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ROTARY District 6380 Youth Exchange Program Host Family Orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "ROTARY District 6380 Youth Exchange Program Host Family Orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROTARY District 6380 Youth Exchange Program Host Family Orientation

2 International Friendship


4 Objectives of the Program To further international goodwill and understanding To enable students to further their education To broaden students understanding of different cultures, creeds and problems To bring home this understanding and pass it on to family, friends and community To be ambassadors of ROTARY and country

5 Host Family Responsibilities It is not essential that a host family is ROTARIAN Supervise school and leisure time activity Provide room and board & include in family activities Provide student with their own room if possible or share with same sex and age group It is not necessary to have children the same age, exchanges work well with small or no children The student is not an honored guest! Students should be treated like your own children Normal household chores are acceptable

6 Responsibilities continued… The student must adapt to the supervision and discipline of the host family, not the other way around Religion – Seldom an issue, but dont force the issue if it is The host family is not responsible for –Spending money –Clothing –Travel –Other expenses including phone calls

7 Sooo many Responsibilities… The sponsoring ROTARY club provides a stipend Supervise the students spending Emergency fund - $350.00 and must be replenished if used by student Discourage your student from borrowing The exchange is a 2 way street, be willing to go more than half way to make it a success

8 Time for the FOUR Ds Dating Drinking Driving Drugs

9 Another Happy Host Family! Prom Night for Leo Paes Barreto Group Date Ferndale Club

10 First night questions 1.What do you want to be called? 2.What are your expectations? such as a)Cleaning their room b)Making the bed c)Cleaning up after themselves d)Chores 3.What about dirty clothes? a)Using laundry equipment b)Ironing

11 More Questions 4.When can your student use the shower or bath? 5.Where to keep toiletries –Can they use yours or must buy their own 6.When and how meals are provided –What can student do to help? 7.Can your student help themselves to things? 8.What areas in the home are off limits? 9.Can student rearrange their room as they like?

12 Moooore Questions 10.Where can I keep my suitcases? 11.Smoking, see application –Application of local ordinance & state law 12.Bedtime and curfews 13.Can friends spend the night? 14.Use of computers, TV, other equipment 15.Host brothers and sisters likes & dislikes

13 ROTARY Sponsored Adventures Eastern Adventure - March Southern Adventure – March Western Adventure – June Canadian Adventures - July District Events Local Club Events Note: Not all activities are ROTARY activities, be sure you know…

14 Lets leave while its still dark! On the way to the Western Adventure from Ferndale! Feels like yesterday

15 Sexual Harassment Understand there are cultural differences Be sensitive to the students comfort levels with you and others in your family Be aware of things in your home that can create an uncomfortable environment, such as: –Explicit media –Photographs –Language –Websites

16 Counselors Gender specific Duties to help student, host families, club and school have a successful experience Set up and coordinate bank accounts Establish a good relationship with student Enroll student in school and remain as point of contact Coordinate moves between Host Families Arrange for students attendance at ROTARY activities

17 Conclusion (Yesss) You tell us!!

18 Success, what its all about! Fake Tattoo Really!

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