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Welcome to Back-to-School Night 6 th Grade Science Mrs. Delaney G14 Homework Hotline 531-2248 or 531-2250 Press extension #1102.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back-to-School Night 6 th Grade Science Mrs. Delaney G14 Homework Hotline 531-2248 or 531-2250 Press extension #1102."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back-to-School Night 6 th Grade Science Mrs. Delaney G14 Homework Hotline 531-2248 or 531-2250 Press extension #1102

2 Teacher Introduction  16 years teaching science  Masters Science Education  6 th grade science curriculum writer  H.M.S. (7 th & 8 th grade) Science Fair Competition Facilitator  Previous Lebanon Valley College Adjunct; Elem. Ed. Dept. Undergraduate Studies; Physical Sciences in the Elementary School

3 TEAM INFORMATION  Sign-up for Conference with your child’s HOMEROOM teacher  Call H.W. hotline to check missed homework (see brochure)  Each Student has study buddies in each CORE class  If absent for 3 days; e-mail or call homeroom teacher to request missed work by 9:00 a.m.

4 TEAM INFORMATION  MASH (Meaningful After School Help)  Traveling? Send note stating dates of travel. Office will release trip form to be completed and returned. Student will be given a missed work sheet to be filled out by teachers. Work is due upon return.

5 TEAM TIME  Days 1 & 4 RECESS (dress for outside weather)  MondayTeacher Read Aloud  TuesdayD.E.A.R.  WednesdayTeacher Read Aloud  ThursdayD.E.A.R.  FridayFREE  Occasional Team Meetings

6 6th Grade Inquiry Based Science Program driven by PA State Science Standards & Anchors  Systems is the theme of the 6th grade program…this big idea allows students to see how changing one part affects the whole.  Students will be encouraged everyday to step into the shoes of scientists and Do science! Students will…  Use scientific thinking processes  Conduct controlled investigations  Construct science understanding through observing, communicating, comparing, organizing and relating

7 Traits of a Scientist  1. Anyone can be a scientist  2. Scientists are persistent  3. Work with different materials  4. Scientists are flexible  5. Use their imaginations  6. Use teamwork & trust  7. Communicate with one another Goal: Students see themselves as Scientists!

8 FOSS Module Investigations Models and Designs  Black Boxes: multi-sensory observations of sealed black boxes to determine what is inside Goal: Students will look for relationships between structure and function of materials & systems.

9 FOSS Module Investigations Variables  Exploring the behavior of Swingers- Pendulums Goal: Students will change one Variable at a time and observe what happens.

10 FOSS Module Investigations Levers and Pulleys  Levers  More Leverage  Pulleys  Pulleys at work Goal: Knowledge of these relationships is necessary for understanding all mechanics.

11 Variables Module Continued  Carrying capacity of cup Lifeboats and penny passengers  Rubber-band Planes that fly on a line  Flippers-Catapults Goal: Students will change one Variable at a time and observe what happens.

12 Gems: Reasons for the Seasons Goal: Students will arrive at a clear understanding of seasons as they investigate connections between the Sun and Earth. Students will take a “Trip to the sun,” determine the real shape of the Earth’s orbit, evaluate data on world temperature and hours of sunlight in different locations, and model how the angle at which sunlight hits the Earth affects its concentration. (Private Universe)

13 STC: Ecosystems; bottle biology Goal: Students using 3 2-liter soda bottles will construct a TerrAqua Column model to understand the interactions in the living world. They will document the link between land and water biomes within this system.  SAVE 2-Liter Bottles and send to school!

14 NESEA: Energy Thinking Goal: Students will participate in interactive experiences as they learn about renewable and non-renewable resources, energy transfer, and waste from processing.

15 Assessment  Students construct their understanding by doing science  Applied understanding & process skills  Use of Mrs. Delaney’s website click science class notes  Flex-Clarification help  Redo Opportunities-Graded work- practice/redo followed by resubmission

16 "Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of facts." Carl Sagan, Ph.D., The application of process skills will aid in the PA State Science assessment that students take in 8th grade, where by 50% of the test is on the nature of science and the remaining 50% on science content.

17 Preparing students for 21 st Century success… Teamwork Teamwork Critical thinking Critical thinking Communication skills- Communication skills- written & oral

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