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2012-2013 Ohio-Erie Compliance Audit. Overview Failed 2010-2011 Audit Lack of documentation Delays in getting documentation Poor implementation Prescribed.

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Presentation on theme: "2012-2013 Ohio-Erie Compliance Audit. Overview Failed 2010-2011 Audit Lack of documentation Delays in getting documentation Poor implementation Prescribed."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012-2013 Ohio-Erie Compliance Audit

2 Overview Failed 2010-2011 Audit Lack of documentation Delays in getting documentation Poor implementation Prescribed procedures not performed Passed 2011-2012 Audit Improved documentation Revised forms for better compliance Districts responded quickly

3 Overview Listed by CSIET as Full All items passed at 100% Why We Need CSIET North Carolina schools wont take students from unlisted organizations Some states require listing for sports participation Confirms that we are following Rotary and DoS rules and regulations

4 2012-2013 Audit We have identified 18 areas to document Club compliance with RI certification DoS required Host Family application Host family reference checks Host family background checks In-home host family interview Host Family orientation & training Semi-annual visit to Host Family home Follow-up visit to Host Family home

5 2012-20213 Audit We have identified 18 areas to document Volunteer applications Volunteer reference checks Volunteer background checks Volunteer training and DoS certification Monthly counselor logs Student trip itinerary and pre-exchange correspondence Inbound student orientation

6 2012-2013 Audit We have identified 18 areas to document Verification of school & host family placement prior to arrival Verification that community and host family information was provided prior to departure Verification that rules and expectations were conveyed to the student prior to departure

7 2012-2013 Audit We have identified existing forms that indicate compliance We have designed new forms for those areas not covered We have established with our auditors that providing forms will indicate compliance The proper Ohio-Erie forms MUST be used

8 All club and District level forms are on this page.

9 All Host Family forms are contained on this page. Additionally, the CFRs and an orientation for host families is provided for use and/or modification for each Districts needs.

10 This is the information that our Country Contacts direct the Inbound students to when sending the DS-2019. Each student is to download and read the information contained on this page. All forms are collected by the Country Contact and are available to the Districts on request.

11 District Level Forms Kept at District Club Compliance Certification Host Family Interview Checklist Host Family Reference Check Host Family background checks Host Family orientation Counselor Monthly Log Follow-up Visit Verification

12 District Level Forms Kept at District Counselor and Club YEO application Counselor and Club YEO background checks Counselor and Club YEO training

13 District Level Forms Kept at District Student orientation record Pre-exchange correspondence w/student Student flight itinerary Student school records, e.g. class schedule, report card, etc.


15 District Level Forms to Ohio-Erie Guarantee Form Host Family application District & Club Profile All of the above were done at the time of placement and issuance of the DS-2019

16 Ohio-Erie Level Forms Student application Guarantee Form District & Club Profile Host Family Application Receipt of Information (provided by Country Contact)

17 2012-2013 Plan Sept 1 Submit student list to auditors Sept 15 Request district level forms Oct 15 Submit student forms to auditor Dec 1 Conclude audit and submit to CSIET

18 Audited Students Alexis Barberio France 6380 Betty Vickers Matias Jara Contreras Chile 6380 Sandra Pyle-Viers/John Koetz Marie Bienfait Belgium 6600 Betty Vickers Andres Lopez Mendoza Ecuador 6630 Sandra Pyle-Viers/John Koetz Andrés Campos Marquez Spain 6670 Eric Marcus Julija Andric Croatia 6690 Patrick Kelley Yu-Kang Chuang Taiwan 6690 Roger Viers Clemens Raitmayr Austria 7530 John Kanieski/Fred Reidinger Arno Vepsalainen Finland 7670 Patrick Kelley Darlene Wiens Germany 7680 John Kanieski/Fred Reidinger

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