about taking Mary as his wife. Matt. 2: 12, The three wise men were warned not to return to Herod. Matt. 2:13 Joseph was told to flee into Egypt with Mary and Jesus. THE DREAMS

8 Matt. 2:20 Joseph was told to take Mary and Jesus into Israel. Matt. 2:22b Joseph was warned and told to go to Galilee and so he took Mary with Jesus to Nazareth. THE DREAMS (cont’d)

9 GOD IS SPEAKING! Job 33:14-15 For God does speak, now one way, now another, though man may not perceive it, in a dream, in a vision in the night, when deep sleep falls on men as they slumber in their beds. He may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings, turn man from wrongdoing and keep him from pride, to preserve his soul from the pit, his life from perishing by the sword. Or he may be chastened on a bed of pain...

10 God warns... God convicts... God keeps our pride in check... God brings us to salvation... God saves our lives... God keeps us from sickness... How many warnings have you missed?


12 FIELDS OF DREAMS In science In the military In literature In music

13 Just think what we might discover? IF we pay attention! IF we pay attention! Just think what calamities we might avoid!

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