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Welcome MATH PARENT NIGHT SEPTEMBER 2015. MATH PRACTICES 1.Make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome MATH PARENT NIGHT SEPTEMBER 2015. MATH PRACTICES 1.Make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively."— Presentation transcript:


2 MATH PRACTICES 1.Make sense of the problems and persevere in solving them 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 4.Model with mathematics 5.Use appropriate tools strategically 6.Attend to precision 7.Look for and make use of structure 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

3 What Does A Typical Day Look Like?


5 Team Work In this math class, your child will utilize the knowledge of team members to solve multi-step problems. We will complete tasks together as a class, as teams, and individuals. Participation is required to be successful!

6 Canvas  We utilize Canvas for bell work, classwork, discussion, quizzes, and tests.  The organization of Canvas will help prepare your child for the State Assessment in May.  Use your child’s computer log-in information to enter Canvas.

7 Teacher CPSD Webpage  Our webpages have the following information posted. Please visit the website if you have any questions.  Class calendar of events  Homework assignments  Upcoming classwork assignments  Helpful links/information *Please be mindful that items mentioned in class have precedence over what is posted on the webpage.

8 Non-profit organization that began as a grant- funded mathematics project in 1989 Contains programs for 6 th through 12 th graders Currently used in 35 states Naturally integrates CCRS throughout Mastery overtime We will use the Core Connections series (2013) CPM- College Preparatory Mathematics

9 Information (mobile friendly site) Students are engaged in problem-based lessons structured around a core idea. Guided by a knowledgeable teacher, students will interact in groups to foster mathematical discourse. Student might say, “I don’t get it.” Teacher responds with “What is the problem asking you to do?” or “Describe what you have already tried.” Questioning techniques assist in understanding while also holding them accountable for their thinking process.

10 Locating the Textbook Your child was given a specific class period log in. This will take you directly to the 6 th grade material. If you have trouble accessing your log in information from home use and click on textbooks at the top and then CC1 (6 th grade) The direct website has a limited amount of materials you can access without a log in.

11 Understanding the Textbook The left menu bar contains the chapters and in each chapter are the sections and lessons. The question numbers contain the chapter first and then the number problem. (chapter 1 number 34). Each lesson begins with an “Essental Question.” Homework is called ‘Review & Preview’ and is graded for completion unless noted otherwise. Additional resources are located under the Reference tab. Click on “Student Support.”

12 Reference Tabs  Below Chapter 9 you will find additional information.  Checkpoints: information to check for understanding  Glossary: Definitions of terms  Index: Contains direct page links to click on  Standards: Give the Common Core Standards  Student Support: E-tools, homework help, learning logs, math notes, parent guide, resource pages, toolkits

13 Get additional notes and practice. You can download practice worksheets that are specific to skills. Parent Guide

14 Thank You So Much For Coming! If you have questions that we didn’t cover tonight, please call the school counselor, Ms. Karl, to schedule a conference or email your child’s teacher.  Mrs. Gibbs  Ms.  Ms.  Mrs.  Ms.

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