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Precipitation, Crops, and Food Insecure Regions. Precipitation Change.

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Presentation on theme: "Precipitation, Crops, and Food Insecure Regions. Precipitation Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Precipitation, Crops, and Food Insecure Regions

2 Precipitation Change

3 Change in Precipitation By the End of the 21 st Century

4 Prioritizing Regions Food Security Impacts for 2030 Criteria taken into account: Importance of a crop to the region’s food-insecure population (HI) Projected impact of climate change to a crop’s production Statistical Model with: Historical crop harvests Monthly temperatures and precipitation Maps of growing locations

5 Regions of Concern

6 Changes in Temperature and Precipitation


8 Crop Priority

9 Focus Adaptation Investments Negative impacts most likely to occur (C95 < 0%): South Asia wheat Southeast Asia rice Southern Africa maize Some very extreme impacts (C05 < –10%): Several South Asian crops Sahel sorghum Southern Africa maize


11 The Sahel


13 Proposed Adaptations Increase Irrigation Shift Planting Schedule Switch Crops Genetically Modify Crops

14 Discussion Questions What can be done to curb the influence of the decrease in precipitation on food insecure regions? Is shifting planting/harvesting schedules enough? How will regions be affected that can no longer grow staple crops? How will changing crops impact traditions and customs in regions? Will the people be open to a new dietary supplement? Developed countries will have less trouble adapting to a change in precipitation. Should developed regions aid the food insecure nations in building irrigation and researching more resilient crops?

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