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Presentation on theme: " ASEAN Foundation. ASEAN Member Countries ASEAN Member Countries: Brunei Darussalam Cambodia Indonesia Laos Malaysia Myanmar Philippines."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASEAN Foundation

2 ASEAN Member Countries ASEAN Member Countries: Brunei Darussalam Cambodia Indonesia Laos Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Viet Nam

3 Country GDP per capita (USD) 2005 GDP total (billion USD) 2005 Land (1,000 km 2 ) Population (Million) 2006 Brunei Darussalam16,8806.25 5.8 0.38 Cambodia4045.52 181 14 Indonesia1,275280 1,891 223 Lao PDR6233.73 237 6.1 Malaysia5,000130.7 330 27 Myanmar1065.92 677 57 Philippines1,16097.7 300 86 Singapore26,820116.70.7 4.5 Thailand2,726176.6 513 65 Vietnam63552.8 330 84 Based on ASEAN Statistical Pocketbook 2006: Tables 1, 17 & 18.

4 Establishment of the ASEAN Foundation 1. 1. Established by the ASEAN Leaders on 15 December 1997 during the ASEAN 30 th Commemorative Summit in Malaysia. 2. 2. The MOU was signed by the ASEAN Foreign Ministers. 3. 3. The MOU was revised in July 2000 and ratified by all ten member countries in July 2007.

5 ASEAN Foundation Office Jl. Sam Ratulangi No. 2, Menteng, Jakarta, Indonesia

6 Objectives of the ASEAN Foundation   Promote greater awareness of ASEAN, and greater interaction among the peoples of ASEAN as well as their wider participation in ASEAN's activities inter alia through human resources development that will enable them to realize their full potential and capacity to contribute to progress of ASEAN Member States as productive and responsible members of society.   Endeavour to contribute to the evolution of a development cooperation strategy that promotes mutual assistance, equitable economic development, and the alleviation of poverty.

7 Activities of ASEAN Foundation   organize and support activities to promote education, training, health and cultural life;   provide assistance to uplift the social condition of the peoples in the ASEAN Member States;   provide fellowships to and support exchanges of ASEAN youths and students;

8 Activities of ASEAN Foundation promote collaborative work among academics, professionals and scientists; implement projects assigned by ASEAN Leaders or Ministers; collaborate with the relevant ASEAN bodies; organize its own projects and actively raise funds for the Foundation's activities.

9 relevant government institutions Academic, cultural, economic, social and other relevant government institutions and bona fide non-governmental organizations of ASEAN member countries shall be eligible for assistance from the Foundation in conformity with its stated objectives. (Article VI: Revised MOU on the Establishment of the AF) Who can avail of ASEAN Foundation Funding

10 Structure of AF Fund 1. Endowment Fund 2. Operational Fund Contribution from member countries and gain of investment of the endowment fund 3. Project Fund Contribution from donor countries, international organizations, and private sector

11 OPERATIONAL FUND: ENDOWMENT (USD) Brunei Darussalam1,000,000 Indonesia1,000,000 Malaysia 500,000 Singapore 500,000 TOTAL3,000,000

12 Cambodia 75,000 Laos 50,000 Myanmar100,000 Philippines500,000 Thailand500,000 Viet Nam100,000 TOTAL 1,325,000 OPERATIONAL FUND: UNRESTRICTED FUND (USD)

13 Contributions from Foreign Donors USD 20 million USD 20 million - Government of Japan (Japan-ASEAN Solidarity Fund) USD 200,000 USD 200,000 - People’s Republic of China USD 200,000 USD 200,000 - Republic of Korea USD 115,833 USD 115,833 - Government of France PROJECT FUND

14 Contributions from Private Sector USD 535,356 USD 535,356 – International Development Research Center (IDRC Canada) USD 130,000 USD 130,000 – Microsoft Indonesia USD 160,000 USD 160,000 – Hewlett-Packard Asia-Pacific


16 Article 15 of the ASEAN Charter greater awareness of the ASEAN identitypeople-to-people interaction 1.The ASEAN Foundation shall support the Secretary- General of ASEAN and collaborate with the relevant ASEAN bodies to support ASEAN community-building by promoting greater awareness of the ASEAN identity, people-to-people interaction, and close collaboration among the business sector, civil society, academia, and other stakeholders in ASEAN. 2. The ASEAN Foundation shall be accountable to the Secretary-General of ASEAN, who shall submit its report to the ASEAN Summit through the ASEAN Coordinating Council.

17 raising awareness of ASEAN promoting greater access to ICT “The ASEAN Foundation should be reinvigorated to play a more active role in promoting public awareness of ASEAN and in involving people in functional cooperation activities in ASEAN. The EPG strongly endorses refocusing the priorities of the ASEAN Foundation on raising awareness of ASEAN among the youth and defining their role in building as well as sustaining the ASEAN Community, and in promoting greater access to ICT by various social groups as a means to empower people and at the same time help narrow the development gap still prevailing in the region.” Report of the Eminent Persons Group (EPG) on the ASEAN Charter, endorsed by the ASEAN Leaders at the 12 th ASEAN Summit, Cebu, Philippines, 13 January 2007

18 “…strengthen the role of the ASEAN Foundation under the political development section of the respective documents in the context of increasing the participation by various ASEAN bodies in moving forward ASEAN political development initiatives through promotion of more people-to-people contacts.” -- Vientianne Action Programme (2004-2010) “…use the ASEAN Foundation to support activities and social development programmes aimed at addressing issues of unequal economic development, poverty and socio-economic disparities.” -- Hanoi Plan of Action (1998-2004)

19 AF Projects (March 2008) Field Number of projects Amount USD (million) Social Development9414,336,844 Science & Technology121,357,519 Environment5678,265 Culture & Information101,210,467 Total121 17,583,095

20 Completed Projects Field Number of projects Amount (USD Million) Social Development728,622,974 Science & Technology8998,735 Environment4577,793 Culture & Information71,146,229 Total9111,345,731

21 On-going Projects Area Number of projects Amount USD (million) Social Development225,713,870 Science & Technology4358,784 Environment1100,472 Culture & Information364,238 Total306,237,364

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