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Traverses and Barricades MA03 Slide 1. Function ES PES Traverse Without traverse With traverse MA03 Slide 2 (Side Views)

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Presentation on theme: "Traverses and Barricades MA03 Slide 1. Function ES PES Traverse Without traverse With traverse MA03 Slide 2 (Side Views)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Traverses and Barricades MA03 Slide 1

2 Function ES PES Traverse Without traverse With traverse MA03 Slide 2 (Side Views)

3 Functional Types  An interceptor traverse  A receptor traverse  A container traverse  A screening traverse MA03 Slide 3

4 Interceptor Traverse ES PES MA03 Slide 4 (Top View) (Side View)

5 Receptor Traverse PESES PES MA03 Slide 5 (Top View) (Side View)

6 Container Traverse PESES PES MA03 Slide 6 (Top View) (Side View)

7 Screening Traverse PESES PES MA03 Slide 7 (Top View) (Side View)

8 Types of Traverse  Type I : Double slope earth mound  Type II: Single slope vertical face earth mound  Type III: A steep double slope earth mound  Type IV: Fully buried buildings (< 600 mm below ground level)  Type V: Wall traverses  Type VI: Natural features MA03 Slide 8

9 Type 1 Traverse MA03 Slide 9

10 Type 2 Traverses MA03 Slide 10

11 Type 3 Traverse MA03 Slide 11

12 Type 4 Traverse (bunker type) MA03 Slide 12

13 Type 5 Traverse MA03 Slide 13

14 Type 6 Traverse MA03 Slide 14

15 Position of Traverses PES Practical gap for handling equipment, vehicles, etc 1m IATG minimum = 1m MA03 Slide 15 (Side View)

16 Geometry of Traverses  Key factors: Height Width Length Slope MA03 Slide 16

17 Geometry of Traverses - Height Stack 2 deg Minimum traverse height 0.6m MA03 Slide 17 (Side View)

18 Geometry of Traverses – Height – Screening Traverse Stack 40 deg MA03 Slide 18 (Side View)

19 Geometry of Traverses - Width Stack 2.4 m Minimum traverse width 0.6m MA03 Slide 19 (Side View)

20 Geometry of Traverses - Length PES 1 m ES MA03 Slide 20 (Top View)

21 Geometry of Traverses – Slope Less than 26 deg MA03 Slide 21 (Side View)

22 Materials - Earth MA03 Slide 22 Material Description (in preference order) Grading Limits Design slope (dependent on soil mechanics) Coarse MaterialFine Material Maximum particle size Maximum content (% by weight: 20-75mm) Maximum fines content (% by weight < 63 micrograms) Maximum clay content (% by weight < 2 micrograms) Well graded sand 6.3mm0%15%5% 1:1.5 to 2 (33° to 26°) Well graded gravelly or clayey or silty sand (inorganic) 7.5mm5%20%5% 1:1.3 to 2.5 (37° to 21°) Inorganic fill Other inorganic material meeting the above grading requirements

23 Materials – Earth Plus Brick/Steel/Concrete MA03 Slide 23 MaterialEffectiveness compared to soil (nominal value of 1) Brick x 4 Concrete x 6 Steel x 24

24 Other Types of Traverse  Permanent: Walls (concrete, masonry)  Field Storage: 1.4 Ammunition Water Barriers Soil Barriers MA03 Slide 24

25 Quick Confirmatory Test MA03 Slide 25

26 Questions MA03 Slide 26

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