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Getting Started with Facebook Without Sharing Pictures Of What You Had For Lunch.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Started with Facebook Without Sharing Pictures Of What You Had For Lunch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Started with Facebook Without Sharing Pictures Of What You Had For Lunch.

2 Today’s Agenda Why use Facebook? How to properly structure your Facebook Campaign Setting up our accounts Where do you get content from? How do you effectively monitor your Facebook account?

3 Our Customers Are Social




7 Why is Facebook Important Generate New Leads Network with Referral Partners for stronger relationships and more Referrals Close more of your existing prospects Generate more client referrals Establish more repeat business Creating stronger long term relationships

8 Big Business Has Caught On To Social Marketing 66% of companies on the Fortune 500 are now on Facebook. 8% growth last year

9 Your Customers Are Using Social Media

10 In A Really Big Way

11 What Does This Mean? Over Half of Your Customers Can Refer Your Business To Their Friends Using Facebook! What Does This Look Like? You do 1 deal a week = 4 deals a month In 1 Year you have access to 48 Testimonials Each Referral You Get Is Directly Delivered to an Average of 190 People that Know, Like and Trust the SOURCE of the Referral Lets say only 50% refer you on Facebook What is your “Social Referral Base?”

12 One Of The Massive Benefits Of Social Media 24 Testimonials 150 friends per Testimonial 3,600 Online Referrals for your business.

13 Our Market Has Shifted From Push To Pull

14 The Massive Tipping Point Our culture, for the first time ever in human history, can access local personal reviews from people they know, at the exact time they are making their purchase.

15 In Today’s Digital World We Need To Be Selling Socially! Creating a Strong Community around your brand Your strong connection and accessibility helps you close more Leads into Loans Bonding with your audience turning leads into prospect and then fans Fostering Learning and Answering Questions Educating and Engaging your prospects and customers

16 How Do You Structure Your Account? Personal Facebook Page - For your friends. Facebook Business Page - For your Customers Lead Generation Business Pages - For your Leads, Prospects and Referral Sources

17 Personal Facebook Page

18 Business Facebook Page

19 Lead Generation Facebook Page

20 The Mortgage Mountain

21 The New Sales Funnel Our Customers are 2 to 3 months away from closing! How do we keep them close and make sure they don’t shop rates or look for help elsewhere?

22 The Mortgage Mountain

23 Let’s Get Started! Building your Facebook Presence

24 Facebook Personal Account Getting started

25 Getting Started DO NOT Find Your Friends

26 Profile Information Create Your Profile Information Share what you are comfortable with. Leave the rest.

27 Create or Upload Your Profile Photo

28 Verify Your Account Check Your Email and Click the Link

29 Set The Ever Important Privacy Settings

30 Privacy Settings

31 Managing Your Personal Database It’s Brainstorming Time! Real Friends and FamilyThese remain your Friends on Facebook Acquaintances Custom Lists Colleagues Lenders and BDM’s Referral Partners - Realtors, Lawyers, Appraisers, Financial Planners, Coaches and Trainers Wish List Employees

32 Creating Your Custom Lists

33 Creating Your Custom List

34 Custom Lists Name Your List and Describe Your Members

35 Custom Lists Now Rinse and Repeat For Each List That You Are Going To Target


37 Now You Can Give The Right Message To The Right Market At The Right Time!

38 Posting Links


40 What Is The Like? When you “Like” Something That Company / Persons updates will now show up in your news feed.

41 Let’s Start To “Like” Some Pages

42 Finding Shareable Content

43 How To Share With Your Followers Anytime you see interesting content on Facebook you can Share it.

44 Time To Start Building Your Profile Facebook Cover Image

45 Facebook Image Sizes Profile Photo Size

46 Facebook Images Use your own photos Powerpoint Slides

47 Your Personal Profile Is Now Complete! Adding your database

48 What do I post? Photos Interesting Funny Infographics

49 What Do I Post? Fill in the blanks and questions

50 What Do I Post? Questions

51 What Do I Post? Quotes Funny Motivational Puzzling


53 What Do I Post Testimonials! Stories of Transformation Deal Scenarios Did you know... The benefits of using a Mortgage Broker

54 Seriously. This Works. You Just Have To Do It.

55 Q & A How often should I post? How can I best integrate social media into my daily routine? What is the best app to use to manage all my social media to make it less time consuming? How do I keep my personal social media separate from my business?

56 Facebook Business Page Allow you to be 100% business Gives you access to run ads in your local market Gives you access to insights Allows you to create “Tabs” for direct lead generation Let’s you schedule content to be delivered Shows up in search for your keywords



















75 I would like to take this opportunity to offer to help you succeed with your online marketing. My team and I would love to help you build and manage these marketing systems for your business. Request a free15 Minute Telephone Marketing Consultation with Chris Johnstone by emailing In just 15 minutes we will analyze your existing marketing, identify the greatest growth opportunity for you and then set a plan to get you there. If one of my done for you services will help, great! If not, that’s totally ok... Just expect me to ask you for a referral. To Your Success, Chris Johstone Feeling overwhelmed? P.S - Don’t forget to share this with your friends. We’re all in this together.

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