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NA-MIC National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Slicer Tutorial Module: Segmentation May 26, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "NA-MIC National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Slicer Tutorial Module: Segmentation May 26, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 NA-MIC National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Slicer Tutorial Module: Segmentation May 26, 2005

2 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Segmentation Segmentation: separating and labeling anatomical structure images. Result is a label map. Semi-automatic process using editing tools. –Include thresholding, morphological operations, island- removal, and free-hand drawing. –Segment data in 3D or slice-by-slice. Merge volumes to construct complex images. Example: segment skin from an MR scan.

3 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Segmenting Data On the Main menu, click Editor. –The Editor panel appears. Click the Volumes tab. –The Volumes tab appears. –Click Setup. The name of data appears in Original Grayscale field. –Select NEW for the Working Labelmap. –Enter name for this segmentation. Example: "ventricles". –Click Start Editing. The Effects tab appears.

4 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Threshold Tool Threshold : automatically outlines structures based on voxel value. Lo slider: excludes low-intensity voxels. Hi slider: excludes high-intensity voxels. Click Output and select a color, or enter an Output color number. Click Apply. –The outlined areas are called "islands".

5 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Results of Thresholding This example is segmenting CT skull bone. Thresholding has changed the label to blue. Notice that the skull is well-defined and separated from the rest of the image.

6 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Exercise: Thresholding (1/2) Load volume as in previous exercise. Click Editor button. Click Volumes tab. Click Setup button. On Original Grayscale drop-down list, select volume. Select NEW for the Working Labelmap. Enter Descriptive Name". Click Start Editing.

7 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Exercise: Thresholding (2/2) Click Threshold or Th. Click Output, select a color for selected voxels. Use Lo slider to exclude low-intensity voxels. Use Hi slider to exclude high-intensity voxels. –Example: if 140 is a common value on 2D Viewer, let Lo =130 and Hi =150. Choose Scope : 1 Slice or 3D. Choose to filter 1 Slice, 3 Slices, or 3D. Click Apply. Result: label map.

8 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Change Label Tool Changes the value of the label of pixels to another value. Useful when merging two data sets together, and you want to keep the data sets distinct from each other. Click Change Label. Enter Value to change. Click Output and select a color, or enter a color number. Click Apply. The new output color will replace the value.

9 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Exercise: Change Label Use on label map or original volume. On Editor, Effects tab, click CL or Change Label. Enter Value to change. Click Output and select a color. Choose Scope : 1 Slice or 3D. Click Apply. The new output color replaces the value.

10 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Change Island Tool Changes color of an island*. –*Island: a group of connected pixels with the same label. Useful after thresholding, to separate anatomy further. Click Change Island. Click New Label and select a color, or enter a color number. Click any part of the island. Pixels that are part of that island will receive the New Label value.

11 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Change Island Example Before After

12 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Exercise: Change Island Use on island in label map or original volume. On Editor, Effects tab, click CI or Change Island. Click New Label and select a new color. Click any part of the island. Changes island to New Label value.

13 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Measure Island Tool Calculates the volume of an island of pixels. Click Measure Island. Click Island Label and select a color, or enter a color number. Click any part of the island. Slicer will display the Size, in pixels. Also displays the size of the Largest island within the selected Scope.

14 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Exercise: Measure Island Use on island in label map or original volume. On Effects panel, click Measure Island. Click Island Label and select pixel color. Select 1 Slice or 3D for Scope. Click any part of the island. Observe Size of island in pixels. Observe size of Largest island within Scope.

15 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Erode & Dilate Tool Removes pixels at border of all islands. Separates two partially connected structures; removes many small islands. Dilate : adds pixels around all islands. Click Erode. Click Value to Erode and select color, or enter color number. Erode acts only on pixels with selected color. Fill value: 0. Iterations : number of times to apply. Neighborhood Size : 4 for less erosion, 8 for more. Click Erode, Dilate, Erode & Dilate, or Dilate & Erode.

16 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Erode Example Before After

17 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Exercise: Erode & Dilate Use Threshold to change values: use vivid color. Click V for green 2D image. Editor Volumes tab Start Editing Effects tab: Green Active Slice, Erode. Value to Erode : use Threshold value. Scope : 3D Click Dilate : threshold value spreads. Click Erode : threshold value area shrinks.

18 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Draw Tool (1 of 2) Draw : specifies pixels for segmenting by drawing directly on them. Useful when automatic methods cannot segment data correctly. Click Draw. Click Output and select a color, or enter color number. –Pixels you draw on get this color. Point Radius : fineness of line. –1 or 2 selects individual points. Mode : behavior of left mouse button. –Draw : for drawing on points. –Select : for selecting points. –Move : for moving selected points.

19 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Draw Tool (2 of 2) Select All : selects all points. Deselect All : deselects all points. Delete Selected : deletes selected points. Delete All : deletes all points. Shape : shape of left mouse in the draw window. Draw on the region of interest (ROI) with left mouse button. Click Apply. –Slicer will fill the ROI with the Output color. Mistake? Use Draw with Black output to erase. Delete last selected point of polygon with Delete Selected.

20 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Exercise: Draw Load volume. Editor Volumes tab Start Editing Effects tab: Green Active Slice, Draw. Click Output : select color. On 2D Viewer, choose area to draw around. Click mouse on edge of area. Move mouse around area, clicking as you move. When area outlined, click Apply. Area is covered by selected color.

21 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Remove Islands Tool Remove Islands : Automatically removes areas based on size. Useful for removing small areas that should not have been thresholded. Example: use an area of 10 to remove all islands less than 10 voxels in size.

22 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Exercise: Remove Islands Use Threshold on volume. Click Remove Islands or RI. Min. Island Area : 10 Label of the sea : 0 Scope : 3D Click on 2D Viewer in sea (outside island). Eliminates the smaller islands.

23 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Save Island Tool Save Island retains the selected island, and removes disconnected pixels with the same label. Useful for separating a single connected structure from other structures.

24 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Exercise: Save Island Color some voxels using Threshold or Draw. Click Save Island or SI. Scope : 3D Click an island in 2D Viewer. –Warning: all other same-colored islands disappear.

25 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Saving Segmented Data Segmented data: a label map On the Main menu, click Editor. –The Editor panel appears. Click the Volumes tab. The Volumes tab appears. Select Save. Select the name of your label map for Volume to Save. Select a file name. –Simplest to use same name as the Volume to Save. Save file to the appropriate directory.

26 National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Exercise: Saving Label Map Use any of the previous methods to create a simple label map. –Example: Threshold. Click Editor Volumes tab Save Select the Volume to Save. Add file name to end of Filename Path. Click Save.

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