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Breakout session feedback: « Managıng Employer Expectatıon » Moderator:LtCol van Rossem Session Secretary:Cpt Zımmermann “Enabling NATO Operations Through.

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Presentation on theme: "Breakout session feedback: « Managıng Employer Expectatıon » Moderator:LtCol van Rossem Session Secretary:Cpt Zımmermann “Enabling NATO Operations Through."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breakout session feedback: « Managıng Employer Expectatıon » Moderator:LtCol van Rossem Session Secretary:Cpt Zımmermann “Enabling NATO Operations Through Effective Employer Support” – DEFSEC Committee

2 Current Situation Why is this theme important? –Recruiting and retention problems for reservists –Employers are opinion leaders/influencers –Making having two employers acceptable No loss - if possible a gain

3 Current Situation Challenges that need solution –Employers have not enough knowledge of the military and the military of the employer –The image of being in the reserve and to be deployed is vague –The lack of solutions for the individual employer –Frequency and duration of deployments –Communication of deployment informatıon to the employer –Translate and demonstrate skills –Differences between small/medıum and large size employers and self-employers

4 Current Situation Stakeholders –Government Defence Economıc Affairs/Labour –Employer CEO(owner or manager)/ HR Line Manager –Business Community –Employee

5 Lessons learned Past experience is that we lost reserves Policy lags behind operational imperatives: –Deploy reserves and try to shape policy –Failing to articulate the reason why there and why reserves Military values are not always known enough within the civilian society “Enabling NATO Operations Through Effective Employer Support” – DEFSEC Committee

6 Best practices Influencing Employers: –`Boss Lıft` (Australia) –Different models for networks to connect with the Employers (SABRE (UK) and ESGR (US)) –Awards/public recognition to employers Use of employer-frıendly laws: –Use military to train people in transferable skills (France) –Compensatıon payment (Australia) “Enabling NATO Operations Through Effective Employer Support” – DEFSEC Committee

7 Best practices Partnershıp programs Hospitals (The Netherlands) National Defence Partnership ın France Sector specific partnerships (e.g. Security) (Belgium) Sponsored Reserves (UK)

8 Looking forward: recommendations Defıne and communicate best practıces Honest and genuine communicatıon with the employer Communication skills that need to be developed –In a language the employer understands –In the frame of mind that is fitted with the stakeholder –Listen to the needs of the other side “Enabling NATO Operations Through Effective Employer Support” – DEFSEC Committee

9 Looking forward: recommendations The Military sets up a marketing instrument Improve Mobilisation process: –İntelligent selection –Training –Notice period –Reintegration The legal homogenatıon –Legal reciprocity for multinational companies employing reservists –Memorandum of understanding regarding cross-border- training Cross-referencıng of skills Preferred supplier position

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