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Challenges of Forest Governance: A Perspective from the United States Sally Collins Associate Chief, U.S. Forest Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenges of Forest Governance: A Perspective from the United States Sally Collins Associate Chief, U.S. Forest Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenges of Forest Governance: A Perspective from the United States Sally Collins Associate Chief, U.S. Forest Service

2 U.S. family Government publication, 1930s: “Forestry and Permanent Prosperity”

3 Changing values/landscapes “Make love, not lumber” --1970s protest sign Wilderness Act, 1964 National Environmental Policy Act, 1969 National Forest Management Act, 1976 etc.…

4 Hard times TV, Internet, i-Pods, videogames, chatrooms, MySpace …

5 Declining forest health

6 Second family 77% of forestland worldwide is under government control

7 Deforestation/erosion

8 Global market for wood Value added (e.g., China) Raw log suppliers (e.g., Indonesia) End consumers (e.g., U.S.)

9 Climate change Area burned, United States (millions of acres)

10 Rural poverty

11 Forestland ownership

12 Children’s connection to nature

13 Loss of ecosystem services (per Millennium Ecosystem Assessment) Type of serviceGlobal status Fresh water Capture fisheries Wild foods Genetic resources Air quality regulation Erosion control Water purification Pollination etc.

14 Global interdependence Global climate change Global resource degradation (loss of ecosystem services) Global markets for wood Global poverty

15 Aldo Leopold “That land is a community is the basic concept of ecology, but that land is to be loved and respected is an extension of ethics.” Aldo Leopold Wilderness, New Mexico

16 Relationships to the land “We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.” --Leopold, A Sand County Almanac (1949)

17 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

18 Forest governance Relationships are key

19 Global forestry U.S. Forest Service technical assistance programs in sustainable forestry

20 U.S. forest landownership

21 Strengthening relationships

22 Where should our focus be?

23 “For people to work for conservation, conservation must work for people”

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