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Computer & Information Tech BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David.

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1 Computer & Information Tech BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David Operating Systems: Process Explorer

2 Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department Operating Systems >> Processes In This Class we will be learning about Processes CPU I/O DLL Byte Process Thread Path Handle Some of the ICT terminology we will learn about includes: We will use the Netschool Software for quick interactive class participation. » Example: What primary Operating System do you use at home?

3 Process Explorer Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department Q: What is a Process 1.A process is a program running on your computer. 2. Processes take up computer resources (RAM, CPU and Disk Space) Example: Microsoft Word is a Process. 1. It runs on your computer and 2. It takes up memory (RAM) and CPU. » Open MS Word Regular versus Background Processes A Regular Process has a window associated with it. A Background Process does not. Window = regular process. Windowless = background process. » Q: Is MS Word a Regular Process or a Background Process?

4 Process Explorer Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department Problem: Windows Gives up Limited Access/Information 1.We can see how many regular processes are running but how can we know how many background processes are running? 2. Also, we do not have a lot of information about the processes. Q: How much CPU and memory is MS Word taking up? Q: Where is the program located on the disk? (path) Q: Who manufactured the program? Q: How do we know this is a legitimate process and not a virus? Q: What if this process crashes what can we do about it? A: Process Explorer!

5 Process Explorer Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department Q: What is Process Explorer? 1. PE can give us more information about our computer. It is a program which allows you low level access to the programs running on your computer. Process Explorer or (PE) has 3 main advantages: Shows us exactly what our computer is doing. Slow Computer? Processes take up computer resources. The more processes running the more system resources are taken up and the slower your computer will run. PE Shows us exactly how many processes are running and how much system resources they are consuming

6 Process Explorer Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department 2. PE gives us more control over our computers. Program Crash? PE can help recover Using PE you can start to understand more about computers and how they really work. Use the computer as a tool rather than a consumer device. Computer Viruses? PE can help detect and remove them. 3. PE acts as a knowledge gateway OK so PE is great, where do I get it? » History Part of Windows Now Mark sold his company to MS for $18M Technet is MS site for developers Free tool

7 Process Explorer Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department »Download Process Explorer to your Desktop 1. Copy the FOLDER from e:\sysinternals to your desktop 2. Find the file procexp.exe. Run it. To save time, PE is already downloaded on our network. 3. Open the Microsoft Word Process. (Start->All Programs-> Microsoft Office-> Microsoft Word)

8 Process Explorer Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department 1. PE can give us more information about our computer. Shows us exactly what our computer is doing. This list shows every program running on your computer right now. We can see: 1. regular processes (with windows in the taskbar) 2. background processes (with no windows)

9 Process Explorer Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department So what information are we looking at? 4 columns: 2. PID 3. Company Name 4. Description 1. Process PID= Process Identification Number Every process gets a unique PID. Why? So Windows knows how to find it, like a student ID number. This is the filename of the process. Always ends in.exe Example: WINWORD.EXE This is the name of the company that wrote the application. Who wrote WINWORD.EXE? This is a plain text based description of the process. Q: How is the Description different than the Process Name Field? 1. PE can give us more information about our computer. 1 234 » 3 questions

10 Process Explorer Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department 2. CPU 1. Working Set (Memory) This is the amount of memory (RAM) that the process is taking up in your computer. This is how much CPU time the process is taking up (in percentage). Processes that perform calculations take up a lot of CPU time “heavily CPU intensive” Which process is taking up the most CPU time? 1. PE can give us more information about our computer. > 2. Processes Take up system Resources » Open and Successively close 4 MS Word documents, watch how working set size increases and decreases. » Split screen into left PE right word. » Click on the CPU column to sort by CPU Usage » Open SuperPi » introduce it, show the spike while calculating π pi =3.14159265 » 3 questions

11 Process Explorer Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department 3. PE Shows us how various processes are related Child Process, Parent Process 1. PE can give us more information about our computer. > 2. Processes Take up system Resources » Successively click on Process Column 3 times » Collapse the System process tree.

12 Process Explorer Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department What about the Windows Task Manager? Advantages of PE versus Task manager: - can see more processes - you can see the relationships of the processes - you can see a LOT more information about processes » Compare Windows Task manager to PE side by side Example: description or company name. Look at a process running in Task manager, we don’t know what it means. PE Shows us 1. PE can give us more information about our computer. > 2. Processes Take up system Resources » 1 questions So If PE is so great, why is it not default part of windows? 2 Disadvantages: 1. PE takes up some resources in itself » Demonstrate 2. Maybe too much control for average users (technet).

13 Process Explorer Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department 1. PE can give us a LOT more information about our computer… We can get HIGHLY SPECIFIC details about an individual process Information: 1. Program Icon 2. Program name 3. Company 4. Version 5. Time 6. Path 7. Command Line 8. Current Directory 9. Parent 10. User 11. Started 12. Comment 13. DEP Commands: 1. Verify 2. Bring to Front 3. Kill Process

14 Process Explorer Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department 1. PE can give us a LOT more information about our computer… We can get HIGHLY SPECIFIC details about an individual process What is a path? A: A path is where the process is located on the disk (hard drive) » Open Explorer, show a path What does Verify do? -Verify if this is a genuine process or not -Does not always work -Can give a hint to viruses » Verify WINWORD Kill Process * Remember: PE can give your more control over your computer. If an application becomes frozen or non- responsive.

15 Process Explorer Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department 1. PE can give us more information about our computer… Threads are small processes, many thread make up one process. Like the threads in a shirt. » Open Firefox with many windows & BCC-ICT to show threads More Information Performance Graph TCP/IP Strings etc…

16 Process Explorer Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department » View Menu -> Select Columns 1 (5 checks) 2 (7 checks) 3 (3 Checks) 4 (6 Checks) 21 Combo boxes to check To Setup Process Explorer: 1 2 4 3

17 Process Explorer Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department The System Information Summary Window This windows shows the activity of ALL the processes working together. We see all the activity on the computer. 3 large graphs: - CPU - I/O bytes - Physical Memory History Total Statistics: -Number of Threads -Number of Processes -Number of Handles -Physical Available Memory » View -> System Summary

18 Process Explorer Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department I/O 1. I/O Means Disk Access » Copy a Large File and watch I/O Streaming 2. CPU Means processing » Pi + One other CPU Intensive Program together. 3. Physical is the amount of memory being used. » Open a large Photoshop file, apply a filter, close » 1 questions

19 Process Explorer Computer & Information Technology Class Teacher David BANGKOK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE English Immersion Program Mathayom Department Now it’s your turn to learn Process Explorer 1. Process Explorer- Questions.doc » Example. How many threads are running on your computer? 2. Process Explorer Crossword.html » All of the answers can be found in this power point presentation! » 1 questions

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