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Countries of Southeast Asia VietnamVietnam CambodiaCambodia LaosLaos Burma (Myanmar)Burma (Myanmar) ThailandThailand Malaysia Indonesia Singapore Brunei.

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Presentation on theme: "Countries of Southeast Asia VietnamVietnam CambodiaCambodia LaosLaos Burma (Myanmar)Burma (Myanmar) ThailandThailand Malaysia Indonesia Singapore Brunei."— Presentation transcript:

1 Countries of Southeast Asia VietnamVietnam CambodiaCambodia LaosLaos Burma (Myanmar)Burma (Myanmar) ThailandThailand Malaysia Indonesia Singapore Brunei Philippines East Timor


3 The CIA World Fact Book actbook/geos/la.html


5 Co-mingling of religions Eastern religions BuddhismBuddhism ConfucianismConfucianism TaoismTaoism HinduismHinduism Islam Christianity

6 Mandala dala/ dala/ dala/ dala/ html html html html

7 Early trade centers FunanFunan –Southern Vietnam/Cambodia ChampaChampa –Modern Cambodia –Khmers (forest-dweller) SrivijayaSrivijaya –On modern Sumatra MalaccaMalacca

8 Early trade Spices (pepper, cinnamon, etc.)Spices (pepper, cinnamon, etc.) TeaTea TinTin CamphorCamphor

9 Bahasa Malay Orang Laut – “man of the water”Orang Laut – “man of the water” Orang Asli – “original man”Orang Asli – “original man” Orang Utan – “man of the trees”Orang Utan – “man of the trees”

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