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Web 2.0 for Libraries Laura Savastinuk Chris Warren Gwinnett County Public Library.

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Presentation on theme: "Web 2.0 for Libraries Laura Savastinuk Chris Warren Gwinnett County Public Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web 2.0 for Libraries Laura Savastinuk Chris Warren Gwinnett County Public Library

2 Library 2.0 Constant and purposeful change Constant and purposeful change User participation User participation Evaluating everything Evaluating everything

3 What is a Library 2.0 Service? Can be considered Library 2.0 if it: Successfully reaches users Successfully reaches users Is evaluated frequently Is evaluated frequently Utilizes customer input Utilizes customer input

4 What is Web 2.0? One possible definition: Web 1.0 Web 1.0 Library User Web 2.0 Web 2.0 Library User

5 What is Web 2.0? A web-based tool that maintains open communication, encourages user participation and changes to meet user needs. A web-based tool that maintains open communication, encourages user participation and changes to meet user needs.

6 How Web 2.0 Can Help Web 2.0 tools encourage interaction, input, sharing and discussion. Web 2.0 tools encourage interaction, input, sharing and discussion. Dont worry about the technical description. Dont worry about the technical description. Focus on the way these web tools are used. Focus on the way these web tools are used.

7 Evaluating Web 2.0 Tools What makes a Web 2.0 tool useful? Ease of use Ease of use Contributions encouraged Contributions encouraged The more its used, the better it becomes The more its used, the better it becomes

8 Blogs Internal communication Internal communication Outreach and promotion Outreach and promotion Professional development Professional development Image by Maryam S - Day 50 Feb 19

9 Wikis Easily create, edit, and link pages Easily create, edit, and link pages Collaborative Collaborative Content management Content management Staff development Staff development Guidelines and policies Guidelines and policies MediaWiki & PBWiki MediaWiki & PBWiki Image by eye of einstein - Hau

10 Flickr Human face Human face Promote library programs Promote library programs Host library programs Host library programs Image by Hamed Saber – Camera LCDs

11 Social Networking Sites Digital presence Digital presence Interaction, promotion, feedback Interaction, promotion, feedback Facebook & MySpace Facebook & MySpace Image by Sukanto Debnath - little monks playing in the afternoon

12 LibraryThing Companion to existing catalog Companion to existing catalog Tags Tags Book reviews Book reviews Readers advisory / event promotion Readers advisory / event promotion

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