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1 1 Water Literacy Initiative for Schools in South Africa AMCOW MEETING Department of Water Affairs: South Africa Ethiopia, November 2010 A national programme.

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Presentation on theme: "1 1 Water Literacy Initiative for Schools in South Africa AMCOW MEETING Department of Water Affairs: South Africa Ethiopia, November 2010 A national programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 1 Water Literacy Initiative for Schools in South Africa AMCOW MEETING Department of Water Affairs: South Africa Ethiopia, November 2010 A national programme to change attitudes and behaviour to water use & value and to build relevant skills for the water sector

2 2 Contents of Presentation  Problem Statement  Framework for Water Literacy Initiative  Major Objective  Key Objectives  Key Programmes  Curriculum Support Programme  Action Projects  Youth Summit on Water and Climate Change

3 3 Problem Statement  SA is a water scarce country – water resources are under threat  SA Water sector has severe skills shortages – identified as a major risk to water resources and water services

4 Policy Framework for Water Literacy  High level recommendation - A massive public education initiative focused at the school level  WfGD Framework states that skills shortage in the water sector is a key risk to achieving the 6% economic growth targets SA needs 4 Water for Growth and Development Framework

5 Major Objective  The Water Literacy Initiative is designed to address national challenges of water scarcity and water sector skills shortages in a sustainable way 5

6 Key Objectives  To promote behavioural change on water use and water  To promote water sector careers in at schools and provide opportunities for youth to pursue careers in the water sector  To raise awareness of water and climate change to the broader public 6

7 Key Programmes  Curriculum Programme  Resource Materials & Educator Empowerment  Action Projects  Baswa le Meetse - Competition – Grade 6  South African Youth Water Prize -– Grade 11  Aqua Enduro Grade 11  Invasive Alien Plant Programme  National Essay Competition on Climate Change  Annual Youth Summit on Water & Climate Change 7

8 Curriculum Support Programme The vision is that every learner… and every educator …in every school will have access to water education 8

9 Curriculum Support (2) Curriculum-Aligned Resource Materials – for educators and learners in Grades R-9 9 Resource Material Modules Water is life What is water? Water cycle Sources of Water Water Use Efficiency Key uses of water Water saving tips Water scarcity Water Quality Management Water Pollution Water Purification Sanitation, Health & Hygiene Good Sanitation practices Various types of toilets Maintaining sanitation facilities Water Related diseases Water Safety Water safety tips Water safety games Safe Swimming Environment Forestry and Invasive Alien Plants Importance of Tress Introduction of Indigenous Trees Identification of Invasive Alien Plants Careers in Water and Forestry Career Fair exhibitions DWAF & WRC Careers @ Water CD DWAF & WRC Careers Book

10 Curriculum Support (3) Curriculum-Aligned Resource Material for Senior Schooling (Grades 10-12)  In development phase – ready by January 2012  Key themes for Senior Schooling phase  Water is life*** Water Quality  Water Use Efficiency*** Water Management  Water Sector Careers *** Climate Change  Water Safety *** Environmental Conservation  History and Indigenous practices of water 10

11 Action Projects: Baswa le Meetse  The Youth in Water Awards aimed at recognizing role of Grade 6 learners in awareness campaigns related to water – using the arts medium 11

12 Action Projects: SA Youth Water Prize  The SAYWP encourages participation of youth from Grade 9-11 in integrated water resource management. Winners compete in Annual International Competition in Sweden 12

13 Action Projects: Aqua-Enduro Aqua-Enduro is aimed at addressing science and engineering skills shortages. It targets Grade 11 learners – and winners receive bursaries from DWA  Centered around World Water Monitoring Day – October 18 th 13

14 Action Projects: Invasive Alien Plant Education  This is a practical oriented project of Working for Water that raises awareness on impact of invasive alien plant species on our national resources 14

15 Action Projects: National Essays  Targeted at Grade 11 learners, focuses on impacts of climate change on water resources and encourages learners to consider innovative adaptation strategies and activities  This Project will be initiated at the 2011 Youth Summit 15

16 Youth Summit on Water and Climate Change  A national event hosted by the Minister to celebrate and award youth in water 16

17 Youth Summit on Water 17  This an Annual Event that brings together all programmes of the Department on Water Literacy  The Minister Awards the excellence of Youth involved in water conservation and climate change issues  The Youth Summit is held in over a one-week period in June of each year  2011 will mark the 3 rd Annual Youth Summit on Water and Climate Change

18 What happens at the Summit?  Excursions: Learners are taken on excursions to various sites such as water treatment plants, water boards …  Youth Debate: A forum for debate is held each year on issues of water and climate change. Teams of learners compete against each other on specified topics.  Clinics: Experts in the field of water and climate change provide interesting lectures on topical issues.  Exhibitions – Learners are exposed to various stakeholders in the water sector – who exhibit and discuss water sector careers and latest technologies 18

19 What happens at the Summit?  National Awards Ceremony – The Deputy Minister hosts an Awards ceremony on the final day of the summit to acknowledge excellence in teaching and learning on issues of water and climate change.  Winners of the Various Competitions like BLM and Youth Debate receive prizes and certificates of excellence from the Minister 19

20 Youth Summit 2012 25-30 June 2012 Durban South Africa 20

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