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Voice of the Customer - Lecture 31 Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Phase 2 & 3 © 2009 ~ Mark Polczynski.

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Presentation on theme: "Voice of the Customer - Lecture 31 Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Phase 2 & 3 © 2009 ~ Mark Polczynski."— Presentation transcript:

1 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 31 Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Phase 2 & 3 © 2009 ~ Mark Polczynski

2 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 32 Scenario Planning Intellectual Property Generation Technology Roadmapping Voice of the Customer New Concept Ideation An Integrated Strategic Technology Planning and Development Environment

3 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 33 QFD Phase 2 – HOWs Phase 1: Whats Phase 2: Hows Phase 3: Whys

4 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 34 6. Generate HOWs - Measurable objectives that cause the desired effect (WHATs) Not solutions! Phase 2

5 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 35 Details on Product Characteristics HOWs can be characterized as: - Performance measurements - Product functions - Process steps Examine examples of each Most common application

6 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 36 Using Performance Measurements to Identify “Hows” For each customer need, define one or a few “technical performance measurements”, e.g.: How would I actually measure the ability to meet this need? Setting Force Easy to Set etc… For each customer need (WHAT)… …identify the technical performance measure (HOW).

7 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 37 Using Product/Process Functions to Identify “Hows” You can use product/process functions instead of performance measurements, especially if the product/service concept already exists, e.g., upgrade to an existing product in the field. Here’s an example… Functional groups QFD WHAT rows e.g. “File” Functions QFD HOW columns e.g. “New…”

8 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 38 The Process QFD: You can use QDF to design a process (manufacturing, business, etc… For process QFDs, the WHATS rows are what the process has to do. Then the HOW columns are simply the process steps. Performance targets can be quantified by factors such as: ~ Average process step cycle time, ~ Average processing cost per cycle, ~ Average defect rate at each process step.

9 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 39 7. Determine CUSTOMER performance targets - How does your customer want the products to perform? This is not what you think is possible! Phase 2

10 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 310 8. Determine HOW-HOW Correlations - How do the HOWs affect each other? : str. pos. : med. pos. : wk. pos. + : med. neg. # : str. neg. Phase 2 Controls expectations! Cost Time Reliability

11 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 311 9. Determine relative Technical Difficulty - Where do we anticipate major hurdles? : str. pos. : med. pos. : wk. pos. + : med. neg. # : str. neg. Phase 2 Combinations of HOWS Impact Technical Difficulty If your customers specified impossible Performance Targets, note that now!

12 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 312 Here Ends Phase 2 – HOWs Phase 2

13 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 313 QFQ Phase 3 – WHYs Phase 1: Whats Phase 2: Hows Phase 3: Whys

14 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 314 10. Determine WHAT-HOW Relationships - Rate how strongly each factor leads to each goal. : str. pos. : med. pos. : wk. pos. + : med. neg. # : str. neg. Phase 3

15 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 315 What-to-How Relationships - Detail If we defined the columns of the QFD as Performance Measures, and identify the performance measures based on each Customer Need, then we automatically identify the primary What-to-How relationships… Setting Force etc… Easy to Set etc… : str. pos. : med. pos. : wk. pos. + : med. neg. # : str. neg.

16 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 316 A major benefit of the QFD is the ability to clearly identify secondary interactions : str. pos. : med. pos. : wk. pos. + : med. neg. # : str. neg. Phase 3 “Useable baits” heavily impacts “Easy to bait”, but also “Attracts mice”

17 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 317 11. Calculate Relative Importance - Which HOWs should we work on? Phase 3 Qualisoft automatically calculates based on completed QFD matrix.

18 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 318 End of Phase 3 – Whys Phase 3

19 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 319 Started by finding out exactly what your customer’s needs are... …and ended up knowing exactly what to work on first, next, etc…

20 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 320 QFD Extensions: Technical Benchmarking You can add a Technical Benchmarking row here

21 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 321 Adding Technical Benchmark Impacts Relative Importance

22 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 322 Adding Technical Benchmark Impacts Relative Importance

23 Course Overview - Lecture 123 Strategic Technology Planning Scenario Planning Voice of the Customer Intellectual Property Generation Ideation Technology Roadmapping Strategic Technology Planning Scenario Planning Voice of the Customer Intellectual Property Generation Ideation Technology Roadmapping Strategic Technology Planning Strategic Technology Development Stage Gate Development Stage Gate Review Strategic Technology Development Stage Gate Development Stage Gate Review Linking QFD to Technology Development

24 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 324 Possible Application of QFD Nesting We just did this QFD So QFD approach can be used to document end-to-end process

25 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 325 QFD Nesting First Level QFD Second Level QFD

26 Voice of the Customer - Lecture 326 What specific problems are solved by QFD? Poor understanding of customer needs - ~ Solve the wrong problems, miss the big problems. Failure to strategically prioritize efforts - ~ No time and money left to solve the most important problems. Willingness to take on unmanageable risks - ~ Don’t know what we are committing to. Overreliance on formal specifications - ~ Spec often misses “contextual cues”, e.g., why are we building this in the first place? Fixing the wrong problems - ~ Often times forced to ship product before all bugs are eliminated, so did we fix enough of the most important bugs?

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