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European Footholds in Southeast Asia

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1 European Footholds in Southeast Asia
Section 14-3 pp

2 Preview Questions How did the Portuguese and the Dutch build empires in the East? How did Spain control the Philippines? How did the decline of Mughal India affect European traders?


4 Portugal’s Empire in the East
Portugal is the first nation to gain a foothold in SE Asia Alfonso de Albuquerque Won over local Indian princes Seized island of Goa in 1510 Used military force to take control of the port of Malacca and the Malacca Strait Afonso de Albuquerque


6 Portugal’s Empire in the East
Military and Trading Outposts Used to control empire and resupply ships Strategies made Europeans feared and hated Control trade between Europe and Asia Impact Portuguese lose control of trade Intolerant missionaries attack Muslims & Hindus New outposts in SE Asia and E Africa

7 Rise of the Dutch First nation to challenge Portugal in SE Asia
Sea Power Motivated by profit of sea trade Sailors set up colonies (Ex: Cape Town)

8 Rise of the Dutch A Powerful Dutch Company Dutch East India Company
Full sovereign powers Strategy Military force Ties with local rulers Controlled Malacca Strait Opened trade with China Established a monopoly over Spice Islands Dutch also placed Chinese in positions of power and used a system of forced labor

9 Spain Seizes the Philippines
Spain claimed Philippines in 1521 Missionaries brought Catholicism to SE Asia Use as crossover between North American and China

10 The British East India Company controlled India by the late 1700s
Mughal India India had valuable textiles and spices Religious civil wars and government corruption caused collapse of empire French and British fought for control of India in 1700’s – used sepoys The British East India Company controlled India by the late 1700s

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